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give me everything



Give Me Everything

Ne-Yo. Afrojack,Nayer,Pitbull

Me not working hard?

Yea right picture that with a kodak

And better yet, go to times square

Take a picture of me with a kodak

Took my life from negative to positive

And I just want y'all know that

And tonight, let's enjoy life

Pitbull, Nayer, Ne-Yo

Tonight I will love love you tonight

Give me everything tonight

For all we know we might not get tomorrow

Let's do it tonight

Don’t care what they say

All the games they play

Nothing is enough

Till they handle love (Lets do it tonight)

I want you tonight, I want you today

I want you tonight

Grab somebody sexy tell ‘em hey

Give me everything tonight

Give me everything tonight

Give me everything tonight

Give me everything tonight

Get busy tonight

Cuz to more and more to do bad before and for Prius

Desperate tonight

I can make you my queen

And make love to you eanless

This is insane, the way the name growin’, money keep flowin’

Hustlers move aside, so I’m tiptoein, keep flowin’

I gotta locked up like Lindsay Lohan

Put it on my life baby

I can make you feel right baby

I can’t promise tomorrow

But I promise tonight


Excuse me

But I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight

And I might take you home with me if I could tonight

And I think you should let me cause I look good tonight

And we might not get tomorrow

Tonight I will love love you tonight

Give me everything tonight

For all we know we might not get tomorrow

Lets do it tonight

Don’t care what they say

All the games they play

Nothing is enough

Till they handle love (Lets do it tonight)

I want you tonight, I want you today

I want you tonight

Grab somebody sexy tell ‘em hey

Give me everything tonight

Give me everything tonight

Give me everything tonight

Give me everything tonight

Reach for the stars

And if you don’t grab em, at least you’re on top of the world

Think about it

Cuz if you slip I’m gonna fall on top of you girl

Put on ‘em ball when they sleep at the Macy’s

And it ain’t no secret

My granny’s from Cuba but I’m an American

Tied over money like Seacrest

Put it on my life baby

I can make you feel right baby

I can’t promise tomorrow

But I promise tonight


Excuse me

But I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight

And I might take you home with me if I could tonight

And I think you should let me cause I look good tonight

And we might not get tomorrow

Tonight I will love love you tonight

Give me everything tonight

For all we know we might not get tomorrow

Let's do it tonight

Don’t care what they say

All the games they play

Nothing is enough

Till they handle love (Lets do it tonight)

I want you tonight, I want you today

I want you tonight

Grab somebody sexy tell ‘em hey

Give me everything tonight

Give me everything tonight

Give me everything tonight

Give me everything tonight

Excuse me

But I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight

And I might take you home with me if I could tonight

And I think you should let me cause I look good tonight

And we might not get tomorrow

our song

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