Approaching end of motorway即将驶出高速。
Avoid the jams.避免交通堵塞。
Dangerous bend弯道危险
Diverted traffic交叉路口
Entry to motorway高速入口
Left junction左交叉口
Look left (right)向左(右)看。
Low bridge ahead前方桥低。
New hours of parking control停车控制新时段
No entry禁止驶人
No stopping at any time任何时间不准停车
No thoroughfare禁止通行
No trade or business vehicle unless authorized未经允许货车禁止通行。
Pedestrian crossing ahead注意前方人行横道。
Pedestrian crossing人行横道
Please drive carefully请小心驾驶。
Road closed此路封闭
Speed limit of 48kmh限速每小时48公里
The law requires you wear a seatbelt法规要求系安全带。
This vehicle stops frequently随时停车
二.汽车和停车Car and Parking
Car park front and rear.前后停车
Cars parked here without permission will be clamped未经允许在此停车将被拖走
Guest's car park来客停车场
Limited parking停车位有限
No parking constantly in use此处经常使用,禁止停车。
No parking except for loading.除装货外,禁止停车。
No parking in front of this gate门前禁止停车
No parking in use 24 hours a day此处24小时使用,禁止停车。
No parking or materials in front of doors门前不准停车或堆放杂物。
Parking for taxis only只准许出租停。
Parking permitted允许停车
Please do not park in front of the barrier请不要在护拦前停车。
Please do not park. Garage in use.车库使用,门前请不要停车。
Please ensure that you have paid and display请确保已买票并张贴。
Rent a car and go as you please租辆车想去哪就去哪。
Strictly no parking严禁停车
This is a pay and display car park此停车场自动交费并张贴票据。
VIP car park贵宾停车场
You will be required to leave a deposit when you pick up the car.
三.公共汽车和长途汽车Bus and Coach
Bus information公共汽车问讯处
Bus lane公共汽车道
Bus stand公共汽车停车处
Double deck buses双层公共汽车
End of bus lane公共汽车道结束
In case of fire, stay in vehicle如遇火警,请呆在车内。
Keep your belongings with you at all times随时照看好你的物品
The light indicates the door is not secured.指示灯亮显示门未关好。
These seats are meant for elderly and handicapped persons & women with child.老人,残疾人及抱小孩的妇女专座。
This coach is for holders of full fare.本长途汽车专为持全程票者乘坐。
When the bus is moving, do not speak to the driver汽车行使中,严禁与司机交谈。
With permission, but at owner's risk允许存放,但后果自负。
四.地铁和火车Tube and Train
After 21:00 hours access to London underground station. 21:00以后,开往伦敦地铁站。
Certain stations are closed on public holidays.假日某些车站关闭
From … to … route …从……到……途经……
Help us to keep the tube litter free请协助我们,保持地铁清洁卫生。
Luggage must not be put in the gateway行李不准放到过道上。
Mind the gap小心台阶间跨度
Not valid on certain trains.车票对某些列车无效
Peak hours only只限高峰时段
Please keep gateways clear请保持过道畅通。
Please retain your ticket for inspection请保留车票待检。
Single or return tickets only单程或往返程票
Stand clear of the door请不要站在门口。
The last train this evening will be the service to …今晚最后一列火车是到……
Ticket valid until 30 June 2003.车票有效期到2003年6月30日。
To ensure punctuality, this barrier may be closed up to one minute prior to departure of each train为确保准时发车,此门在发车前一分钟关闭。
Toilet engaged厕所有人
Train departure出站列车
Tube to …地铁开往…
Airport lounges机场休息室
Airports shuttle机场班车
Check in area (zone)办理登机区
Customers lounges旅客休息室
Departure airport离港时间
Departure times on reverse返航时间
Destination airport到达机场
Domestic flights.国内航班
Emergency exit安全出口
Exit to all routes各通道出口
Flight connections转机处
Help point (desk)问讯处
Left baggage行李寄存
Lost property失物招领
Luggage from flights到港行李
Luggage pick up取行李
Luggage reclaim取行李
Missing people help line走失求救热线
Missing, police appeal for assistance警察提供走失帮助。
No smoking except in designated area除指定区域外,禁止吸烟。
Nothing (something) to declare无(有)报关
Passport control入境检验
Please leave your luggage with you at all times请随身携带你的行李。
Queue here在此排队
Reclaim belt取行李传送带
Reserved seating预定的座位
Return fares往返票价
Short stay短暂停留
Stay close跟紧
Welcome aboard欢迎登机