1.念错名大惨案John Travolta introducing ‘Adele Dazeem’
We’ll never not cry watching movie legend John stumble over –sorry, TOTALLY MISPRONOUNCE –Idina Menzel‘s name prior to her performance of Let It Go from Frozen in 2014. OH JOHN.
我相信不管是谁,每次看到这一幕都会笑哭吧:约翰屈伏塔,在伊蒂娜门泽尔上台唱let it go之前,结结巴巴的-哦不好意思,是完全一点不沾边的念错了-她的名字。天辣噜哦John。
这位老戏骨可以说是很自由发挥了-Adele Dazeem到底是何方神圣?到现在也还是个谜。
2.吃人现场!Adrien Brody snogging the face off Halle Berry
Adrien was just a tad excited when he won Best Actor for The Pianist in 2003 –and Halle Berry‘s lips got the full force of his joy. Lucky lady!
3. 颁奖算个屁,吃饱最重要Morgan Freeman eating cookies –and leaving
The 2016 Academy Awards were one of the longest ceremonies ever – guests were in the audience for nearly four hours! So at the end of last year’s event, host Chris Rock rewarded some of the patient celebs with some cookies – because even Hollywood stars get hungry, y’know.
However, Morgan Freeman was one more keen than others, as after grabbing himself a couple of biccies, he stuffed them straight into his mouth…and walked out. Epic, and legendary.
4. 一起蹦迪!Meryl Streep and Pharrell’s shoulder shimmy
Giving us just another reason why we’d like Meryl to be our showbiz mum, the iconic actress was totally taken by the rhythm of Pharrell‘s song Happy during the 2014 awards. Amazing.
5. 经典摔跤现场Jennifer Lawrence’s embarrassing fall
The world collectively let out a gasp when Jennifer took a tumble on the stairs as she went up to collect her Best Actress gong for Silver Linings Playbook. But at least she was wearing a gorgeous Dior gown at the time.
6. 嫩草撩老牛,表情包大表姐又上线 Jack Nicholson hitting on Jennifer Lawrence
Yep, J-Law makes it onto our list twice – and from the same night no less! During a TV interview following her win, Jen was interrupted by legendary Hollywood ladies’ man Jack Nicholson, who congratulated her on her win.
He then told her ‘You look like an old girlfriend,’to which witty Jen replied, ‘Do I look like your new girlfriend?’ ‘I thought about it,’Jack replied, prompting a PRICELESS face from Jennifer.
7. 尴尬到想跳楼Stacey Dash’s AWKWARD fail
Less hilarious, more bury-yourself-in-soil-and-bask-in-the-awkward, Stacey Dash‘s appearance at the 2016 ceremony was an odd moment.
The Clueless actress is now more known for her ultra-conservative views, including opposing Black History Month (which falls in February in the States). And during the #OscarsSoWhite controversy of last year, the producers thought it’d be a good idea to bring her out to wish everyone a ‘Happy Black History Month’…
…no, we didn’t get it either. And nor did the audience, meaning she was left to awkwardly giggle to herself until they moved on.
这位出演过《独领风骚》的黑人女星,如今却因其极端保守的政治言论火了一把,其中就包括反对黑人历史月(也就是美国每年的2月份)。然而就在去年#奥斯卡白得发亮 这一具有争议的话题正吵得火热时,奥斯卡的制作方显然觉得把这位支持者请上台并就她所反对的黑人节日送上祝词是一件很英明的事……不不不,我们真的也跟你们一样想不通,当时在场的观众更是蒙圈了,这意味着她在台上发言后也只能自己一个人在寂静无声的会场里咯咯傻笑,直到下一个环节开始。
Stacey Dash这场够哭一年的。
8. 历史性大合照Ellen DeGeneres’star-studded selfie
Host Ellen essentially created the celeb-packed pile-on when she tried to break the world record for most retweets with her Oscars 2014 selfie. She succeeded – and gifted us this magic moment. Look at Suicide Squad star Jared Leto sneaking in from stage left!