1. I can’t give you a cast-iron guarantee. 我不敢打保票。
2. Tell me the unvarnished truth. 实话实说。
3. Stop fudging the issue. 不要回避问题。
4. I have to race against time. 我得抢时间。
5. Who is the moving spirit? 谁是策划者?
6. I can drink them under the table. 我能把他们喝趴下。
7. My heart was palpitating with fear. 我害怕得心砰砰直跳。
8. Preserve your sanity. 保持理智。
9. I won’t let her slip through my fingers. 我不会错过这么好的女孩。
10. It’s my pride and joy. 它是我的精神寄托。