由上图可看出,《三生三世十里桃花》的英文译名:To the Sky Kingdom
When the immortal Bai Qian(白浅) finally meets her intended husband,the heir to the Sky Throne(九重天太子),she consider herself in luck——until an old enermy returns to threaten everything she holds dear……
Spanning a thousand years of tangled lives,To the Sky Kingdom is a story of epic battles,passion,evil and magic.In its journey across worlds and time, it delveds into the powerful forces that drive mortals and gods alike toward revenge,loyalty and love.
a thousand years:千岁;千秋
tangled:纠缠的; 混乱的; 杂乱的; 紊乱的; 缠结, 乱作一团( tangle的过去式和过去分词 )
epic:史诗; 叙事诗; 史诗般的作品; 史诗般的,叙事诗的; 宏大的,壮丽的,英雄的; 壮丽的
mortals:凡人,人类( mortal的名词复数 ); 浊骨凡胎; 与之对应的immortals:永生的,不朽的,指的就是神仙了
gods:上帝; <非正>最高层楼座; 神( god的名词复数 );
In the lush spring of March,the radiant peach blossoms bloom,like rosy mists and blushing clouds.However many blossoms there are ,it is enough to have just one,to be cherished in one's heart.
《诗经》中《周南·桃夭》篇便有“桃之夭夭,灼灼其华”,“桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁”便是出自于此。而“rosy mists and blushing clouds”将烟烟霞霞(即玫瑰色的氤氲和绯红的云霞)描写得令人如亲临其境。
Halos of light rippled and splashed. In the acres of peach trees, pink blossoms bloomed, breathing out sweet perfume. Beneath the rosy clouds and scented mists stood the young man, all dressed in black, his eyebrows as dark as if painted with ink, the hair above his temples as sharply outlined as if cut with a knife.
Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms
This fated love of forever and a day—
Who has picked it up? Who has thrown it away?
Who has forgotten it all? Who yearns for it to stay?
Those days bygone and labyrinthine—
Who was the one that made the other sigh and pine?
Who was in the peach orchard, raising flowers divine?
His highness your father is my heart, my soul, my precious, my sweet. How would I not want him?
It is the season when peach trees come into full bloom. Over hills, over vales, acres of peach trees parade acres of peach blossoms, radiant and sweet.
为了丰富画面感,是明显的意译。“Over hills, over vales” 直译应是满山满谷,但是这样直译的话又显得太没有文学感觉了。所以便根据文本,丰富了“十里”的意象。“parade” 是“展览、招摇过市”的意思,此处用作动词,可以想见桃花在枝头烂开得漫甚至有些招摇的画面。“灼灼”在这里有“明亮”的意思,所以用了 “radiant”。而“Sweet”有“芳香”的意思。