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       It's amazing that "The Hurt Locker" won best picture at the Oscarsdespite having three strikes against it. "The Hurt Locker" didn'tfeature A-list stars. It wasn't successful at the box office. Andmaybe, worst of all: it was about the Mideast war, a topic usuallycursed at the Academy Awards.

  So how did it pull off this Oscar miracle?


  So how did it pull off this Oscar miracle?


For starters, "The Hurt Locker"had some high-caliber oomph behind it. It was distributed by Summit, astudio with bold leaders who had deep pockets and something to prove.Flush with money from the "Twilight" movies, Summit wanted to be takenseriously as an artistic player in Hollywood.

  早先,顶峰娱乐聘请了Cynthia Swartz以及她所在公关公司42 west旗下一班颇具奥斯卡营销经验的员工踏上征程。Swartz是这方面的行家里手,先后在《芝加哥》(当年在米拉麦克斯与哈维.韦恩斯坦共事时也战果累累)、《撞车》、《老无所依》等影片“申奥”战中扮演重要的角色。

Early on, Summit hired Cynthia Swartz and her Oscar soldiers at 42Westto head up its academy campaign. Swartz had been a key player in thepast blitzkriegs behind "Chicago" (and other Miramax flicks when shewas still a commander in Harvey Weinstein's army), "Crash" and "No Country for Old Men" and other successful award champs.

  Swartz总是希望接受高难度的挑战。几年前,她选择了一部风格另类,关于嘻哈音乐的电影《川流熙攘》(Hustle & Flow),试图挑战学院派的那些古板偏见。最终她得偿所愿,为泰伦斯.霍华德(Terence Howard)争得了一次最佳男演员提名,同时也斩获了最佳歌曲的小金人(It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp)。

Swartz likes to take on daredevil challenges. A few years ago, forexample, she adopted a gritty, hip-hop film called "Hustle & Flow"just to see if she could ram it past the academy's fuddy-duddy bias.Bingo. She ended up nabbing a best-actor nomination for Terence Howard and reaped a win for best song ("It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp").


The initial groundswell of support for "TheHurt Locker" came from a pure, heroic source: the film critics. Ithadn't fared well on the awards front at first. It competed last yearat the Indie Spirits, for example, and only reaped nominations foractors Jeremy Renner and Anthony Mackie. Nothing for picture, director or screenplay.


But when "The Hurt Locker" entered this year's derby, things weredifferent. It gathered momentum quickly, launching a bandwagon that washard to stop. The Indie Spirits' rival award, the Gotham, named it bestpicture. It swept the film critics' trifecta: Los Angeles, New York andNational Society. Those are critics' groups comprised of mostlyprint-based, cynical, gritty journalists who are renowned for pickingquirky stuff like "Mulholland Drive" that doesn't break through intothe Oscars. Then "The Hurt Locker" won best picture from the Critics'Choice Awards. That was odd because it's a prize bestowed by members ofthe Broadcast Film Critics Assn. They're largely part of the junketpress just like Golden Globe voters. Both groups tend to be similar intaste to Oscar voters.


The Golden Globes picked "Avatar," but that wasn't too strange:they've been out of sync with Oscar voters four out of the past fiveyears. Then something extraordinary occurred. "The Hurt Locker" wonlaurels from the directors' and producers' guilds, which usuallypredict what wins best picture at the Oscars. Think about it: theproducers — people in charge of generating profit — endorsed afinancially unsuccessful movie. That meant that "The Hurt Locker" hadnot only crossed over from the film critics to the film industry, butthat it landed with nuclear force.

  当《拆弹部队》杀入奥斯卡,显然它定能抓住机会最终获胜。他与《阿凡达》平分秋色,各获九项提名,其后是《无量杂种》(Inglourious Basterds)获得了八项提名。

As "The Hurt Locker" headed into the Academy Awards, it was clearthat it could beat the odds and actually win. When nominations cameout, "The Hurt Locker" and "Avatar" tied for the most: nine. Rightbehind, with eight, was "Inglourious Basterds."


"The Hurt Locker" positioned itself as little David battling Goliath("Avatar"), a shrewd move since everybody always roots for the littleguy. In this case, though, it wasn't a guy. Its filmmaker was a sexygal, Kathryn Bigelow, who just so happened to be the ex-wife of Goliath – "Avatar's" James Cameron.What irresistible drama! Even better, if Oscar voters picked sexy TeamBigelow to endorse, they got a bonus. They got to make history bygiving the Oscar for best director to a woman for the first time — abreakthrough long overdue.

  回溯历史我们也会发现,《阿凡达》毫无胜算。从来没有科幻电影成为奥斯卡最佳影片,仅有《星球大战》与《E.T.》获得过提名。《无良杂种》似乎又有机会从两者之间虎口夺食。之前《无良杂种》曾笑傲美国演员工会奖,而这个曾两次命中奥斯卡最佳影片——《撞车》(Crash)、《莎翁情史》(Shakespeare in Love)。如果哈维.韦恩斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)能早点放弃《九》(Nine)转而跃上这匹“杂种”马,说不定还能骑向胜利。也只有《无良杂种》你能阻挡《拆弹部队》的步伐。

Looking back, maybe "Avatar" never had a realistic chance of beating"The Hurt Locker." No sci-fi movie has ever won best picture. Only twoever got nominated: "Star Wars" and "E.T." "Basterds" had a realisticchance of sneaking by them both considering it won best ensemble at theSAG Awards, a prize that's tattled twice before on Oscar best-pictureupsets in the works: "Crash" and "Shakespeare in Love." But its pushcame too late. If only Harvey Weinstein had given up on "Nine" andjumped aboard his "Basterds" horse earlier, he might have ridden it tovictory. Looking back, I think "Basterds" was the only film thatcould've stopped the "Hurt Locker" bandwagon.


Summit hasn't revealed how much it spent on its academy campaign,but a source close to the film insists that it was modest. An Oscarcampaigner behind a rival film up for best picture (not "Avatar")scoffs at that claim. Some Oscar-watchers believe that 20th Century Foxspent the most of all Oscar campaigns this year on behalf of "Avatar,"but that's hard to establish. "Avatar" was released at Oscar time. Itsexpenditures for an awards blitz were inter-mingled with regular PR,advertising and marketing.


Even if "Avatar" did spend the most, it couldn't stop the "HurtLocker" juggernaut. Nothing could, not even a few suicide bombs set offby "The Hurt Locker" troop themselves. The movie that started out withthree Oscar strikes against it ended up having three more near the endof the derby: accusations that it wasn't accurate, accusations that itwas too accurate (an army sergeant claims the movie ripped off his ownstory) and the embarrassment of its producer being banned from theOscars ceremony because he broke campaign rules with offensive emails.Together, they added up to a serious plot complication -- another twistthat looked like it had been ripped from a Hollywood movie just likethe whole setup of an ex-husband and wife squaring off with David vs.Goliath movies in the Oscars coliseum.


In the end, the best-picture Oscar victory of "The Hurt Locker" ismore than just a great thing for Summit. It's good for the Oscarsbecause it was championed all through derby season by film critics whobelieved strongly in its quality and only had the most noble of motives.


But why did all of these awards, including the Oscars, agree on thisMideast war movie after previously pooh-poohing others like "In theValley of Elah" and "Jarhead"? Probably because "The Hurt Locker"doesn't force viewers to make a political judgment about the war.Instead, it forces viewers to experience first hand the terror andhorror of what it's like to live in a sun-baked hell where everythingcould, literally, blow up in your face at any moment.


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