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新视野大学英语读写教程第三册unit6-c Reduce, Reuse, Recycle




Section (C)

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We recently participated in an environmental fair at the Mall (购物中心) of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, the largest indoor shopping center in America. After speaking with thousands of parents, children and teachers, we were alarmed at the public's wealth of environmental ignorance. We were equally annoyed that all of what we heard was so superficial, and based on such a shallow understanding of today's true environmental problems. Here are five examples.

One: Recycling (回收利用) is the key.

Actually, recycling is one of the least important things we can do, if our real objective is to preserve natural resources. Remember the phrase "reduce, reuse and recycle"? Reduce comes first for a good reason: It's better not to create waste than to have to figure out what to do with it. And the production of recycled items, like the production of any other form of manufactured goods, requires energy and other resources while creating pollution. Rather, we need to make products more durable, lighter, more energy efficient and easier to repair rather than to replace. Finally, we need to reduce and reuse packaging.

Two: Garbage will bury us.

The original garbage crisis occurred when people first settled down to farm and could no longer leave their places after their garbage grew too deep. Since then, every society has had to figure out what to do with its waste — something that is usually unhealthy, smelly, and ugly — throwing garbage in the streets, piling it up just outside of town, building it into structures or simply setting it on fire.

Today we can design history's and the world's safest recycling facilities, garbage dumps and facilities for burning rubbish. America even has too much garbage dump capacity, thanks to the fact that we have been building large regional dumps to replace older, smaller local dumps. The problem is political. No one wants to spend money on just getting rid of garbage or to have a garbage site in the backyard. The obvious solution is to stop generating so much garbage in the first place. Doing so requires both the knowledge and the self-discipline to use less energy and do more with less stuff.

Three: Industry is to blame.

No, it's all people's fault. Certainly industry has played a significant role in destroying natural areas, generating pollution and using up resources. But we are the ones who signal to businesses that what they are doing is okay — every time we buy their products.

And don't just blame industrial societies. In his recent book Earth Politics, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker wrote that "perhaps 90 percent of the destruction of animal and plant species, soil erosion, forest destruction and creation of deserts is taking place in developing countries." Thus, even non-industrialized, poor economies are creating environmental disasters.

Four: The earth is in danger.

In reality, the earth doesn't need to be saved. Nature doesn't care if human beings are here or not. The planet has survived major changes for millions upon millions of years. Over that time, it is widely believed, 99 percent of all species have come and gone, while the planet has remained. Saving the environment is really about saving our environment — making it safe for ourselves, our children and the world as we know it. If more people saw the issue as one of saving themselves, we would probably see increased support and commitment to actually doing something.

Five: Americans are wasting more.

The myth has it that Americans consume too much, since the creation of solid waste per person continues to climb. Each person generates about 4.4 pounds of garbage a day — a number that has seen steady growth. The assumption is that we are unstoppable in our desire to consume. In reality, increases in solid waste are based largely on the mathematics of households, not individuals. That is because regardless of the size of a household, certain necessary activities and purchases generate trash.

As new households form, they create additional garbage. Think about a couple going through a divorce. Once there was one home. Now there are two. Building that second house or apartment used lots of resources and created lots of construction rubbish.

Where once there was one set of furniture, one washing machine and one refrigerator, now there are two of all these things. Each refrigerator contains milk bottles, meat containers and packages of mixed vegetables. Each cupboard contains cereal boxes and canned goods.

The government's official numbers tell this story: From 1972 to 1987, the US population grew by 16 percent, while the number of households grew by 35 percent. Solid waste created in towns and cities increased by 35 percent, too.

If Americans were really creating more trash by spoiling ourselves with a lot of unnecessary items, we would be spending more on trash-generating items: non-durable goods like food and beauty products. These all generate lots of garbage, since they are used and discarded quickly, along with their packaging. But household money spent for non-durable goods actually declined slightly from 1972 to 1987.

Yes, the earth's resources are not infinite; natural areas are being destroyed; the number of plant and animal species is declining; consumption of resources is expanding. But we must be less willing to accept superficial, theoretical announcements of right and wrong, cause and effect. To truly change the world for the better, we need more facts, not simply more faith.

Words: 901



    节约使用, 重新使用, 再回收利用
    最近,我们参加了一次在明尼苏达州布卢明顿市的美国购物中心举办的环境大会。此中心是全美最大的室内购物中心。 在与几千名家长、孩子和教师交谈之后,我们惊讶地发现,人们的环境知识是那么的贫乏。
    同样让我们懊恼的是,我们听到的一切都相当肤浅,对当今真正环境问题的理解也很浅薄。 以下就是五个例证: 
    还记得"少用,重用,再回收利用"这一说法吗? 将"少用"放在第一位有充分的理由:与其绞尽脑汁地思考怎样处理废物,还不如干脆不要制造垃圾。 而且生产回收利用的产品,就像生产其他各类产品一样,需要能源和其他资源,同时还造成了污染。
    与之相反,我们需要制造更多更耐用、更轻便、更节能、更易修理而不是更易替换的产品。 最后,我们还要减少并重复使用产品的包装。 
    最早的垃圾危机发生在人类首次定居并开始农耕时,由于垃圾堆积过多,人们无法离开他们的住地。 此后,每个社会都要想办法解决垃圾问题——处理那些通常是有害的、难闻的、难看的东西——要么把垃圾扔到街上,要么堆在城外,要么掺在建筑结构里,要么干脆付之一炬。
    今天,我们能够设计出有史以来世界上最安全的再造设施、垃圾场和废物燃烧设备。 美国的垃圾倾卸能力非常强,因为美国人一直在修建大型区域性垃圾场,以取代陈旧的小型地方性垃圾场。
    问题出在观念上。 没人愿意把钱花在清理垃圾这种小事上,或在院子里设一处垃圾堆放点。 最显而易见的解决办法是首先停止生产这么多垃圾。 要做到这一点,需要人们有意识地、自觉地减少使用能源,并且用更少的东西办更多的事情。 
    不,这是所有人的过错。 在破坏自然环境、制造污染和消耗能源方面,工业固然起了主要作用,但是我们才是授意者: 每当我们购买他们的产品时,我们就在向企业发出信号,告诉他们可以这样做。
    不要只是谴责工业社会。 在其新作《地球政治学》一书中,厄恩斯特·乌尔里克·冯·魏茨泽克写道:"动植物物种灭绝,土壤受侵蚀,森林被毁,沙漠产生,在这些破坏中,也许有90%正发生在发展中国家。" 可见,即使是非工业化的经济穷国也在制造环境灾害。 
    事实上,地球并不需要我们去拯救。 自然界并不在乎人类是否存在。 这个星球几十亿年来经历了种种重大变化仍能生存。 这期间,99%的物种生生死死,唯独地球依然存在,这一点已成共识。
    拯救环境其实就是拯救我们自己的环境——是为了保障我们自己、我们的子孙以及我们周围世界的安全。 如果更多的人把这看作一项拯救自己的事业,那我们会看到更多人以实际行动支持和投身于这项事业。 
    有种说法是,美国人消耗太多,因为他们的人均固体垃圾制造量在持续上升。 每人每天生产的垃圾大约为4.4磅,这一数字仍在持续增长。 据推测这是因为我们美国人的消费欲望无法遏止。
    实际上,固体垃圾的增长主要是以家庭为单位,而不是以个人为单位。 因为不论一户人家有多少人,一些必要的日常活动和购物都会制造垃圾。
    随着新家庭的形成,将产生更多的生活垃圾。 设想如果一对夫妇离婚了,原先的一个家,现在却变成了两个。 建造第二栋房子或公寓用去了大量资源,也制造了大量的建筑垃圾。
    原先只有一套家具、一台洗衣机和一台电冰箱,现在却变成了两套或两台。 每台冰箱里都有牛奶瓶、肉罐头和各种蔬菜包装。 每个碗橱里都有麦片盒和罐装食品。
    政府的官方数字表明:1972至1987年,美国人口增长了16%,家庭数目增加了35%, 乡镇和城市所制造的固体垃圾也增长了35%。
    如果美国人的确纵容自己购置了许多不必要的用品,从而产生出更多的垃圾,那我们大多是购买了那些制造垃圾的产品: 如食品和美容用品等非耐用商品。由于使用频繁,丢弃迅速,加上它们的包装,所有这些东西制造了大量的垃圾。 但实际上,非耐用商品的户均消费在1972至1987年间略有下降。
    是的,地球的资源不是无限的,自然界在遭受破坏,动植物的物种数目在减少,而资源的消耗却在增加。 但是我们切不可轻易接受理论上的、肤浅的是非之说和因果之说。 要真正使世界更美好,我们需要更多的事实,而不仅仅是更多的信念。




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