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84.Threats 恐吓 ;
46.Well,we'll see who's meaner. 47.I'll set them an example. ;46.好,走着瞧,看谁更毒. 47.我来杀鸡儆猴.
48.You'll get clobbered! 49.How would you like a fat lip? ;48.你会挨一顿毒打! 49.你想要我揍你一拳吗?
50.You're asking for a knuckle sandwich! 51.Cool it. ;50.你在讨打! 51.你少来. 你到一边儿凉快去吧.
52.You're gonna get creamed. 53.He'll punch your lights out. ;52.你会被毒打一顿. 53.他会打得你昏死过去.
54.Do it.Your very life depends on it. ;54.好自为之,你的命 寄托在它上面.
55.You're running out of time. 56.You're a walking dead man. ;55.你的时间不多了. 56.你活不久了.
57.Your days are numbered. 58.Kiss your ass good-bye! ;57.你的时日不多了. 58.你死定了!
59.I'll skin you alive if you don't do it. ;59.如果你不做,我会活 剥你的皮.
60.If you ask any more questions,they'll cut your throat. ;60.如果你再多问, 他们会宰了你.
61.If you ever cross my path,I'll pluck your eyes out. ;61.如果你阻碍我的好事, 我会把你的眼睛挖出来.
62.You'd better settle this matter or I'll personally bury you ;62.你最好把这件事解决, 不然我会亲手活埋你.
63.A:You're bluffing! B:Oh yeah?Try me. ;63.A:你在吓唬人! B:是吗?你试试看我 敢不敢.
64.He's bullshitting you. 65.My boss's bark is worse than his bite ;64.他在跟你胡扯淡. 65.我的老板叫得比咬的 凶.
66.Don't threaten me! 67.You wouldn't dare! 68.I dare you! ;66.不要威胁我! 67.谅你也不敢! 68.你敢?
69.Don't think I won't 70.Don't doubt me. ;69.别以为我不会做. 70.不要怀疑我不敢做.
71.She wasn't just kidding. 72.These guys are for real. ;71.她没在说笑. 72.这家伙在玩真的.
85.Friendly Warnings 友善的警告 ;
1.Watch your step. 2.Look out! 3.Be careful! ;1.走路时要小心. 2.小心. 3.当心!
4.Don't trip. 5.Beware of dog. ;4.不要跌跤了. 5.当心恶犬.
6.Hold on or you'll fall off. ;6.抓紧一点不然你会跌 下去.
7.Be alert now! 8.On guard! ;7.要提高警惕! 8.看招!(看剑!)
9.Keep your eyes peeled! 10.This is no time for a nap. ;9.随时提高警惕! 10.现在不是松懈的时候.
11.You can't just sit there. ;11.你不能光坐在那里 (不想办法).
12.You don't want to wave the flag,do you? ;12.你不愿太张扬,而引起 众人的注目吧?
13.Be careful. It's deadly. 14.We've only got one life. ;13.小心一点, 这是会要人命的. 14.我们只有一条老命.
15.You're walking on thin ice. 16.You're digging your own grave. ;15.你如临深渊,如履薄冰 16.你在自掘坟墓.
17.You'd better take a walk fast. 18.Run for your life. ;17.你最好趁早开溜. 18.要保命快逃开.
19.Go home before something happens to you. ;19.趁还没出事之前, 赶紧回家去!
20.Avoid it at all costs. ;20.不计代价,竭力避免 它发生.
21.Watch your back. 22.Cover yourself. ;21.当心背后. 22.想一套好理由来替你 自己辩解.
23.Don't jeopardize all you've worked for. ;23.不要把多年的心血毁 于一旦.
24.If you don't stay on your toes,you'll get buried alive. 25.I told you so. ;24.如果不警惕,你会被 活埋. 25.我不早跟你说过了吗?
86.Success. 成功 ;
1.You've done well for yourself. 2.He'll go far. 3.He's a smash! ;1.你混得不错. 2.他大有前途. 3.他已声名显赫了!
4.She's a hit. 5.She brought down the house. 6.He's sensational! ;4.她成了热门人物. 5.她博得满堂彩. 6.他真是不可思议!
7.Steve rose from obscurity to the spotlight. ;7.史蒂从默默无闻,变成 家喻户晓.
8.He came out from nowhere. 9.He's a self-made man ;8.他是半途杀出来的 程咬金. 9.他白手成家.
10.He's made a name for himself. ;10.他塑造了自己的名气.
11.You've made quite a place for yourself in society. ;11.你已争取到相当的 社会地位.
12.You're a big shot now. ;12.你已成了举足轻重的 人物.
13.He began as a busboy and died an industrial tycoon. ;13.他从打杂童工起家,到 老死之时已成了工业 界的泰斗.
14.Maryann finally hit the bull's eye. 15.No one can beat you You're the champ. ;14.玛利终于顺遂心愿. 15.谁都赢不了你,你是此 道中之翘楚.
16.She stole the whole show. 17.I'm on my way up the ladder. ;16.她抢尽了风头. 17.我的行情看涨. 我正在节节高升.
18.I've risen to the top. 19.There is no mystery behind his success. ;18.我已爬到巅峰. 19.他的成功, 并无玄妙之处.
20.The key to success is perseverance. ;20.坚忍是开启成功之匙.
21.Success is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. ;21.成功是一分灵感,加上 九十九分的血汗.
22.He's set for life. 23.Success is hard to hold on to. ;22.他这下半辈子已不愁 吃穿. 23.创业难,守成更难.
24.Their time has come and gone. ;24.他们的黄金时期已过.
87.Reward 酬答 ;
1.This award will be frosting on the cake 2.He who dances must pay the piper. ;1.这份奖赏, 犹如锦上添花. 2.享乐者,必须付酬劳.
3.There's no free lunch. 4.No pain,no gain. ;3.天下没有白吃的午餐. 4.无辛勤,哪来收获?
88.To Seek Credit 邀功 ;
1.Don't forget to give me the credit I deserve. ;1.别忘了我应得的功劳.
2.Tommy is just a copycat. ;2.塔米只是个抄袭者.
3.He has no originality. 4.You picked that up from me. ;3.他没创作力. 4.那是你从我这儿学的.
5.She gives herself too much credit. ;5.她太抬举自己. 她自视过高.
6.Give the devil his due. ;6.他虽讨人厌,但也不应 否认他的功劳.
7.I owe it all to you for what I am today. ;7.我能有今天, 全托你的福.
8.His record of achievements is hard to dispute. ;8.他的丰功伟绩不容争辩
89.Fairness & Favoritism 公平与偏袒 ;
1.He sees facts, not people. ;1.他论事不论人.
2.Everyone is playing by the same rules, fair is fair. ;2.大家都规规矩矩在参加 比赛,没人耍花样.
3.He won it fair and square. ;3.他赢得光明磊落.
4.What's good for the gander is good for the goose. ;4.要论公平的话,男人可 以做的事,女人也可照 做不误.
5.Don't ask me. I'm neutral. 6.He's impartial. ;5.不要问我的意见,我 不想偏袒哪一方. 6.他公正无私.
7.These names are chosen arbitrarily. ;7.这些名字是随意挑选 出来的.
8.I want to be fair with you. ;8.我不想让你吃亏.
9.A:How about if we split it 50/50? B:Fair enough! ;9.A:咱们二一添作五吧? B:够公平的啦!
10.A:Is that fair enough? B:What's fair is fair. ;10.A:那样够公平了吗? B:你说公平就公平吧!
11.This game is always tilted in their favor. ;11.这种比赛老是他们 占便宜.
12.They all do it. Why can't I? ;12.他们都在做, 为何我不可以做?
13.Justice is blind. 14.She's siding with her son. ;13.真正的公平是论事不 论人. 14.她袒护自己的儿子.
15.He's always been the teacher's pet. ;15.他一直是老师最钟爱 的学生.
16.He's a hometown favorite. ;16.他是家乡人眷爱的 人物.
17.They are taking sides. ;17.他们在偏袒人.
18.You're showing favoritism. 19.You're protecting her. ;18.你偏心. 19.你在袒护她.
20.You can't shield this man forever. ;20.你没办法一辈子护着 这个人.
21.He gets all the breaks. ;21.他占了所有的甜头.
22.How come you're all on his side? 23.It doesn't seem fair. ;22.为何你老跟他同一个 鼻孔出气呢? 23.这好像不太公平吧?
24.Which side are you on,anyway? ;24.你到底是在帮哪一边 嘛.
25.He is he and you are you. ;25.他是他,你是你, 哪能相提并论?
26.You know I'm always on your side. 27.Listen to both sides of the story. ;26.你知道我一直都支持 你. 27.不要光听片面之词.
28.You're jumping to conclusions. 29.I hope you will get a fair shake. ;28.你妄下断语. 29.我希望你获得公平的 待遇.
30.The only way to guarantee a fair shake for ourselves is to stick together ;30.团结是唯一能保证我 们获得公平待遇之首.
90.Compliment 赞赏 ;
1.Everyone needs a compliment now and then. ;1.每个人都需要偶尔被 夸奖几句.
2.A compliment makes you feel good all over. ;2.一句恭维的话使你 遍体舒畅.
3.Not bad! ;3.还不错吗?
4.A:You did a great job. ;4.A:这件工件你做得很 出色.
B:Thanks.You did pretty well yourself ;B:谢谢你的夸奖, 你自己也蛮不错.
5.Good going! 6.Way to go! 7.That's my boy! ;5.干得好! 6.要得! 7.这才是我的乖孩子!
8.I'm so proud of you. 9.You're a great kid. 10.Wow,that's amazing! ;8.我多么以你为荣. 9.你是个了不起的孩子. 10.哇,好惊人!
11.That's super! ;11.太超越了! 远超常人!
12.You're amazing. ;12.你真是不可思议.
13.A:You're amazing. B:So I've been told ;13.A:你太惊人了! B:别人一向就是这样 对我说的.
14.This is wild! ;14.这是天纵英才, 几近于狂?
15.Hats off to you for getting a donation from that miser. ;15.你能从那小气鬼募到 钱真不简单,我佩服你.
16.You are some piece of work! 17.You're a born charmer. ;16.你实在是一件不可 多得的艺术杰作! 17.你天生讨人喜欢.
18.He's one in a million. 19.You're to be blessed. ;18.他是难得的人物. 19.像你这样的人一定 会蒙神祝福.
20.You deserve a medal 21.You deserve laud and honor. ;20.你配得一个奖章. 21.你理应接受公开表扬.
22.He will be a hard act to follow. ;22.很难超越他杰出的 表演.
91.Applause 喝彩 ;
1.Bravo!Encore! 2.Nice show! ;1.要得!再来一个! 2.表演得真精彩!
3.Who knew they were this good! 4.You're quite a guy! ;3.没想到他们竟是 如此了得! 4.你实在了不起!
5.The audience gave him a thumb up. 6.I gave this picture two thumbs up. ;5.观众都一致赞许他. 6.我给这部片子极高的 评价.
7.Please give her a big hand. ;7.请大家为她鼓掌.
8.A:Your speech was fabulous! ;8.A:你的演讲好极了!
B:You're too kind. I know it wasn't that good. ;B:你太客气了, 我知道没那么好.
9.Are you serious or just trying to make me feel better? ;9.你说真心话,还是逗着 我玩的?
10.You're just being polite. 11.Can't you take a compliment? ;10.你只是在说客套话. 11.你不能接受人家一句 恭维话吗?
92.Returning A Compliment 对恭维的应答 ;
1.How sweet of you! 2.That's the nicest thing anybody ever said to me. ;1.你这个人真好! 2.这是我一生中最爱听 的话.
3.That's very flattering. 4.You flatter me. ;3.真会讨好人. 4.你把我捧得飘飘然.
5.It was nothing. Anyone could have done it. ;5.这没什么,谁都做得来.
6.You give me more credit than I deserve. ;6.你太抬举我了.
7.I owe it all to my friends who helped me so much. ;7.这全归功于那些鼎立 相助的朋友们.
8.You're boosting my ego. 9.Don't spoil me. ;8.你使我志得意满. 9.别捧坏我.
93.Pleasing Someone 讨好人 ;
1.This will be a real crowd pleaser. 2.Is it to your liking ;1.这准会讨众人的欢喜. 2.这适合你的口味吗?
3.Everything I do is to please you. ;3.每一件事我都是为了 讨好你而做.
4.Anything for you, my love. ;4.亲爱的,你要什么我都 依你.
5.I knocked my head against a wall trying to please him ;5.我拼死想讨好他.
6.I've been breaking my tail at work,and my boss shows no appreciation. ;6.我拼命工作,但老板却 不领情.
7.I give up.There's just no satisfying you. ;7.我认了,反正我无法使 你称心如意.
8.I try so hard to please,and all I get is a slap in the face ;8.我吃力不讨好.
9.He uses gifts to win a woman over. 10.You can't please everyone. ;9.他利用馈赠去博取女人 的欢心. 10.你无法取悦每个人.
94.Gift 礼物 ;
1.Here you go! ;1.拿去吧!
2.A:Here.Go buy yourself some flowers. ;2.A:拿这些钱去替你自己 买些花吧.
B:That would buy a whole lot of flowers ;B:那些钱可以买不少花呢
3.He showered her with gifts. ;3.他买给她满山满谷的 礼物.
4.He lavished presents on his girlfriend. ;4.他奢侈地买了一大堆 礼物,送给他的女友.
5.You shouldn't have. 6.It really wasn't necessary. ;5.你这是何必呢? 6.实在没这必要.
7.You really went overboard buying presents. ;7.你买礼物的钱真是 花过头了.
8.You're an Indian giver. ;8.你把已送给人家的东西 又要回来了.
9.Take it or you're not a friend. ;9.把我当朋友的话, 就收下吧.
10.You're a good giver but a poor receiver ;10.你不吝惜送东西给别 人,却不肯接受别人 半点儿好处.
11.Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. ;11.你尽管接受礼物, 不必多问.
12.Keep it. You might need it. ;12.你留着吧,也许有一天 会派得上用场.
13.It's tough thinking of a present for her. ;13.想不出该送她什么礼 物才好,真是伤透脑筋.
14.Please,say it with flowers. ;14.请你带些礼物去, 不要光说好听话.
15.He takes without giving anything in return. ;15.他不懂得礼尚往来.
16.It's not necessary to spend money on me Being my daughter is gift enough. ;16.不用花钱买东西给我. 你能作为我的女儿, 已是最大的礼物.
17.It's the thought that counts. ;17.心意如何才是最重要 的.
95.Flattery 诌媚 ;
1.Flattery is the name of the game. 2.Flattery paved the way to his post. ;1.奉承是使你吃得开的 不二法门. 2.诌媚替他的职位铺了路
3.Flattery will get you everywhere. ;3.诌媚会使你通行无阻.
4.He butters up everyone trying to make points. ;4.他讨好每一个人,以广 结人缘.
5.They suck up to anyone with money. ;5.他们诌媚任何有钱的人
6.He sure knows how to rub shoulders with the right people to get ahead. ;6.他很懂得趋炎附势,以 便夤缘上升.
7.Nice suit. ;7.好漂亮的西装.
8.You look sharp. Interview? ;8.你穿得这么帅, 去面试吗?
9.You look spiffy. Hot date tonight? ;9.你打扮得花枝招展, 今晚有热情的约会吗?
10.Your hair looks great. 11.That's a beautiful ring. ;10.你的头发很好看. 11.好美的戒指.
12.That outfit looks great on you. ;12.那件外衣穿在你身上 挺好看.
13.It's a work of art! 14.It's a masterpiece. ;13.这是一件不可多得的 艺术品. 14.这是出自行家的手笔.
15.It's a gem. ;15.这像宝石一样好.
16.How did a nice woman like you get stuck with a bum like him? ;16.像你这样的一朵鲜花 怎会插到牛粪上呢?
17.You've got good taste. 18.Hey,that's really class. ;17.你很有品味. 18.嘿,那可真够气派.
19.That's real cool. 21.Your direction has done wonders for this company. ;19.那可真是有两下子. 21.你的领导带给这家公 司意想不到的效果.
22.It's about time I heard a compliment around here. ;22.总算在这儿有人夸奖 我了.
23.He loves it when others kiss up to him. ;23.他最爱别人奉承.
24.He likes to wear a top hat. ;24.他喜欢别人给他戴 高帽子.
25.Some people just can't get enough of flattery. ;25.有些人说再多的恭维 话给他他也听不腻.
26.People love flattery.It's a fact of life. ;26.人爱受吹捧, 这是铁一般的事实.
27.What do you want, a medal? ;27.你还想要什么, 一个奖章吗?
96.Rejecting Flattery 拒受诌媚 ;
1.You're just trying to relate. 2.Stop trying to buddy up to me. ;1.你只是想套近乎. 2.别想亲近我.
3.I don't want to hear any sweet-talk. ;3.我不要听任何甜言蜜语
4.I hate it when someone tries to butter me up! ;4.我最讨厌人家奉承我!
5.I dislike flattery. 6.You don't have to wine and dine your higher-ups. ;5.我讨厌诌媚. 6.你犯不着用酒肉来奉承 上司.
7.Don't patronize me. Nobody eats that shit. ;7.别想拍我的马屁, 没人会吃你那一套.
8.He's too much of a back-slapper. ;8.他太会胁肩诌笑.
9.He's a brown-noser. 10.He's an apple-polisher. ;9.他是马屁精. 10.他是马屁虫.
11.She doesn't really like you.She's just a social climber. ;11.她并非真正喜欢你,她 只是长袖善舞的女人.
12.He's always licking the president's boot. ;12.他老是在拍总经理的 马屁.
13.You must've rubbed him the wrong way. ;13.你准是拍错了马屁.
14.I meant it as a compliment,but he took it as an insult ;14.我存心要恭维他, 但他却当成侮辱.
97.Center Of Attention 注目中心 ;
1.It's your turn to be on stage. 2.You're going to be in the spotlight. ;1.轮到你上台亮相了. 2.你即将为众所瞩目.
3.He thrives on female attention. ;3.他在女人的垂青下, 过得神气活现.
4.She's eating up all this attention. 5.Be an individual. ;4.别人对她的注目,使她 觉得好不得意. 5.要显出自己的特性.
6.You're on center stage. ;6.你正在众目睽睽之下.
7.All heads turned when she walked into the room. ;7.她走进房间时,众人都 对她行注目礼.
8.Everybody is watching! 9.Everyone's eye is on you. ;8.大家都睁大眼睛在看着 呢! 9.每个人都在瞧着你.
10.I get stage fright. 11.I hate being in the center of attention ;10.我容易怯场. 11.我最讨厌成为注目 中心.
12.I'm afraid of being under the microscope 13.He keeps a low profile. ;12.我不愿把自己披露在 别人仔细的观察下. 13.他韬光养晦.
98.Fame 名声 ;
1.It lives up to its name. 2.He lived up to my expectations. ;1.它名符其实. 2.他没辜负我的期待.
3.He's loosening his purse strings to gain more popularity. ;3.他在掏腰包买知名度.
4.He wants his name to stand out. 5.He wants to get noticed. ;4.他一心想出人头地. 5.他爱出风头.
6.He's won a name for his sense of humor. ;6.他的幽默感出了名.
7.A:So,what makes her so hot? ;7.A:到底是什么使她 声名卓著?
B:When you're hot, you're hot. ;B:人要出名时, 躲都躲不过.
8.John is a social butterfly. 9.He's a local celebrity. ;8.约翰是八面玲珑的人物 9.他是我们当地的风云 人物.
10.He's pretty well liked around here. ;10.他在这里蛮受人欢迎.
11.I've heard nothing but good reports about him. ;11.我所听到有关他的, 都是好事.
12.Your reputation precedes you. 13.You are very famous ;12.久仰,久仰. 13.阁下之大名如雷贯耳.
14.Your name rings a bell. ;14.我听过你的名字.
15.He's an accomplished musician. ;15.他是一位颇有成就的 音乐家.
16.He's a world-renowned artist. ;16.他是一位举世闻名的 艺术家.
17.Bill set off a bombshell in the computer industry. ;17.比尔在计算机里 一鸣惊人.
18.He's become an overnight success. ;18.他一夜发迹.
19.He's worth three chapters in a textbook. ;19.他的功勋彪炳,值得在 教科书里大书特写.
20.He's the man of the hour. ;20.他是时下名气最响的 人.
21.He was completely unknown few years ago. ;21.数年前他不默默无闻.
22.If you did that,I'm sure you'd go down in history. ;22.如果你办成了那件事, 准会名垂青史.
23.He's a legend in his own time. 24.You'll live after your dust. ;23.他活着的时候,已是个 传奇人物. 24.你的名声永存.
25.His legacy lives on ;25.他的风范常存.
99.To Idolize 偶像崇拜 ;
1.He's my hero. 2.He's my idol. ;1.他是我心目中的英雄. 2.他是我崇拜的偶像.
3.You've become a hero to these kids. ;3.你已成了这些小萝卜头 的英雄.
4.She's my dreamboat. ;4.她是我梦寐以求的人儿
5.People worship this guy like he's a demigod. ;5.众人把他当半个神来 崇拜.
6.Madonna is a pop icon. 7.She has a large following. ;6.玛丹娜是受人崇拜的 人物. 7.她有许多仰慕者.
8.I'm your most loyal follower. 9.They are my diehard fans. ;8.我是你最忠诚的拥护者 9.他们是我至死不渝的 爱戴者.
10.They are my most enthusiastic fans. 11.Can I have your autograph? ;10.他们是我最热心的迷. 11.我可以要你的签名吗?
100.Bad Reputation 恶名 ;
1.You are what they say you are. ;1.你的所作所为, 正如他们所说的.
2.You're just as bad as they say. ;2.你正像他们所说的一样 坏.
3.It's true what they said about you. ;3.他们对你的评语属实.
4.I was warned about you. ;4.已有人警告过我要提防 你.
5.He's notorious for ripping people off. ;5.他因剥削人而恶名昭彰
6.I can't put my name on junk. 7.My reputation is on the line. ;6.我不能把我的名声毁在 那种烂货上. 7.我的名声已岌岌可危.
8.We don't want to lose face. ;8.我们不想失掉面子.
9.Get those cameras out of here!We don't need any bad press. ;9.把照相机拿走,我们不 需要任何负面报导.
10.It's bad for public relations. 11.His name is mud. ;10.这会弄坏公共关系. 11.他已声名扫地.
12.She's disgraced forever. ;12.她的羞耻永存.
13.In spite of the scandal he came off smelling like a rose. ;13.虽然发生了丑闻,他的 形象毫不受损.
101.To Complain 抱怨 ;
1.Everybody's a critic ;1.每个人都是挑剔鬼.
2.He's a vocal critic of government overspending. ;2.他是对政府胡乱花钱骂 得最凶的评论家.
3.This sloppy job just doesn't cut it. 4.He tried to find fault with me. ;3.我无法接受这种草率 的工作. 4.他存心挑我的错.
5.Don't knock it till you try it. ;5.还没试用之前先别乱 批评.
6.She's always picking on me for whatever I do. ;6.她对我所做的任何事都 看不顺眼.
7.Can't you do anything right? 8.You sound like my wife. ;7.你无法办成任何事吗? 8.你的口气活像我太太.
9.He's always looking for a bone to pick with me. ;9.他老在我的鸡蛋里挑 骨头.
10.He likes to take cheap shots. 11.Why is everybody on my back? ;10.他喜欢揭人疮疤. 11.怎么搞的,每个人都在 找我的碴?
12.What are you busting my ass for? 13.Don't pick on me. ;12.干嘛老盯在我屁股 后头呢? 13.不要挑我的错.
14.Get off my back. 15.Quit busting my chops. ;14.你给我滚开一点儿. 15.不要一天到晚骂我.
16.Shut up already! 17.Stop the criticism. ;16.你快给我闭嘴. 17.少再批评(我).
18.Why are you always against me? 19.Nag.Nag.Nag. That's all wives do ;18.你为何老和我作对呢? 19.做妻子的只会一天到 晚喋喋不休.
20.She nags like a broken record. ;20.她的唠叨,活像唱片 跳针反复不停.
21.Criticize and criticize.All you ever do is cut me down. ;21.一大堆批评, 你只会贬损我.
22.Fine,I'm no good, but what about you? ;22.对,我不是好东西, 那你呢?
23.Must you always bring up my past? ;23.你非得老提我过去 不光彩的事吗?
24.I hate her sharp tongue. 25.Don't pick on her. ;24.我恨她那一张刻薄的 嘴. 25.不要去挑她的错.
26.Nobody takes criticisms well. ;26.谁都不愿被批评.
27.People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. ;27.缺点满身的人,没资格 指摘别人.
102.Fussy 吹毛求疵 ;
1.I'm not fussy. 2.He's a finicky eater ;1.我不挑剔. 2.他很挑嘴.
3.Why should we make a fuss about it? 4.Don't make such an issue over it. ;3.我们何必为它小题大作 呢? 4.不要为它大做文章.
5.It's not worth fussing about. 6.Why complicate things? ;5.这不值得你煞费周章. 6.干嘛化简为繁呢?
7.Can't we simplify it? 8.What's the big deal? ;7.不能化简一下吗? 8.这没什么大不了!
9.He's as finicky as a cat. 10.She's the world's number one fusspot. ;9.他像猫那么挑食. 10.她是全世界最 吹毛求疵的女人.
11.He's such an anal retentive person. 12.Men don't like women who nag. ;11.他过分拘泥小节. 12.男人讨厌喋喋不休的 女人.
13.He's penny-wise and pound-foolish. ;13.他小处精明而大处 糊涂.
103.To Grumble 发牢骚 ;
1.You're never here when I need you. ;1.每当我需要你时,总是 找不到人.
2.To you I'm a workhorse,a punching bag! ;2.对你来说我只是一匹马 和一个出气筒!
3.You treat me like dirt. 4.This is horrible! 5.I hate this. ;3.你视我如粪土. 4.恶劣透顶! 5.我讨厌这种事.
6.This is shit! 7.He sucks. 8.She's always griping about something. ;6.这是狗屎! 7.他恶劣透顶. 8.她老是咕哝个不停.
9.She's a whiner. 10.She bitches about everything. ;9.她好发牢骚. 10.她的贫嘴没饶过哪样 东西.
11.He's always crying the blues. ;11.他老是抱怨一大堆, 想获得别人的同情.
12.Oh stop griping! ;12.哎呀,别再抱怨了 行不行!
13.There you go again! 14.Don't be such a crybaby. 15.Quit whining! ;13.你又来这套了! 14.别老像个爱哭的婴儿. 15.不要再发牢骚!
16.Stop your bickering 17.Stop giving me grief. ;16.停止为鸡毛蒜皮的事 吵架. 17.少给我头痛.
18.Now what's your problem? ;18.你又在罗嗦些什么? 你又什么事不对劲了.
19.I'm going to make a big fuss. ;19.我要好好地告一状.
20.Why didn't you just say so in the first place? ;20.你何不早说呢?
104.Protest 抗议 ;
1.Darn it! That's not fair. ;1.该死!这不公平!
2.You call this justice? 3.Be fair! ;2.这算哪门子的公平? 3.公平点儿!
4.A:That's unfair! B:You tell me what's fair. ;4.A:这样不公平! B:那你说,怎样才算 公平?
5.You'll have to take your claim to headquarters. ;5.你有什么抱怨, 到总局去说好了.
6.My money is just as good as anyone else's! ;6.我的钱跟别人的没两样
7.Treat me like a human being. ;7.把我当人看待行不行?
8.Why am I being treated like dirt here? ;8.为何我在这里被视如粪 土呢?为何我在这里被 糟蹋呢?
9.Is my skin in the wrong color? 10.We've all been silent too long. ;9.我的皮肤颜色不对吗? 10.我们已忍气吞声太久 了.
11.It's time someone spoke up. 12.I resent that. ;11.这是打破沉默的时刻 了. 12.我谴责这种事.
13.I object to that. ;13.我既反对又鄙视那种 事.
14.You can't walk all over me. 15.Don't insult me. ;14.别以为你可以随便 欺负人. 15.不要侮辱我.
16.They are up in arms about it. ;16.他们对这件事群情 激昂.
17.I'd like to dispute my bill this month. ;17.我对本月份的帐单 有异议.
18.The squeaky wheel gets the grease. ;18.会抱怨的人,先得好处
19.If you don't ask, you don't get. ;19.如果你不出声要求, 什么也得不到.
105.Fight For Equality 争平等权 ;
1.You can't deprive me of my right. 2.Don't try to rob me of my rights. ;1.你不能剥夺我的权利. 2.别想抢夺我应有的权利
3.I'm entitled to know 4.We should lend her an ear. ;3.我有权知道这是怎么 回事. 4.我们应洗耳恭听她的话
5.The interest of the child's is at stake. 6.What I ask for is equal treatment. ;5.这孩子的福利面临危机 6.我所要求的是同等待遇
7.I'm a citizen and a taxpayer.I have rights! ;7.我是公民也是纳税人, 我有法定的权利!
8.Stand up for your rights. ;8.要为你个人的利益力争 到底.
9.Stand up and be counted. ;9.勇敢地站起来不要被人 看扁.
10.If you want to be seen,stand up.If you want to be heard,speak up. ;10.如果要别人看见你,就 得站起来;如果要人家 听见你,必须大声发言.
11.One man can make a difference. ;11.一个人也能造成大 气候.
12.Every vote counts. 13.Give me liberty or give me death. ;12.每一张选票都至关 紧要. 13.不自由毋宁死.
14.I've earned that right. 15.Too much freedom is a bad thing. ;14.我已争取到那项权利. 15.过分的自由引发灾害.
16.All men are not born equal. ;16.人生而不平等.
106.Women's Rights & Abortion 妇权与堕胎 ;
1.The abortion issue is controversial. 2.It's touchy stuff. ;1.堕胎是引起争论的话题 2.这是个十分敏感的话题
3.It's tricky business 4.Women battled over their right to a legal abortion. ;3.这是一件难缠的事. 4.妇女们为了争取她们 合法的权利而奋战.
107.Discrimination 歧视 ;
1.Down with sexism! 2.He's a gay-basher. ;1.打倒性别歧视! 2.他是大肆攻击同性恋 的人.
3.He's a white supremacist. 4.He's a bigot. ;3.他是白人至上主义者. 4.他是老顽固. 他歧视有色人种.
5.Ageism is a form of discrimination. 6.That's a sweeping statement. ;5.鄙视老人是一种歧视. 6.那是不分青红皂白的 声明.
7.You're being stereotypical. ;7.你这样说,未免有失 偏颇.
8.One rotten apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch. ;8.一根竹竿打翻一船人.

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