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Lesson Ten ;
word and Expressions ;
admire/d'mai/ vt.羡慕;赞赏 ;
afterwards /'a:ftwdz/ adv.后来,以后 ;
bathe/bei/vi. 洗澡,游泳 bathing suit游泳衣 ;
begin/bi'gin/ vt.& vi.开始 began/bi'gn/ (过去式) ;
begun/bi'gn/ (过去分词) ;
bikini/bi'ki:ni/ n.比基尼泳衣 三点式女泳衣 case/keis/n.情况 ;
in case of遇到...时候 chip/tip/ n.炸土豆条 ;
closely/'klusli/ adv.密切地;严密地 dancer/'da:ns/ n.跳舞者,舞蹈演员 ;
dangerous /'deindrs/ adj.危险的 eat/i:t/vt.& vi.吃 ;
ate/et/(过去式) eaten/'i:tn/(过去分词) ;
emergency /i'm:dnsi/ n.紧急情况;突然事件 ;
energy/'endi/n.活力 seem/si:m/ vi.好象,似乎 ;
sentence/'sentns/ n.句子 shore/:/n.岸 ;
snack/snk/n.快餐 strange/streind/ adj.奇怪的 不可思议的 ;
thank/k/vt.感谢 forth/f:/ adv.向前 ;
back and forth 来来往往地,来回 lemonade/,lem'neid/ n.柠檬水 ;
lesson/'lesn/ n.(一节)课 lifeguard /'laifga:d/n.救生员 ;
member/'memb/ n.(团体,组织等)成员 mistake/mis'teik/ n.错误 ;
net/net/n.网 ocean/'un/n.海洋 piece/pi:s/ n.(成套中的)件,个 ;
one-piece suit 一件头的女泳衣, 衣裤连在一起的女泳衣 ;
plenty/'plenti/n.大量 plenty of 大量的 ;
potato/p'teitu/ n.马铃薯,土豆 question/'kwestn/ n.问题 ;
rock/rk/ n.摇动;摇摆 roll/rul/ n.滚动,打滚 ;
rock and roll 摇摆舞,摇滚音乐 sand/snd/ n.沙子,沙 ;
sandwich /'snwid,'snwit/ n.三明治,夹心面包片 ;
tune/tju:n/ vt.调整(收音机等的) 频率 ;
wave/weiv/n.波浪;波涛 proper Nouns ;
Barnes(姓) Marie/'ma:ri(:)/ (女人名) ;
TEXT Beach Party ;
All the students at the beach party were members of the French Club. ;
Before they began to swim or to play games, ;
Miss Bames wanted them to learn some new words. ;
She taught them how to say beach,sand,ocean and waves in French. ;
The stdents repeated the new words and tried to use them in sentences. ;
At first it seemed strange to see the teacher in a bathing suit, ;
but that is what everyone wears to the beach, ;
Marie and some of the other girls were wearing bikinis, ;
but Miss Barnes had on a one-piece suit ;
After the French lesson two of the boys put up a net for volleyball, ;
and half of the students went to each side of the net. ;
They hit a big ball back and forth over the net. ;
Miss Barnes helped them to keep score in French. ;
The student laughed at their own mistakes, ;
but they enjoyed practising their numbers and having fun at the same time. ;
Afterwards,there was plenty of time for those in the group ;
who liked to swim to go into the water.Most of them did not go far from shore. ;
Some of the waves were quite large and could be dangerous ;
for people who do not swim well.Miss Barnes watched them very closely. ;
She was glad that there were lifeguards who were always ready ;
to help in case of an emergency. ;
When it was time for snacks, ;
everyone enjoyed sandwiches, potato chips and lemonade. ;
While they were eating Miss Barns ;
asked each member of the club a question in French. ;
If the students could not answer their questions,she taught them what to say. ;
Everyone agreed that the French Club and the beach party would ;
help them to learn French and they all thanked Miss Barnes ;
for being such a nice teacher. ;
It was not yet time to leave the beach. ;
One of the girls tuned her radio to a ;
favorite rock and roll music station and they all spent the next half hour dancing. ;
Wherever boys and girls are together,this is what they enjoy most. ;
Miss Barnes admired the energy of the young dancers, ;
and she was sure that ;
they would be almost as lively in French class on Monday morning ;
Lesson Eleven ;
Words and Expressions ;
ability/'biliti/ n.能力,才能 acting/'kti/ n.演技 ;
actor/'kt/ n.(男)演员 actress/'ktris/ n.(女)演员 ;
alike/'laik/ adv.同样地 although/:l'u/ conj.尽管,虽然 ;
ambassador /m'bsd/ n.大使 ;
appear/'pi/ vi.出现;(演员)出场 ;
appoint/'pint/ vt.任命 besides/bi'saidz/ prep.除...之外 ;
blonde/blnd/ adj.(头发)淡黄色的 career/k'ri/ 经历,生涯 ;
curly/'k:li/ adj.卷曲的 dance/da:ns/ vi.& vt.跳舞 ;
dimple/'dimpl/ n.酒窝,笑窝 familiar/f'milj/ adj.熟悉的 ;
former/'f:m/ adj.以前的,从前的 ;
knowledge /'nlid/ n.知识,学识 ;
love/lv/爱,喜欢 mark/ma:k/ vt.标志 ;
nation/'nein/ n.民族,国家 the United Nations 联合国 ;
partner/'pa:tn/ n.合作者,搭档 perfect/'p:fikt/ adj.完美的,极好的 ;
public/'pblik/ adj.(为)公众的 public office公职 ;
recognize/'rekgnaiz/ vt.认识,承认 ;
represent /,repri'zent/ vt.代表 ;
representative /,repri'zenttiv/ n.代表 ;
retire/ri'tai/ vi.引退,退休 role/rul/ n.角色 ;
senator/'sent/ n.参议员 serve/s:v/ vt.为...服务 ;
sing/si/ vi.& vt.唱 sang/s/(过去式) sung/s/(过去分词) ;
successful /sk'sesfl/ adj.成功的 ;
talent/'tlnt/ n.才能,才干 ;
throughout /ru:'aut/ prep.编及 ;
Proper Nouns Gavin/'gvin/(姓) ;
George/d:d/ (男人名) Heidi/'haidi/ n.(女人名) ;
Murphy/'m:fi/(姓) Nixon/'niksn/(姓) Reagan/'reign/(姓) ;
Ronald/'rnld/ (男人名) Shirley/':li/ (女人名) ;
Temple/'templ/(姓) ;
TEXT New Careers for Actors ;
Ronald Reagan was the only actor to become President of the United States, ;
but other movie stars have also been successful in public office. ;
One of them was Shirley Temple, ;
who is rememberd throughout the world as a little girl with curly, ;
blonde hair and dimples.She danced and sang in many movies. ;
Shirley began to make movies at the age of five, ;
and she was only nine years old when she played the role of Heidi. ;
In almost every part of the world where movies are seen on television, ;
children and their parents still enjoy ;
Heidi and the other movies of Shirty Temple. ;
Although she has not appeared in a film for over thirty years, ;
her name is still familiar to old and young alike. ;
When Shirley Temple was twenty-one years old, ;
she was already retired from her career ;
Twenty years later many people still ;
through of her as a little girl that America had always loved in the movies; ;
but others knew her as an intelligent woman with knowledge of world problems. ;
One of the people who recognized ;
these important abilities was President Richard M.Nixon. ;
In 1969 he appointed her a representative to the United Nations ;
and this marked the beginning of a new career ;
for the former child star of the movies. ;
One of Shirley's most popular dancing and singing partners was George Murphy, ;
who was twenty-six years older than Shirley. ;
He stopped making movies at about the same time as his young partner. ;
In 1969 he was elected United States senator from California, ;
and he served in this office for six year. ;
Americans are beginning to realize ;
that many actors and actresses have other talents besides acting ;
When President Reagan appointed actor John Gavin Ambassador to Mexico, ;
many people could not understand.They soon learned, ;
however,that John Gavin speaks perfect Spanish and graduated ;
from college as an expert on Latin America, ;
and they began to agree that the new ambassador ;
is truly a good man to represent the United States in Mexico. ;
Lesson Twelve ;
Words and Expressions ;
achieve/'ti:v/ vt.达到(目的), 得到(胜利) ;
ad/d/n.广告 want ad招牌广告 ;
address/'dres/vt. 在(信封,包裹等上面)写 姓名地址 ;
advantage /d'va:ntid/ n.优点,长处 ;
aggression/'gren/ n.侵犯行为 ;
aggressive/'gresiv/ adj.爱挑衅的 amount/'maunt/ n.数量 ;
application /,pli'kein/ n.申请表 ;
aptitude/'ptitju:d/ n.能力,才能 ;
average/'vrid/ adj.平均的 basic/'beisik/ adj.基础的,基本的 ;
behavior/bi'heivj/ n.[美]举止,行为 [英]behaviour ;
blame/bleim/ vt.责备 calculate/'klkjuleit/ vt.计算 ;
catch/kt/ n.捉(住),抓住 caught/k:t/ (过去式,过去分词) ;
cause/k:z/ n.原因,起因 clear/kli/ adj.清楚的,明确的 ;
compute/km'pju:t/ vt.& vi.计算 ;
conclusion /kn'klu:n/n.结论 conflict/'knflikt/ n.冲突 ;
decline/di'klain/ n.vi.下降 defender/di'fend/ n.辩护人 ;
delinquency /di'likwnsi/ n.少年犯罪 ;
development /di'velpmnt/ n.发展,进展 ;
doubt/daut/ n.怀疑,疑问 educate/'edjukeit/ vt.教育 ;
educator/'edjukeit/ n.教育者,教育工作者 envelope/'envilup/ n.信封 ;
fill out填写 finding/'faindi/ n.[通常用复数]调查 (或研究)结果 ;
grab/grb/ vt.抢夺,霸占 grabbed (过去分词,过去式) ;
grabbing (动名词,现在分词) grown-up n.成年人 ;
heavy/'hevi/ adj.重的,大量的,多的 instance/'instns/ n.例子,事例 ;
for instance例如 institute/'institju:t/ n.研究所,研究院 ;
keep...informed of 使...知悉 lead/li:d/vt.vi领导 ;
led(过去式,过去分词) lead to通向,导致 learning/'l:ni/ n.学习 ;
level/'levl/ n.水平,标准 link/lik/n.联系 ;
mathematics /,mi'mtiks/ n.数学. ;
mental/'mentl/ adj.精神的,精神病的 ;
middle/'midl/ n.adj.中部(的) Middle East中东 ;
migrant/'maigrnt/ adj. (应季节性劳动需求而) 流动的 ;
migrant worker [美]农业季节工人 minority/mai'nriti/ n.少数民族 ;
note/nut/ vt.特别提到,指明 ;
partly/'pa:tli/ adv.部分地, 在一定程度的 ;
percent/p'sent/ n.百分之... ;
percentage /p'sentid/ n.百分率,比例 ;
perfectly /'p:fiktli/ adv.完全地 ;
performance /p'f:mns/ n.作业,操作 ;
publish/'pbli/ vt.公布;发表 purchase/'p:ts/ n.购买 ;
relate/ri'leit/ vt.使联系, 显示出...与...有关系 be related to与..有关 ;
remarkable /ri'ma:kbl/ adj.非凡的,显著的 ;
report/ri'p:t/ n.报告 ;
SAT/st/ [Scholastic Aptitude Test]学业能力测试 ;
scholastic /sk'lstik/ adj.学校的,学术的 ;
score/sk:/n. (测试的)成绩,评分 ;
sex/seks/n.性,性别 sharp/a:p/ adj.急剧的 ;
source/s:s/n.来源 sourvey/'s:vei/ n.调查 task/ta:sk/n.任务,作业 ;
teenager /'ti:n,id/ n.(13至19岁的)青少年, 十几岁的少年 ;
topic/'tpik/ n.题目,话题 ;
traditional /tr'dinl/ adj.传统的 ;
universal /,ju:ni'v:sl/ adj.普通的 ;
variety/v'raiti/ n.多样化,变化 ;
a variety of种种 view/vju:/vt.看 television viewing 看电视 ;
viewer/'vju:/ n.观看者 violence/'vailns/ n.暴力,暴力行为 ;
war/w:/n.战争 ;
TEXT The Tube and Violence ;
We already have a good percentage of people in America who think it's perfectly, ;
O.K.to grab what they want,to do what they want, ;
and the only bad thing is getting caught. ;
A report published in May 1982 by the ;
National Institute of Mental Health says that violence on televison does lead to ;
aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch the programs. ;
In one five-year study of 732 children, ;
several kinds of aggression-conflicts with parents, ;
fighting,and delinquency-were all found ;
to be related to the amount of television viewing. ;
Defenders of TV,have long held that there is no clear link ;
between viewing and violence. ;
The findings covered a number of other topics. In one survey, ;
more than half the parents thought their children learned more about sex ;
from TV than from any other source except the parents themselves. ;
The report noted that almost all Americans watch TV, ;
many for hours each day. ;
Those who watch TV most are the very young and very old, ;
women,and minorities. Heavy viewers are usually less educated. ;
Television is also partly blamed for a sharp decline in traditional learning. ;
Since television became nearly universal in the early 1960s, ;
average scores for high school students taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test, ;
a national test of academic ability, ;
have declined from 478 to 424 on the language exam and from 502 to 466 in mathematics. ;
Educators appointed to study the decline noted that by age sixteen ;
most children have spent 10,000 to 15,000 ;
hours watching television-more time than they have spent in school. ;
Their conclusion is that television is a cause of the SAT score decline. ;
As TV's children graduated in the 1960s and 1970s, ;
a performance level test of grown-ups found that 20 percent of the American ;
population could not perform basic kinds of reading,writing, ;
or computing tasks-such ;
as calculating the change on a small purchase,addressing an envelope, ;
reading a want ad,or filling out a job application. ;
No doubt television has its advantages, too,For instance, ;
it has achieved remarkable results in keeping the public ;
informed of a huge variety of developments from the war ;
in the Middle East to the problems of migrant workers. ;
Lesson Thirteen ;
Words and Expressions ;
accommodation /,km'dein/ n.住宿(的地方) ;
age/eid/n.年龄 of all ages各种年龄的 aged/eidd/ adj....岁的 ;
benefit/'benifit/n. (依照社会保险付给的) 津贴;救济金,抚恤金 ;
board/b:d/n.伙食 cardboard /'ka:db:d/ n.卡(片)纸板,硬纸 ;
cardboard box纸板箱 cause/k:z/vt.引起 cost/kst/n.费用 cut/kt/n.削减 ;
divorce/di'v:s/ n.离婚 employer/im'pli/ n.雇主 ;
enter/'ent/ vt.进,入 exam/ig'zm/n.考试 ;
force/f:s/ vt.强迫,迫使 head/hed/n.头 ;
homeless/'humlisnis/ adj.无家的 ;
homelessness /'humlisnis/ n.无家可归的现象 ;
hostel/'hstl/ n.招待所,寄宿舍 housing/'hauzi/ n.住房;住房建筑 ;
housing group 住房问题小组 ;
impossible /im'psbl/adj. 无法忍受的,非常讨厌的 ;
income/'inkm/n.收入 in the open(air) 在户外,在露天 ;
law/l:/ n.法律,法令 mostly/'mustli/ adv.主要地,大部分 ;
organisation /,:gnai'zein/ n.组织,团体 ;
overnight/'uv'nait/ adj.一夜(间)的;过夜的 parent/'prnt/ n.父亲,母亲 ;
parental/p'rentl/ adj.父母的 payment/'peimnt/ n.支付(的)款项 ;
point/pint/ vt.& vi.指 point out指出 ;
poverty/'pvti/ n.贫穷,贫困 prove/pru:v/ vt.证明,证实 ;
provide/pr'vaid/ vt.提供 reason/'ri:zn/ n.理由,原因 ;
recent/'ri:snt/ adj.新近的,近来的 refuse/ri'fju:z/ vt.拒绝,拒给 ;
rent/rent/ n.租金,租 rising/'raizi/ adj.上涨的 ;
roof/ru:f/ n.屋顶 run/rn/vt.办,管理 ;
ran/rn/(过去式) run(过去分词) runaway/'rnwei/ n.逃跑者 ;
schoolgirl/'sku:lgl/ n.(中,小学)女生 science/'sains/ n.科学;自然科学,理科 ;
seek/si:k/ vt.寻找 sought/s:t/ (过去式,过去分词) ;
shelter/'elt/ n.避难所,蔽身之处 shortage/':tid/ n.不足,缺少 ;
step-[构词部分] 表示"继","异" step-parent继父,继母 ;
take on雇用 throw/ru/ vt.抛,扔 ;
threw/ru:/(过去式) thrown/run/ (过去分词) ;
throwaway/'ruwei/ adj.被抛弃的 turn out adj.证明(是) ;
unladylike /n'leidilaik/adj. 不适合于贵妇人身份的 不文雅的 ;
unsympathetic /'n,simp'etik/ 冷漠无情的 ;
voluntary /'vlntri/adj. 自愿的,志愿的 ;
youngster/'jst/ n.年轻人 ;
TEXT No Place Like Home ;
All over the country young people are ;
entering a world of homelessness and poverty, ;
according to a recent report by the housing group, Shelter. ;
Nearly 150,000 young people aged between sixteen and twenty-five will ;
become homeless this year, says Shelter. ;
Some of the young homeless may sleep out in the open in such places ;
as "cardboard city" in London, where people of all ages ;
sleep in the open air in their only homes-cardboard boxes? ;
Others may find accommodation in shelters run ;
by voluntary organisations or get a place in a hostel, ;
which gives them board for up to ten weeks. ;
But who are these people? ;
Those seeking a roof over 167 their heads are mostly not runaways ;
but "throwaways" people who have been thrown out of their ;
homes or forced to leave because of parental divorce, ;
an unsympathetic step-parent or one of many other reasons. ;
Take the case of one sixteen-year-old schoolgirl called Alice. ;
She did not come from a poor home and had just passed her exams with good results. ;
The Shelter team met her in an overnight hostel ;
where she was sitting down doing her Physics homework. ;
It turned out that her parents had thrown her out of her home for ;
no other reason than that she wanted to do science higher ;
exams-which her parents refused her permission to do, ;
saying that sciences were unladylike! ;
Shelter says that the Government's laws do nothing to help these youngsters. ;
Rising rents, a shortage of cheap housing ;
and a cut in benefits for young people under the age of twenty-five are ;
causing a national problem, according to Shelter. ;
The recent changes in the benefit laws mean that someone aged between sixteen ;
and twenty-five gets less than older people. ;
Benefits are the state system of payments which the government provides for people ;
who have an extremely low income, or no income. ;
The system provides money to help people with the cost of somewhere to live, ;
and basic food. New changes in the law mean ;
that young people under twenty-five can only ask for state help if ;
they prove they left home for a good reason. ;
Shelter believes that because of the cuts in benefits to young people, ;
more and more are being forced to sleep on the streets. ;
Shelter also points out that if you are homeless, ;
you can't get a job because employers will not take on someone ;
without a permanent address, ;
and if you can't get a job, you are homeless because ;
you don' t have any money to pay for accommodation. ;
It's an impossible situation. ;
Lesson Fourteen ;
Words and Expressions ;
admiration /,dm'rein/ n.钦佩,羡慕 ;
airport/'ep:t/ n.机场 ;
annual/'njul/ adj.每年的,年度的 army /'a:mi/n.军队 army man军人 ;
award/'w:d/ vt.授予,给予 bed/bed/n.床 flower bed 花坛 ;
brilliant/'briljnt/ adj.(色彩)鲜明的 ;
count/kaunt/vi.算数; 有(考虑的)价值; 算得上的 ;
cup /kp/n.奖杯 decoration /,dek'rein/ n.装潢 装饰 ;
decorations [通常用复数]装饰品 excited /ik'saitid/ adj.兴奋的,激动的 ;
exhibit/ig'zibit/ n.展览品,陈列品 exhibitor/ig'zibit/ n.(展览会等的)参加者 ;
flower/'flu/ n.花 follow/'flu/ vi.随着,接着 ;
gardener/'ga:dn/ n.园林工人 hang/h/ vi.悬挂,吊着 ;
hung/h/ (过去式,过去分词) judge/dd/ vt.& vi.裁判(比赛) ;
line/lain/ n.交通线,线路线 means/mi:nz/ n.方法,手段 ;
medal/'medl/n.奖章 non- [前缀]非,无,不(是) ;
non-working time n.非工作时间 notice/'nutis/ vt.注意,注意到 ;
nurseryman/'n:staim/ n.苗木培养工 occasion/'kein/ n.场合;(重大的)时刻 ;
pastime/'pa:staim/ n.消遣,娱乐 pensioner/'penn/ n.领取抚恤金者 ;
pot/pt/ n.(花盆) prize/praiz/n.奖金 railway/'reilwei/ n.铁道,铁路 ;
regional/'ri:dnl/ adj.地区的 show/u/ n.展览(会) ;
size/saiz/n.大小,尺寸 tent/tent/n.帐篷,帐棚 top /tp/n.顶,最高位 ;
type/taip/n.类型,式 understand /,nd'stnd/ vt.理解,了解 ;
understood /,nd'stud/ (过去式,过去分词) ;
vegetable/'veditbl/ n.蔬菜 village/'vilid/ n.乡村,村庄 ;
whether/'we/ conj.是否 Proper Noun ;
Chelsea/'telsi/ (英)切尔西(区) ;
Text Growins Things ;
One of the best means of understanding the people of any nation is watching ;
what they do with their non-working time.Most English men, ;
women and children love growing things, especially flowers. ;
The visitor to England in spring,summer, ;
or autumn will notice gardens all the way along the railway lines. ;
There are flowers at the airports and flowers in factory grounds, ;
as well as in gardens along the roads. ;
Each English town has at least one park with beautifully kept flower beds. ;
Public buildings of every kind have ;
brilliant window boxes and sometimes hanging baskets of flowers. ;
But what the English enjoy most is growing things themselves. ;
If it is impossible to have a garden, ;
then a window box or something growing in a pot will do. ;
Looking at each other's gardens is a popular pastime with the English. ;
There are flower and vegetable growing contests at every level. ;
They start at the top with an annual world-famous flower ;
show held in May at the Chelsea Hospital Gardens in London. ;
In the hospital live the Chelsea pensioners, who are old army men. ;
Their garden is lovely in itself, and is just the place for a flower show. ;
At this show almost every professional ;
nurseryman in the country has an exhibit, ;
as do some first-class amateurs. Cups and medals are awarded, ;
but on this occasion cups and medals are the least part of it. ;
Admiration from true gardeners is the thing that really counts. ;
After the Chelsea Flower Show the regional shows follow. ;
Most towns of any size and many villages have a flower show, for local amateurs. ;
On the day before the show, or on the early morning of show day, ;
people of all ages come to the exhibitors'tents, ;
carrying what they are going to show. ;
There are prizes not only for flower arrangements. ;
For grown-ups there are prizes for every type of flower, fruit, ;
and vegetable,as well as for flower arrangements and table decorations. ;
By the time the results of the judging are known, ;
the usually calm English have often become very excited. ;
They do care about whether their vegetables or flowers get a prize or not. ;
Lesson fifteen ;
Words and Expressions ;
arrive/'raiv/ vi.到,来到 background /'bkgraund/n.背景 ;
become/bi'km/ vi.成为,变得 became/bi'keim/ (过去式) ;
become(过去分词) behave/bi'heiv/ vi.举动,举止;表现 ;
beyond/bi'jnd/ prep.[表示范围]超出 ;
certain/'s:tn/ adj.[只作定语] 某一,某种,一定的 ;
chat/tt/ vi闲谈,聊天 cluster/'klst/ vi.群集 ;
common/'kmn/ adj.共同的 companion /km'pnjn/n.同伴 ;
conduct/kn'dkt/ vt.行动 conduct oneself 为人,表现 ;
constantly /'knstntli/ adv.经常的,不断的 ;
conversation /,knv'sein/ n.会话,谈话 ;
cultural /'kltrl/ adj.文化(上)的 ;
deal/di:l/n.数量 a great deal大量,很多 ;
discomfort /dis'kmft/ n.不自在,不安 ;
ease/i:z/vt. 减轻(负担等),使安心 ;
edge/ed/n.边缘,边 either /'ai/ adj.(两者之中)任一的 或每一方的 ;
either ..or... 或者...或者 end/end/n.末端,尽头 ;
escort/'esk:t/ n.陪同者 excuse /iks'kju:s/ n.借口,理由 ;
expect/iks'pekt/ vt.期待,预期 extend/iks'tend/ vt.伸出,伸 ;
flatter/'flt/ vt.使高兴,使满意 frighten/'fraitn/ vt.使惊恐 ;
gathering/'gri/ adv.聚集,集会 ;
generally /'denrli/ adv.通常地 ;
gladly/'gldli/ adv.高兴地,乐意地 greet/gri:t/ vt.迎接,向...致意 ;
happen/'hpn/ vi.发生 host/hust/n.主人 ;
husband /'hzbnd/丈夫 imagine/i'mdin/ vt.& vi.想象,料想 ;
informal/in'f:ml/ adj. 非正式的;不拘礼节的 ;
introduce /,intr'dju:s/ vt.介绍 ;
introduction /,intr'dkn/ n.介绍 land/lnd/n.国家,国土 ;
measure/'me/ n.程度,范围 in large measure大部分 ;
move/mu:v/ vt.& vi.移动,进展 newcomer/'nju:'km/ n.新来的人 ;
nod/nd/vi. 点头(表示打招呼) normal/'n:ml/ adj.正常的 ;
observe/b'z:v/ vt.观察 otherwise/'waiz/ adv.要不然,否则 ;
patiently/'peintli/ adv.耐心地 ;
point/pint/ n.(空间,时间上的) 一点;意义;目的 ;
prefer/pri'f:/ vt.宁可,宁愿;更喜欢 remain /ri'mein/ vi.保持 ;
scene/si:n/ n.(实际生活中的) 一个场面(或场面特写) ;
selfstarter /'self'sta:t/ [美口]工作主动 (不需督促)的人 ;
shake /eik/ vt.摇,握(手) shook/uk/(过去式) ;
shaken /'eik()n/ (过去分词) shift /ift/ vt.& vi.移动,转移 ;
signal/'signl/ n.信号,暗号 silent/'sailnt/ adj.沉默的,不作声的 ;
silently/'sailntli/ adv.静静地 static/ 'sttik/ adj.静的,不活泼的 ;
uncomfortable /n'kmftbl/ adj.不舒服,不自在 ;
unfamiliar /nf'milj/ adj.陌生的,新奇的 ;
wherever/wer'ev/ adv.无论在哪里 whichever /wit'ev/ pron.无论哪个 ;
wing /wi/n.翅膀 under someone's wing 在...的庇护下 ;
within/wi'in/ prep. 在..范围以内,不超过 ;
Text How to Behave at Parties ;
It is interesting to observe how people of different cultural ;
backgrounds conduct themselves at parties. ;
In some countries men and women drift to ;
opposite ends of the room and talk to one another; ;
in others they sit in large chairs around the edge of the room ;
and talk only to the people on either side of them, ;
or silently eat and observe the scene. ;
It is normal in some lands for a person to remain patiently ;
silent until introductions have been made, ;
then to talk only to those s/he has been properly introduced to. ;
As you would imagine, Americans move about a great deal at parties. ;
At small gatherings they may sit down, ;
but as soon as there are more people than chairs in a room you ;
will see first one and then another make some excuse to get to his ;
feet until soon everyone is standing, moving around, ;
chatting with one group and then another. ;
Sitting becomes static beyond a certain point. ;
We expect people to move about and be "self starters". ;
It is quite normal for Americans to introduce themselves. ;
They drift around a room stopping to talk wherever they like, ;
introducing themselves and their companions. If this happens, ;
you are expected to reply by giving your name and introducing the person with you; ;
then at least the men generally shake hands. Sometimes women do so as well. ;
A man usually shakes a woman's hand only if she extends it. ;
Otherwise, he just nods and greets her. After such an informal introduction, ;
you talk together for a little while. Here come those questions: ;
"Are you new here?" "How long have you been in America?" ;
"Did you bring your children with you?" Within a moment or two, ;
you will have found some common ground, ;
conversation will move along for a while, ;
and then either couple can feel free to say something informal like, ;
"Well,it's been nice to meet you",or "I hope we see you again soon." ;
This is the signal for them to drift off to another group. ;
The basic rule at big parties is don't stay in one place for too long. ;
Pick out people who look interesting, then go and talk to them. ;
Women should not cluster in a group with each other. ;
They too move around the room, either with their husbands or escort or alone, ;
whichever they prefer. The point of a party in this country is to ;
meet and talk with people. When you first arrive at a large party, ;
the host or hostess may introduce you to two or three people nearby, ;
but if others are still arriving, ;
he or she may then leave to greet newcomers, ;
expecting you to go on by yourself, moving from group to group. ;
If this feels too uncomfortable and frightening, ;
it is quite all right to say to someone: "I am a stranger here and know no one. ;
Could you introduce me to some of the people?" ;
Most people will feel flattered that you turned to them for ;
help and will gladly take you under their wing, ;
introducing you and easing your discomfort. ;
Our easy-come-and-go pattern is unfamiliar to people from many other countries. ;
Like much else about the nation, it comes in large measure from our size, our numbers, ;
and our constantly shifting population. ;
Lesson sixteen ;
Words and Expressions ;
anyway/'eniwei/ adv.不管怎样,无论如何 bacon /'beikn/ n.咸猪肉,熏猪肉 ;
beat /bi:t/ vt.打败,超越 beef/bi:f/ n.牛肉 ;
belong/bi:l/vi. belong to 属于 cook/kuk/ vt.烹调,煮,烧 ;
custom/'kstm/n.习惯 dish /di/n.一道菜 earl/:l/n.[英]伯爵 ;
enough/i'nf/ adv.足够地 fresh/fre/adj.新鲜的 ;
girlfriend /'g:lfrend/ n.女朋友 ham/hm/n.火腿 ;
instead/in'sted/ adv.代替;顶替 invent /in'vent/ vt.发明 ;
kidney/'kidni/ n.腰子,肾 meat/mi:t/n.食用肉类 ;
northerner /'n:n/ n.北方人 ;
pre-prepare /,pri:pri'p/ vt.预先加工 ;
pudding/'pudi/ n.布丁 quality /'kwliti/ n.质量,质 ;
roast/rust/ vt.烤;adj.烤过的 salad/'sld/n.色拉 ;
save/seiv/vt.节省 save up储蓄,贮存 Scotch/skt/ adj.苏格兰的 ;
sell/sel/vt.卖,销售 sold/suld/ (过去式,过去分词) ;
southerner /'sn/n.南方人 spend/spend/vt.花费 ;
spent /spent/ (过去式,过去分词) spread/spred/ vi.传开 ;
spread/spred/ (过去式,过去分词) sweet/swi:t/adj.甜的 ;
unsold/n'suld/ adj.未卖出的 various/'veris/ adj.各种各样的,不同的 ;
roper Nouns British/'briti/ n.英国人 ;
Wiltshire/'wilti/ (地名) Italian/i'tljn/ n.意大利语 ;
Norfolk/'n:rfk/ (英)诺福克(郡) York/j:k/(英)约克 ;
Text Everyday Eatins in Britain ;
As a nation, the British are not interested in restaurants. ;
Visitors to London often say that the people who eat in them in the evening, ;
those who work in them and the people they belong to, ;
are all from other countries. ;
They say that in these restaurants they no longer feel that they are in England. ;
Most of the British eat at home as much as they can. ;
And there are times when, for them too, ;
being in a restaurant feels like being in another country. ;
A young man, taking his girlfriend out, ;
may find that he doesn't understand, ;
because everything is written in French or Italian. ;
"I've heard that the British aren't interested in food! " ;
"Well, not so much in good cooking, shall we say. ;
But we can be sure of one or two things. ;
Once a year they're certainly interested enough to save up for ;
weeks in order to have good food. ;
On this occasion, Christmas, they eat very well indeed. ;
Even then, most of them think it's better to eat at home. ;
They're right, and even more ;
so when they can get fresh vegetables from the garden! ;
It's cheaper too, ;
and anyway the British don't like spending much money on food. ;
For most of this century food's been very cheap and of fine quality. ;
When you eat English or Scotch meat, ;
you understand why the words'roast beef and ;
'beef steak' have been taken into other languages. ;
Wiltshire bacon, York ham and Norfolk chicken are excellent, too. ;
And of course the British invented 'bacon and eggs'." ;
"Yes, I love that! There's nothing to beat an English breakfast. ;
But what else is there? Is fish and chips the national dish?" ;
"If it is,it's not cooked at home so much. ;
In the middle of last century, ;
when there was no way of keeping fish, ;
they hit on the idea of cooking the unsold fish and then selling it. ;
At the same time, the custom of eating potatoes was spreading from the North, ;
so they cooked chips with it. ;
But perhaps the most famous idea was the ;
sandwich-another international word today. ;
It's said that the fourth Earl of Sandwich, ;
in the eighteenth century, ;
was too busy playing cards to have a real meal, ;
and so he asked for two pieces of bread with meat between them instead." ;
"The British certainly like quick meals, don't they?" "That's because, ;
like the Earl of Sandwich, ;
they're more interested in other things. ;
Many people don't usually take more than ten minutes to eat their lunch. ;
That's certainly not enough time for a really well-cooked dish of English ;
steak and kidney pudding or pie. But today food's often pre-prepared. ;
It saves time." "When do people eat in the evening, after work?" ;
"The evening meal's between five-thirty and seven. ;
For the Southerner, this is probably his dinner. ;
For the Northerner it's a big meal called 'tea'. ;
There are various kinds of food on the table. ;
In Scotland they eat more sweet things, ;
and in the North of England they often have salads. ;
They drink tea all through the meal. ;
And as if this 'high tea' was not enough, ;
they have a fourth meal,supper, at about nine o'clock. ;
And this might be fish and chips! " ;
Lesson Seventeen ;
Words and Expressions ;
bearable/'berbl/ adj.可以忍受的 beer/bi/n.啤酒 ;
bitter/'bit/n.苦啤酒 bottle/'btl/n.瓶子 brass/bra:s/ n.adj.黄铜(制)的 ;
break/breik/ n.(工作中)休息时间 bring/bri/ vt.拿来,端来 ;
brought/br:t/ (过去式,过去分词) comfort/'kmft/ n.安慰 ;
complete/km'pli:t/ adj.完整的,圆满的 doorstep/'d:step/ n.门前的石阶 ;
drinker/'drik/ n.饮水 drop/drp/ vt.& vi.(使)滴 ;
drop in顺便走访 elsewhere /'els'we/ adv.在别处 ;
empty/'empti/ vi.成为空的;走空 finish /'fini/vt.完成 ;
friendship/'frendip/ n.友谊 heaven/'hevn/ n.天空;天国 ;
Indian /'indjn/ adj.印度的 instant/'instnt/adj. 立即的;(食品等)速食品 ;
isle/ail/n.岛 the British Isles 不列颠(诸)岛 pub/pb/n.小酒店 ;
quarter/'kw:t/ n.四分之一 ;
Scandiavian /,skndi'neivjt/ n.斯堪的纳维亚人 ;
seem/si:m/ vi.似乎,好象 serve /s:v/ vt.招待(顾客); ;
strong/str/ adj.强壮的,浓厚的 success/sk'ses/ n.成功 ;
TEXT (51:29.899) A Nation of Drinkers (51:35.383) The British don't drink at dinner when most other people do. ;
So they seem to drink a lot more at other times, ;
just to make up for it. ;
There's that bottle of milk on the doorstep, ;
which begins the day. The people of the British Isles are second only to the ;
Scandinavians as milk drinkers. ;
That's because the quality of the milk is so good. ;
Some of this milk goes into milk puddings, a lot more goes into tea. ;
Ever since, in the last century, ;
the strong,cheap Indian kind took the place of China tea, ;
the British have thought that any time is time for tea. ;
You can hear a woman say,"My husband's very good to me, ;
he brings me an early morning cup of tea on Sundays!" Then, ;
in the words of the song, ;
At half past eleven My idea of heaven is a nice cup of tea. ;
In the working day, ;
the most important times for it are the breaks in the middle of the morning ;
and the middle of the afternoon and this ;
makes the work bearable for many people. ;
Later,there's always a moment when somebody says, ;
"I feel like a cup of tea." ;
The evening at home wouldn't be complete without it. ;
And if they want to say,"That's not really the kind of thing I'd like," ;
they say,"That's not quite my cup of tea." ;
Before the days of instant coffee, ;
when tea was of really good quality, ;
the British drank a quarter of the world's tea! ;
"Don't they drink beer at home?" "If they want to drink beer, ;
they generally go to the bar of a public house,or pub. ;
In many pubs there's still a brass bar that ;
you can rest your foot on as you talk to the barman, ;
who serves the drinks. So'bar' has become another international word. ;
The pub isn't just a place where you go to drink. ;
People who live alone find friendship and ;
comfort which would be difficult to get elsewhere. ;
They can sit at a table all the evening, ;
even if they buy only a small glass of bitter. ;
But the success of the pub really depends on those who come to drink. ;
Just as we say of a new town-it's the people who make it! ;
There's nothing quite like a British pub. "Early on a Friday evening, ;
the pubs are full of people who have just finished work ;
and who come together to round off the week. ;
Then the pub empties, but a good many people drop in after their evening meal. ;
By ten o'clock the pub is again full of people, smoking and talking." ;

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