Water From a Stone to Refresh Your Plants
Watering plants is a chore normally left to neighbors or colleagues when the plant owner is away. But now it can be done by Water from a Stone, a handblown glass container from which water seeps through a tiny hole. Place the stone in a pot or planter, and it will dribble refreshment for three to four days.
主人不在家时,像给植物浇水这类麻烦事,通常都会拜托邻居或同事来帮忙。但现在,这项任务就交给“石头里的水”(Water from a Stone)完成吧。这是一只手工吹制的玻璃器皿,水可以从它上面的一个小洞渗出来。把这块“石头”放在花盆或其它花器里,它就会持续滴灌,可为植物提供三到四天的给养。
The stone was dreamed up by Casey Schneider, a 27-year-old industrial designer, when he was studying at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Required to design a domestic vessel in glass, he imagined “something that incorporated plants, was beautiful and that did not distract from the plants,” he said. A prototype found its way to Kikkerland Design, a home accessories company, which introduced it this month. A set of two stones is $13. Information: kikkerland.com.
这块“石头”,是由27岁的工业设计师凯西·施耐德(Casey Schneider)在罗切斯特理工学院(Rochester Institute of Technology)上学期间创造出来的。当时他被要求设计一款家用玻璃器皿,于是构想了“某种与植物在一起能产生协调美感,而不会分散掉植物自身美感的东西”,他说。家居用品公司Kikkerland Design接纳了他的设计雏形,并于本月(2013年7月——译注)将之推广。一组有两块“石头”,定价13美元(约合人民币82元)。