9. Hold your stomach in 收腹运动
This is easy exercise if you're feeling lazy. Just holding your stomach in when you're walking or waiting for the bus can help tone your belly.
10. Could it just be bloating? 如果仅仅是充满气泡
If it is, then there are loads of things you can do to get a slimmer waist, almost overnight. Swap fizzy drinks for still drinks, chew slowly and take pre and pro biotic supplements, which will increase your good gut bacteria and lessen the bloating.
如果是这样,那就有大把的方法可以用来保持一个更加纤细的腰肢,甚至在夜晚也能奏效。碳酸饮料换成白开水,慢慢咀嚼,服用pre and pro 生物产品,这样就可以有效改善您的大肠菌群,从而减少腹内胀气。