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NO BOOK英语口语极短句下p7 #2

所属教程:NO BOOK英语口语极短句



Lesson 334 Your pulse is regular.
1.Your pulse is regular.您的脉搏正常。
2.I have a regular diet.我的饮食是有规律。
3.I'm not a regular lawyer.我不是正式的律师。
4.He has no regular work.他没有正式的工作。
5.It's my regular work.这是我日常的工作。
Lesson 335 Did you catch my idea?
1.Did you catch my idea?听明白我的意见了吗?
2.I don't catch your meaning.我没理解你的意思。
3.Will the disease catch?这病传染吗?
4.I've caught a cold.我感冒了。
5.I'll catch up with you.我会赶上你们的。
Lesson 336 Time is very precious.
1.Time is very precious.时间是非常宝贵的。
2.Each life is precious.生命都是非常宝贵的。
3.It's a precious diamond.这是珍贵的宝石。
4.This is my precious car.这是我的宝贝汽车。
5.You're very precious to me.你在我心中占有着重要的地位。
Lesson 337 My house faces the park.
1.My house faces the park.我的房子面向公园。
2.Face up to th ereality!面对现实吧!
3.Face up to the difficulties!你要面对困难。
4.Go and wash your face!去洗洗你的脸!
5.You must face up to life.你要敢于面对生活。
Lesson 338 Just for exmple.
1.Just for example.只是做个例子。
2.Take it for example,please.请以此为例。
3.Please give an example.请举个例子。
4.It's good example.这是个好例子。
5.There're many examples.有很多实例。
Lesson 339 It's private.
1.It's private.这是保密的。
2.It's private party.这是一次私人聚会。
3.It's a private conversation.这是私人间的谈话。
4.It's private school.这是私立学校。
5.Let's talk in private.咱们私下谈谈吧。
Lesson 340 No sweat!
1.No sweat!没问题。
2.Oh,no sweat!哦,没什么!
3.It's a real sweat.这可是件苦差事啊。
4.You wil sweat over it.你会后悔的。
5.It's not worth the sweat.不值得费那个力气。
Lesson 341 Let's save his face.
1.Let's save his face.给他留点面子吧。
2.God save me!天哪!
3.I'd better save my breath.我最好保持沉默。
4.Save some for tomorrow.留些明天吃吧。
5.Save some for me!给我留点!
Lesson 342 He lost his temper.
1.He lost his temper.他发脾气了。
2.He has a short temper.他脾气很暴躁。
3.She has a calm temper.她性情很平各。
4.Learn to control your temper.你要学会控制自己的脾气。
5.She's in a good temper.她心情很好。
Lesson 343 It's a shame!
1.It's a shame!真是可耻。
2.Shame on you!你真丢人。
3.Have you no shame?你难道不知道羞耻吗?
4.What a shame!真不像话。
5.You should feel shameful.你应该感到羞愧。
Lesson 344 Can I drive you home?
1.Can I drive you home?我开车送你回家好吗?
2.Drive wit hcaution!小心点开车!
3.Can you drive a car?你会开车吗?
4.This car drives well.这部车子好开。
5.Let's go for a drive1咱们开车去兜兜风吧!
Lesson 345 Everything is possible.
1.Everything is possible.任何事都可能发生。
2.It's possilbe.这是有可能的。
3.I'll help you if possible.可能的话,我会帮你。
4.Come as quickly as possible.尽可能快点来。
5.Leave as early as possible.尽可能早点走。
Lesson 346 It's impossible.
1.It's impossible.那是不可能的。
2.It's impossible for me.对我来说这是不可能的。
3.Nothing is impossible.没有不可能的事。
4.It's an impossible story.这不可能是真事。
5.Absolutely impossible!绝对不可能!
Lesson 347 It's obvious.
1.It's obvious.这很明显。
2.It's obvious to everyone.大家都清楚这一点。
3.It's the obvious answer.这是明摆着的出路。
4.His nervousness is obvous.他显然十分紧张。
5.Obviously.she needs help.很显然她需要帮助。
Lesson 348 Don't bother me!
1.Don't bother me1别打扰我!
2.Don't bother about it.别为这事操心了。
3.Sorry to bother you.不好意思,我要打搅你一下。
4.Sorry to have bothered you.不好意思,打扰你了。
5.What's bothering you?什么困扰着你?
Lesson 349 I really regret it.
1.I really regret it.我真的非常后悔。
2.I regret doing it.我很后悔做了这件事。
3.I have no regrets.我丝毫也不后悔。
4.You'll regret it.你会后悔的。
5.I regret what I said.我后悔不该说那些话。
Lesson 350 I can't handle it.
1.I can't handle it.我没办法对付这件事。
2.I can't handle this alone.我无法单独处理这件事。
3.I can't handle the children.我管不住孩子们。
4.How to handle it?怎么操作呢?
5.This car handles well.这车开起来很灵便。
Lesson 351 I'll treat you.
1.I'll treat you.我请你。
2.I'll treat you to dinner.我请你吃饭。
3.It's my treat!我请客!
4.It's my treat this time!这次我请客!
5.Don't treat me as an idiot!别把我当傻瓜。
Lesson 352 It's very urgent.
1.It's very urgent.情况十分紧急。
2.Is it urgent?你问他:急吗?
3.It's an urgent case.这属紧急情况。
4.It's an urgent cry for help!这是紧急呼救!
5.It's urgent tha twe should operate!咱们立即行动起来吧。
Lesson 353 I feel awful.
1.I feel awful.我难受极了。
2.It's an awful accident!好可怕的事故!
3.Oh,how awful!噢,太糟糕了。
4.What an awful day!真是糟糕的一天。
5.He's awfully sick.他病得很厉害
Lesson 354 Is it useful?
1.Is it useful?有用吗?
2.It's very useful.这很有用。
3.It's very useful to me.这对我很有帮助。
4.He's a useful member.他是个很得力的队员。
5.Try to do something useful.试着去做点有益的事吧。
Lesson 355 I really have to go.
1.I really have to go.我真得走了。
2.I have to rush.我必须要赶时间。
3.I have to stay at home.我不得不呆在家里。
4.You don't have to do it.你不必一定做。
5.I have to go by bus.我不得不坐公车去。
Lesson 356 I'm improving.
1.I'm improving.我好多了。
2.My work is improving.我的工作渐有起色。
3.My health is improving.我的健康善正在好转。
4.I'll improve it.我会加以改进。
5.I want to improve my English.我想提高英语能力。
Lesson 357 I admire his courage.
1.I admire his courage.我佩服他的勇气。
2.I admire her bravery.我饮佩她的勇敢。
3.I admire him fo rhis success.我很钦佩他的成功。
4.We all admire him.我们都对他钦佩不已。
5.I admire his humor.我很钦佩他的幽默感。


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