某天,你跟一个老外朋友说起自己刚跟女友分手,现在很难过。就在此时,对方突然拍了拍你的肩膀对你说:“Don't worry about it man, girls like that are a dime a dozen!”你不解的盯着对方。你很难理解老外怎么会把你曾经深爱的女友说成只值一块二毛钱!
Actually “a dime a dozen” doesn’t mean anything even remotely close to what the individual words in the phrase implies. For native speakers of English, a dime a dozen simply means that something is common and easy to obtain. Because we cannot figure out the meaning by examining the phrase alone, “dime a dozen” is what we call an idiom. As a non-native speaker of English, the best way to understand idioms is to memorize their meanings from the standpoint of a native speaker. We’ve listed the 10 most common idioms in English and their actual meanings.
其实,“a dime a dozen”跟“一块二毛钱”没有半点关系。对于母语为英文的人来说,它指的是某事物多的很不值钱,想要得到它也不是很难(天涯何处无芳草)。由于单看字面意思我们很难明白其中的真正含义,”a dime a dozen”其实就是一句习语(和中文的成语一样),作为非英语母语人士,想要记住习语最好的办法就是站在native speaker的角度来理解记忆习语。下面我们就一起来看看英文中最常用、最有趣的几个习语:
1. A Piece of cake 小菜一碟
No, when someone says that the assignment they just finished was a piece of cake, it does not mean that their professor gave them a red velvet cupcake for their midterm paper, what a piece of cake actually means is that something is very easy to complete.
不,当某人说他们刚刚完成的任务就像一块蛋糕,那么它并不是说教授因为他们的期中考试成绩奖励他们一份红丝绒蛋糕,“a piece of cake”实际是指某事很简单很容易完成。
2. Costs an arm and a leg 花了我一大笔钱
It would be a strange world we lived in if buying that fancy shiny purse literally required us to chop off our body parts to give as tribute to the Louis Vuitton gods. When something costs an arm and a leg it actually means that something is very expensive.
3. Break a leg 祝你好运
Oh, look, another idiom about legs. You’re about to take your dreaded calculus final and before you head into your classroom your roommate texts you, “Break a Leg!” Why, you think in your head, would he ever wish that upon me? I thought we were cool with each other. Well, your roommate surely doesn’t want your bones to break while walking to your seat in the exam room that’s for sure. Break a leg actually means good luck!
哦,快看,又一个与腿有关的习语。你马上要参加你最害怕的微积分期末考试了,在你进入考场教室前你的室友给你发来了一条短信:”Break a Leg!” 什么,你在脑中暗暗的想,难道他希望我断胳膊断腿?我一直以为我们关系很好呢。那么,事实上你的室友并不是希望你在走入考场位置时摔断骨头,这是肯定的。Break a leg实际上就是“祝你好运”的意思!
4. Hit the books 用功读书
If you’re a student in an English speaking environment you’re probably going to be hearing this phrase a lot. Before you imagine students running into their campus library and punching, kicking and wrestling apart the complete works of Shakespeare, we would just like to say that hit the books actually means to study. There there, you can still punch books in your spare time if you want, we won’t judge you.
如果你是一个生活在英语环境下的学生,你肯定会经常听到这句话。当你脑子里在歪歪各种学生冲进校园图书馆拳打脚踢撕扯莎士比亚著作的画面时,我要告诉你hit the books实际上指的是去学习(用功)。当然当然,如果你想,你还是可以在闲暇时间猛捶你的书,我们不做评论。
5. Hit the nail on the head 恰到好处,一针见血
This idiom has to do with doing or saying something that is precisely right. If you don’t understand this, just think about that sweet feeling you get when you swing a hammer at a nail and hit it perfectly.
6. You can’t judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人
How many awesome books do you think you’ve never read in your life just because the cover did not catch your eye? This idiom does not only apply to books however, but can be used for everything in general. Essentially it means that you should not decide upon something based just on outward appearances.
7. Bite off more than you can chew 贪多嚼不烂,自不量力
Imagine your waiter brings you the biggest juiciest hamburger from your favorite American restaurant. In your hunger, you grab it quickly and take a giant bite out of it. Unfortunately, the bite you’ve taken is too big, and you end up looking like an idiot trying to shove this bite down your throat while drinking water and trying not to choke. That is the most literal sense of the meaning, but in general it just means to attempt to take on a task that is too much for you to handle.
8. Scratch someone’s back 投之以桃,报之以李
We all know how difficult it is to scratch that itch on your back that your hand just aren’t flexible enough to reach, so why would you want to scratch some random person’s smelly back? Because if you do, they may eventually be willing to scratch your own smelly back when you need it! What this idiom means is to help someone out with the assumption that they will return the favor in the future!