1 异性相吸
2 The feeling is mutual.
2 有同感
3 the calm before the storm
3 暴风雨前的宁静
4 The early bird catches the worm
4 早起的鸟儿有虫吃
5 Better left unsaid.
5 最好还是不要说
6 Tomorrow is another day.
6 明天又是崭新的一天
7 come out in the wash
7 真相大白;得到圆满的结果
8 Every dog has his day.
8 十年风水轮流转
9 bury the hatchet
9 言归于好;和好
10 A good man is hard to find.
10 好人难找
11 in the nick of time
11 及时
12 Don't speak too soon.
12 别说的太早
13 There's no such thing as a free lunch.
13 天下没有免费的午餐
14 without batting an eyelid
14 眼睛眨都不眨;泰然自若
15 know the ropes
15 知道学习规则或内容
16 pay through the nose
16 花很多钱
17 sell like hot cakes
17 很畅销
18 What's done is done.
18 做了就做了
19 Look before you leap.
19 三思而后行
20 When the chips are down.
20 在重要关头;到了关键时刻
21 bet one's bottom dollar
21 确信无疑
22 Variety is the spice of life.
22 多样化丰富生活
23 a wolf in sheep's clothing
23 披着羊皮的狼
24 Haste makes waste.
24 欲速则不达
25 like a bull in a china shop
25 笨手笨脚;莽撞行事