【Dialogue 1】
A: How do you do, Mr. Wilson? This is Lin Li. I'mcalling to thank you for the wonderful dinner wehad yesterday. I enjoyed it very much.
B: You're welcome. I'd like you to join us for dinneragain sometime.
A: Thank you, Mr. Wilson. I'm returning to Chinatoday.
B: Today?
A: Yes. I appreciate all help and in particular, all thetime that you've spent on my account during mystay here.
B: Don't mention it, Miss Lin. You did an excellentjob for strengthening business relationship betweenour two companies. I'm pleased to help you.
A: If there's anything that 1 can help you in the future,please let me know.
【Dialogue 2】
A: Hello, could I speak to Mr. Bill Eden, SalesManager?
B: This is Eden speaking.
A: Oh, hello, Mr. Eden. This is Zhang Hua callingfrom Washington.
B: Oh, hello, Miss Zhang. How are you?
A: Fine, thanks and how are you, Mr. Eden? We'releaving Washington for China tomorrow. I justwant to thank you again for everything you havedone for us.
B: Don't mention it. I do hope that you and your friendshave had a happy stay in our country, and will comeback to America some day in the future. Please give my best wishes to all my friends in China.
A: I'm sure we will have occasion to meet again. Bye.
B: And thanks for calling me, Bye. Have a safejourney home.
1. I'm calling to thank you for the wonderful dinner we had yesterday.我打电话向你致谢,感谢你昨晚为我们准备的丰盛晚餐。
2. You're welcome. I'd like you to join us for dinner again sometime.不用客气。我希望有时间你能再同我们共进晚餐。
3. If there's anything that I can help you in the future, please let me know.如果将来有什么能帮得上忙的,请告诉我一声。
3. I'm sure we will have occasion to meet again. Bye.我相信我们还会有机会相见的。再见。
5. And thanks for calling me, Bye. Have a safe journey home.谢谢你给我打电话,再见。祝你平安到家。
6. I'm glad I could be of some assistance. Let me know if you have any more questions later.我很高兴能够帮助你,如果你以后还有什么问题,尽管跟我说。
7. If there's ever anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know.如果你有什么需要我帮忙的,一定要告诉我一声。
8. I'm most grateful.非常感谢。