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NO BOOK英语口语极短句下p5 #2

所属教程:NO BOOK英语口语极短句



Lesson 288 Are you still hesitating?
1.Are you still hesitating?你还是拿不定主意吗?
2.He hesitates at nothing.他作什么决定都毫不犹豫。
3.Don't hesitate any longer.别再犹豫不决了。
4.I hesitate to make a decision.我正犹豫着不愿作出决定。
5.I hesitate to tell him.我正犹豫着不愿告诉他。
Lesson 289 Another two days slipped by!
1.Another two days slipped by!又过了两天!
2.How time slips away!真是时不飞逝呀!
3.The years slipped by!岁月在不知不觉中逝去!
4.She has slipped badly recently.情况越来越糟。
5.I made a slip in spelling.我不留神拼错了。
Lesson 290 Can you prove!
1.Can yo prove it?你能证明吗?
2.How can you prove it?你怎么证明呢?
3 I prove it to you!我将向你证明这一点!
4.It will prove useful.以后会有用的。
5.The fact fill prove it.事实会证明的。
Lesson 291 What do you propose?
1.What do yo propose?你有什么建议?
2.I propose you go there.我建议你去那里。
3.I propose Susan for secretary.我建议让苏珊来做秘书。
4.I propose to go immediately.我建议马上去。
5.I propose an early start.我打算早早出发。
Lesson 292 It's an ideal place.
1.It's an ideal place.这是个理想的地方。
2.It's an ideal place for a date.这是个约会的好地方。
3.It's an ideal place for recreation.这是个休养的理想之地。
4.I haven't found my ideal.我还没有找到自己的理想。
5.He's ideal for me.他就是我理想的人
Lesson 293 I'm an ordinary man.
1.I'm an ordinary man.我是个平凡的人。
2.She's an ordinary girl.她是个很普通的女孩。
3.It's the most ordinary problem.这是最普遍的问题。
4.It's nothing out of the  ordinary.这没有什么不寻常的。
5.His speech was just ordinary.他在演讲和很一般。
Lesson 294 What's the price of it?
1.What's the price of it?这要多少钱?
2.What price are you asking?你要什么价钱?
3.The price is too hight.价格太高了。
4.Prices are rising.价格在上涨。
5.I'll buy it at any price.我将不惜任何买下它。
Lesson 295 I'm proud of you.
1.I'm proud of you.我为你骄傲。
2.I'm very proud of my son.我很为儿子自豪。
3.I'm pround of my success.我为取得成功而自豪。
4.I'm proud to know you.认识你我感到很荣幸。
5.He is as proud as a peacock.他很高傲。
Lesson 296 I won't say no.
1.I won't say no.我不反对。
2.Don't say that.别那样说。
3.Say what's on your mind.把你的想法说出来。
4.What do you say?你以为如何?
5.Say no more!不用再说了!
Lesson 297 That's a good buy.
1.That's a good buy.买得很合算。
2.It's a good time to buy.现在是买入的好时机。
3.Where did you buy it?在哪儿买的?
4.Let's me buy you a drink.我你喝一杯。
5.I must buy a new shirt.我得买件新衬衫。
Lesson 298 You're falattering me.
1.You're flattering me.你过奖了。
2.You're only flattering me.佻是在奉承我。
3.The portrait flatters her.这幅画像比他本人美。
4.He flattered himself that she liked him!他那是自作多情。
5.I'm flattered.我有引起受宠若惊。
Lesson 299 You're so charming.
1.You're so charming.你真迷人。
2.What a charming lady!多迷人的女人啊。
3.She has a lot of charm.她很有吸引力。
4.He has great charm.他很有魅力。
5.He charms everyone.他赢得了每个人的好感。
Lesson 300 He's in a bad mood.
1.He's in a bad mood.他情绪不太好。
2.She's in a terrible mood.她心情不太好。
3.You're in a merry mood.你心情挺愉快的嘛。
4.I'm in no mood for joking.我没心思开玩笑。
5.They're a happy mood.他们心情很愉快。
Lesson 301 Hold the line,please.
1.Hold the line,please.请别挂断。
2.Stay on the line,please.请别挂机。
3.The line is still busy.电话还是占线。
4.Sorry,the line is engaged now.对不起,电话在占线。
5.You have a call on Line 5.五号线有你的电话。
Lesson 302 What brings you here?
1.What brings you here?什么风把你吹来了?
2.Bring me the book,please.请把那本书带给我。
3.Bring your girlfriend with you.把你女朋友一起带来吧。
4.May I bring you home?我可以陪你回家吗?
5.Bring the children back.把孩子们接回来吧。
Lesson 303 That will never do.
1.That will never do.那绝不行。
2.I've never been there.我从没去过那儿。
3.Never fear!别担心。
4.He never has anything to do.他一向无所事事。
5.Never mind.不要紧。
Lesson 304 Can't complain.
1.Can't complain.一切都好。
2.You're always complaining.你总是发牢骚。
3.Oh,I can't complain.真是好得没话说。
4.Don't complain any more!别再抱怨了!
5.All of us are complaining.大家都在抱怨。
Lesson 305 Make yourself comfortable!
1.Make yourself comfortable!别客气啊!
2.Please make yourself comfortable!请不要客气!
3.I'm comfortable.我感觉良好。
4.We're very comfortable.我们感觉很舒适。
5.It's a comfortable bed.这是张舒适的床。
Lesson 306 Can I have a drink?
1.Can I have drink?我能来杯饮料吗?
2.Would you like a drink of water?你想喝点水吗?
3.Let's have another drink!咱们再喝一杯!
4.Don't drink and drive.千万别酒后开车。
5.Sorry,I never drink/不好意思,我滴酒不沾。
Lesson 307 Let me expleain!
1.Let me expleain!让我解释一下!
2.Explain why.你解释一下原因。
3.Can yo explain ti?请说明一下该如何做。
4.Can you explain it?你能解释一下吗?
5.Can you explain why you were late?能解释一下为什么迟到吗?
Lesson 308 It makes me mad!
1.It makes me mad!我很生气!
2.You must  be mad!你一定是疯了!
3.Don't get mad at me!别对我发脾气。
4.You're quite mad.你真是疯了。
5.It's mad plan.这是相极为冒险的方案。
Lesson 309 We both want to go.
1.We both want to go.我们俩都想去。
2.Both of them are good.他们俩都很好。
3.Both of them are young.他们两个都很年轻。
4.My parents are both teachers.我父母教是教师。
5 They both like popular songs.他们俩都喜欢流行歌曲。
Lesson 310 It's rather a pity:
1.It's rather a pity.这真是太令人惋惜了。
2.It's rather cold today.今天确实很冷。
3.It's a rather good film.这确实是一部好电影。
4.You did rather badly.你确实做得太差劲了。
5.You're done rather well.你做得相当不错。


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