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60.Concern 关切 ;
10.What's bothering you? 11.What's bugging you? 12.What's on your mind ;10.什么事困扰你呀? 11.什么事使你忧戚不宁? 12.你到底有什么心事?
13.What's the matter? You seem troubled. 14.What's eating him? ;13.怎么啦? 好像你被什么困扰. 14.什么事使他坐立不安?
15.Nothing's the matter? 16.What's the matter? 17.What's wrong? ;15.没什么要紧的事吧? 16.怎么啦? 17.出什么错了?
18.Problems got you down? 19.Problems at work? 20.Why so sad? ;18.难题使你沮丧吗? 19.工作上出了麻烦吗? 20.为何如此悲哀?
21.Why are you so bummed out? 22.Why the long face? ;21.你要死不活地, 是怎么搞的? 22.干嘛拉长着脸呢?
23.Why are you pouting 24.How do you feel? 25.I waited on her hand and foot. ;23.赌什么气呢? 24.好点儿了吗? 25.我无微不至地照顾她.
26.I only did it for you. 27.I'm doing it for your own good. ;26.纯粹是为你我才做的. 27.我这样做, 都是为了你好.
28.If it concerns you, it concerns me. 29.Your business is my business. ;28.凡跟你有关的, 就与我有关. 29.你的事,就是我的事.
30.We're on the same team. 31.We're in the same boat. ;30.我们是一伙的. 我们是同路人. 31.我们同舟共济.
32.I've got your welfare in mind. ;32.我一直都把你的利益 摆在心上.
33.You are lousy at looking after yourself. ;33.你很不懂得照顾自己.
34.We were worried sick! 35.She's my sole concern. ;34.我们担心得快弄出 病来了! 35.我唯一关心的就是她.
36.How can I just stand by and do nothing? ;36.我怎能坐视不救呢?
37.I can't be that indifferent. ;37.我怎能如此漠不关心.
38.I'm aware of your concern. 39.Thank you for your concern. ;38.我晓得你关怀我. 39.感谢你的关心.
40.That's very thoughtful of you. 41.I'll be okay.I can take care of myself ;40.你太体贴了. 41.没事,我照顾得了 自己.
42.I've seen to all the details. 43.He worries himself over nothing. ;42.所有细节我都已注意 到. 43.他杞人忧天.
44.Don't worry. We'll pull through it. ;44.不用担心,我们会逃过 这场灾难.
45.She's got her head screwed on right. ;45.她精得很.
46.They'll be okay. They are adults. ;46.他们都是成人, 照说不会有事.
47.They'll make do. They're smart. ;47.他们很聪明, 晓得如何随机应变.
48.The nursing staff has been very attentive. ;48.这儿的护理人员都很 亲切.
49.She's a very considerate and caring person. ;49.她是个懂得体贴和 关心的人.
50.Carry each other's burdens. ;50.你们要彼此担负重轭.
61.Thoughtfulness 体贴,体谅 ;
1.Go easy on her. 2.Don't be so narrow-minded. 3.Give him a chance. ;1.要对她和颜悦色些. 2.不要太小心眼儿. 3.再给他一次机会.
4.Open your mind. 5.It's very thoughtful of you to bring me back a souvenir. ;4.敞开你的心扉. 5.你带回纪念品回来给我 真是太周到了.
6.Put yourself in my shoes. 7.Live and let live! 8.I know how you feel. ;6.你替我设身处地想一想 7.和平共存吧! 8.我懂得你的心情.
9.I know what you've been through. 10.I got you. ;9.我知道你经历过什么 苦楚. 10.我懂你的意思了.
11.I dig. 12.It happened to me on a smaller scale. ;11.我明白了. 12.同样的事也发生过在 我身上,只是没那么严重.
13.I know what it feels like to hit bottom. ;13.我可以体会跌入深谷 的感觉.
14.Thanks for being so understanding. ;14.谢谢你如此体谅人.
15.We are sympathetic. ;15.我们很同情你的处境. 我们深表同情.
62.Consolation 安慰 ;
1.I want to lend my moral support. ;1.我想去做一下精神支持
2.We all like to know somebody cares for us. ;2.谁都喜欢有人关怀自己
3.We all need someone to wipe away our tears. ;3.我们都需要别人来安抚 伤痛.
4.We all need someone to lean on. ;4.我们都需要有人来支撑 脆弱的心.
5.How reassuring. 6.How encouraging! ;5.我听了以后,安心多了. 6.你这番话鼓舞了我! 多么鼓舞人!
7.Justice is on your side. 8.Good will triumph over evil. ;7.公理会站在你这一边. 8.邪不胜正.
9.Into each life a little rain must fall. ;9.一生中,难免遭到少许 挫折.
10.It's just a drop in the bucket. 11.Don't be so down. ;10.这是鸡毛蒜皮的琐事. 11.别那样死气沉沉.
12.Don't look so sad. Put on a happy face ;12.别那么难过, 换一副笑容吧.
13.When things go wrong,smile. ;13.遇事不顺, 亦应处之泰然.
14.Everything works out for the best. 15.Things often turn out for the better. ;14.总会雨过天晴. 15.否极泰来.
16.Things have a way of working out. 17.Everything turns out for the best. ;16.风水轮流转,十年河东 十年河西. 17.气运自会好转.
18.Don't fret.Things will get better. 19.You gotta have faith. ;18.不用焦虑,情况会好转 19.你非得有信心不可.
20.The worst is over. 21.Take heart! 22.Every cloud has a silver lining. ;20.最坏的阶段已成过去. 21.坚强点儿. 22.每件事都有好的一面.
23.There are two sides to every coin. 24.Heck!A door slams, a window opens. ;23.任何事都有正反两面. 24.去他的! 人有一失,必有一得.
25.When God closes one door,he opens another. ;25.天无绝人之路.
26.Sometimes faith is what keeps you going. ;26.有时信心是支撑你 继续奋斗的原动力.
27.Don't comfort me, it's no use. 28.He's sulking. ;27.不用安慰我,那不济事 28.他在闹别扭.
29.Don't be so hard on yourself. ;29.不要太苛责自己.
30.You can only do so much. 31.Now,cheer up! ;30.你能做的都已做了. 31.好啦,想开点儿吧!
32.Don't take it too hard. 33.Don't be blue. 34.Chin up! ;32.不要为它太难过. 33.不要太忧郁. 34.不要垂头丧气!
35.Don't be so pessimistic. 36.It's not so bad. ;35.不要太悲观. 36.情况没你想的那么糟.
37.Things could be a lot worse! ;37.还有比这更恶劣的呢!
38.Brace yourself! 39.We'll find a way. 40.We'll ride this storm out. ;38.打起精神来! 39.我们会找到解方. 40.我们会安度这场风暴.
41.We're going to pull through. 42.It's part of life. ;41.我们会克服这重难关. 42.这是人生必经之过程.
43.It's just one of those things. ;43.这只是诸多倒楣事之 一.
44.Don't fall apart on me now. 45.Stop crying. ;44.现在可别倚在我身上 号啕大哭. 45.别哭了.
46.Whatever is done is done. ;46.生米已煮成熟饭了, 你还能怎样.
47.What's the use of crying over spilt milk? ;47.为无可挽救的事伤心, 于事何补?
48.Let go of the past. 49.It's over with. ;48.过去的事不要再追究 了. 49.这成了昨日黄花.
50.Yesterday was yesterday. Live for today. ;50.好汉不提当年勇,要 脚踏实地.
51.No road is so long it has no turning. ;51.愁苦不会没尽头.
52.Make the most of each day. 53.There's always another chance. ;52.勿负今日. 53.总会另有转机.
54.Don't give up. 55.Things can change. 56.There's always next time. ;54.不要放弃希望. 55.苦尽则甘来. 56.总有下一次的机会.
57.There's always hope 58.Every dog has his day. ;57.还会有希望. 58.瓦片尚有翻身日, 为人岂无走运时?
59.It's not the end of the world. 60.The world's not going to end. ;59.这不是世界末日. 60.世界还没到尽头.
61.Doomsday hasn't come yet. 62.Life goes on. ;61.世界末日还没到. 62.死不了,日子照样过 下去.
63.There's always tomorrow. 64.It's always the darkest before dawn. ;63.总还有明天的希望. 64.黎明之前,总是最黑暗 的时刻.
63.Encouragement 鼓励 ;
1.Keep going. You can make it. ;1.继续试下去, 你会成功的.
2.You always give up before trying. ;2.你老是连试都没试就 放弃.
3.There's a first time for everything. 4.You're throwing your life away. ;3.凡事都有起头儿第一遭 4.你在糟蹋你这一生.
5.You're ruining your life. 6.You can't go on like this. ;5.你正在毁灭你这一生. 6.你不能老这样下去.
7.This has got to stop 8.All you need is a little push. ;7.这非中止不可. 8.你所需要的,只是一点 儿鞭策.
9.The coach gave them a pep talk. ;9.教练跟他们说了一番 打气的话.
10.What you need is a good kick in the ass. ;10.你所欠缺的,只是别人 给你一个有力的刺激.
11.She needs a little boost. 12.Be worthy of yourself. ;11.她需要稍打点儿气. 12.不要辱没你自己.
13.Pull yourself together. 14.Don't let him intimidate you. ;13.振作起来! 14.别让他吓着了你.
15.Stand tall! 16.Stand tough! 17.Assert yourself. ;15.昂然站起来! 16.雄赳赳地站立着! 17.要维护你自己的权利.
18.Where is your ambition? 19.Make me proud of you. ;18.你的雄心大志哪儿去 啦? 19.要让我以你为荣.
20.The whole world is your oyster. 21.You're the master of your destiny. ;20.整个世界都是你大展 鸿图之地. 21.你是自己命运的主宰.
22.Go set the world on fire! 23.Give it all you've got. ;22.去做一番惊天动地的 事业! 23.把你的潜力发挥出来.
24.Have some self-respect. 25.Don't put yourself down ;24.要有自尊. 25.不要瞧不起你自己.
26.Use your gifts. ;26.要善用你的天赋.
27.Give yourself another chance. ;27.再多给你自己一次 机会!
28.Don't you want to be somebody? ;28.你不愿做个功成名就 的显赫人物吗?
29.You've got your bright future ahead of you. ;29.你有灿烂的前途.
30.Do yourself a favor and go find a job. ;30.帮你自己一个忙,去找 份工作做.
31.Be good to yourself 32.Stand strong! 33.We're all counting on you. ;31.要善待自己. 32.不要向压力屈服! 33.我们全看你的了.
34.That's the spirit! 35.You can do better than that. ;34.那才是应有的态度! 35.你可以做得比那个 更好些.
36.Merely to maintain is to lose in the end. ;36.仅仅保持现状, 终将遭致失败.
37.Be the best or nothing. ;37.要就做最好, 不然全拉倒.
38.Where there's life, there's hope. ;38.留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧.
39.Better to have a pat on the back than a kick in the butt. ;39.被鼓励, 总比遭人白眼强.
64.To Edify. 助益 ;
1.It's a bonus for me. 2.That's a definite plus. ;1.这是我应得的好处. 2.那绝对是额外的一项 优点.
3.A good education will pay off one day ;3.花大钱做好教育工作, 到头来不吃亏.
65.To Be Sympathetic 怜悯 ;
1.How sad! 2.How awful! 3.How tragic! ;1.多教人悲伤! 2.多么不幸啊! 3.多么不幸!
4.How terrible! 5.What a pity! ;4.多悲惨啊! 多糟啊! 5.多可惜啊!
6.Gee,that's too bad. 7.I'm sorry to hear that. ;6.唉,那真是太糟了. 7.听到这件事真难过.
8.I hope it's nothing serious. ;8.希望情况不至于太严重
9.Please accept my deepest sympathies. ;9.请接受我最深挚的同情
10.It's been difficult but we're getting by. ;10.心情很沉重, 但我们还撑得住.
11.Everyone has been standing behind us. 12.What a way to make a living! ;11.大家都在支持我们. 12.如此谋生之道,教人 不忍卒睹!
13.This guy's got heart. ;13.这个人有良心.
14.My heart goes out to all the homeless people. ;14.我关怀那些无家可归 的人.
15.Have a heart. Show some sympathy. 16.Don't kick a man when he is down. ;15.行行好,发发慈悲. 16.不要打落水狗.
17.We all have our good points. ;17.每一个人都有可取之 处.
18.We all have our pluses and minuses. ;18.每个人都有他的长处 和短处.
66.To Reject Sympathy 拒绝同情 ;
1.I'm not looking for sympathy. 2.I don't want any pity. ;1.我不需要人同情. 2.我不需要任何怜悯.
3.He's too proud to accept handouts. ;3.他自尊心过重, 不愿接受救济.
67.Unconcerned. 漠不关心 ;
1.He deserved what he got. 2.He's cold as ice. 3.He'e heartless. ;1.他罪有应得. 2.他像冰一般冷谈. 3.他没心肝.
4.That's very inconsiderate. 5.You lack humanity. ;4.你太不体贴人了. 5.你没人情味.
6.What's that guy got to do with me? 7.It doesn't pertain to my life. ;6.那家伙和我有什么关系 7.这不关我的事.
8.I couldn't care less 9.That's your business not mine. ;8.我才不在乎呢? 9.那是你的事,与我无关.
10.Even if he did it, so? ;10.即使是他干的, 又如何?
11.So what? ;11.那又怎样? 是又怎样?
12.He can go to hell for all I care. 13.Do you give a damn? ;12.他死了我也无所谓. 13.你在乎吗?
14.Do you even care? 15.Do you give a shit? ;14.你真的关心吗? 15.你在乎吗?
16.You never ask me what I want. 17.Who gives? ;16.你不曾对我嘘寒问暖. 17.有谁在乎?
18.Just let him be! 19.He shrugged it off as a joke. ;18.随他去吧! 19.他把它当笑话, 耸了耸肩膀一走了之.
20.Who cares what people think? 21.I don't let it bother me. ;20.谁在乎别人作何感想? 21.我才懒得理会.
22.He's totally indifferent to other's vile gossip. ;22.他对别人歹毒的谣言 全然漠视.
23.It makes no difference to me. 24.You're talking to yourself. ;23.这对我来说没两样. 24.你在自说自话.
25.Funny,why does everybody ignore me? ;25.怪哉,干嘛每个人都对 我不理不睬?
68.Misunderstanding 误会 ;
1.I might be wrong, but what if I am right? ;1.也许是我错了,但万一 我对的话,该怎么办?
2.You're reading too much into it. ;2.你的假设太离谱.
3.You've got it all wrong. 4.You're all wet. ;3.你完全误解了. 4.你全然误会了.
5.It's all a big mistake. ;5.这是个天大的误会.
6.You're missing the whole point. 7.You've missed the point. ;6.你没掌握住我话里的 重点. 7.你误会了我的意思.
8.You took my remark out of context. 9.This whole thing is simply overblown. ;8.你对我所说的话 断章取义. 9.整个事都被夸张了.
10.You're twisting my words. 11.You're putting words in my mouth. ;10.你曲解了我的话. 11.你把我没说过的话, 硬塞进我嘴里.
12.A:What's up? B:Nothing serious. Just a little mix-up. ;12.A:怎么啦? B:没什么严重的事, 只是一点小误会.
69.Guilt 愧疚 ;
1.Her guilty conscience ate her until she finally confessed. ;1.她的良心不断地啃蚀她 直到她认罪.
2.Step aside and look at yourself. ;2.退出自己的立场, 来看看你的作为.
3.He's not sorry at all. 4.How can he sleep at night? ;3.他毫无悔过之心. 4.他晚上怎睡得着呢?
70.Self-Rebuke 自责 ;
1.Hon,was it something I said? ;1.亲爱的,不会是我说错 什么话吧?
2.How did I get into this mess? 3.I really messed up. ;2.我到底是怎么卷入这场 是非的呢? 3.我把事情弄砸了.
4.What an idiot I was! 5.I'm an old fool. 6.Who am I kidding? ;4.我多笨呀! 5.我是个老糊涂. 6.我何必自欺(欺人)呢?
7.I deserve everything you said about me. 8.I did it.I take the blame for it. ;7.你怎么骂我都行. 8.好汉做事,敢做敢当.
9.Me and my big yap. 10.Loose lips sink ships. ;9.都怪我这一张大嘴巴. 10.嘴巴不牢, 连大船也沉掉.
11.I'm ashamed of what I've done. 12.I can't face myself ;11.我对自己所做的事, 感到很惭愧. 12.我愧对自己.
13.I gave you a rough time. 14.I've let you down again. ;13.我害你受苦了. 14.我又教你失望了.
15.I've been the cause of his fall. ;15.我是造成他失败的 主因.
16.I've been so rough on you. 17.I mistreated her. ;16.我一向对你太粗暴了. 17.我虐待了她.
18.I don't deserve your friendship. ;18.我不够资格当你的 朋友.
71.Remorse 悔恨 ;
1.I should've listened to him. 2.I should've stayed home. ;1.我早该听他的话. 2.我真不该出来.
3.I wish I had known. ;3.要是我早知道就好了.
4.I should've done this long ago. 5.You can't relive yesterday. ;4.这件事我早该做了. 5.你无法使时光倒流.
6.I thought I was doing the smart thing. ;6.那时我还以为自己在做 聪明事儿呢?
7.It's never too late to mend. ;7.亡羊补牢,犹未为晚.
8.What's done is done. Now let's consider the future. ;8.逝者已矣,来者犹可追.
9.It's never too late to change. ;9.随时悔改,都不算太迟.
72.Apology 道歉 ;
1.Sorry,I've overreacted. 2.I guess I owe you an apology. ;1.抱歉,我反应过度了. 2.我理应向你赔罪.
3.I apologize for coming on so strong. 4.I am to blame. ;3.我为自己气势汹汹而 道歉. 4.这都怪我.
5.It's an oversight on my part. 6.Sorry,it's slipped. ;5.这是你的疏忽. 6.抱歉,我说溜了嘴.
7.I really feel guilty about it. ;7.这件事我实在很过意 不去.
8.I'm sorry I said that.I take back everything I said. ;8.我后悔说了那些话, 我把它全收回来.
9.Every time I say something,I just seem to put my foot in my mouth. ;9.好像我每一开口, 都会说错话.
10.Sorry if I did something wrong. ;10.如果我做错了什么, 我跟你道歉.
11.I was angry.I didn't mean a word I said. ;11.我那时很恼火,说的 都是气话.
12.Forgive me for all the foolish things I said. ;12.请原谅我所说的一切 蠢话.
13.That didn't come out right. ;13.我那句话表达不当.
14.Excuse me for living! 15.No hard feeling. ;14.诸多打扰,尚祈见谅. 15.不要怀恨在心.
16.Would you ever forgive me? ;16.你肯原谅我吗?
17.Won't you let me explain? 18.I might as well face the music! ;17.你不让我解释吗? 18.看来我只好挨一顿 臭骂了!
19.Might as well get over with it. 20.I might as well face it. ;19.不如趁早了断. 20.我还是面对现实算了.
73.Refusing To Apology 拒绝道歉 ;
1.I'll apologize to him when hell freezes over. ;1.除非黄河澄清,否则 休想我会跟他道歉.
2.It will be a cold day in hell when I shop in that store again! ;2.除非太阳从西边出来, 否则我不再光顾那家 铺子.
3.He didn't have the decency to apologize 4.I feel no remorse for what I've done. ;3.他连道歉的礼貌都没有 4.我对自己所做所为 毫不后悔.
74.Apology Accepted 谅释 ;
1.Don't worry about it It's forgotten. ;1.不要放在心上, 那件事我早就忘了.
2.No harm done. Not too worry. ;2.你并没造成什么伤害, 不用担心.
3.A:I owe you an apology.I was wrong before. B:Apology accepted. ;3.A:我从前错了, 我理应向你道歉. B:我接受你的道歉.
4.No need for explanations ;4.没必要解释. 没解释的必要.
5.I won't hold it against you. ;5.我不会因它而怀恨.
6.I'll let you go this time,But I'm gonna keep an eye on you. ;6.这次我放你一马,下回 可就没这么便宜了.
7.To err is human, (to)forgive Divine. ;7.犯错是人,饶恕是神.
75.Forgive & Forget 原谅 ;
1.I beg your pardon. 2.Nobody's perfect. ;1.请原谅. 2.世上无完人. 人无完人.
3.I'm not a saint. 4.Be charitable, we all make mistakes ;3.人非圣贤,孰能无过. 4.发发慈悲吧, 我们都有犯错的时候.
5.I'm just a human being. 6.I'm only human. ;5.我只是普普通通的人. 6.我仅是凡夫俗子.
7.Why don't' you kiss and make up? 8.I'll let the incidence slide. ;7.你们何不言归于好呢? 8.我打算对这件事 从轻发落.
9.Because of you,I'll give him a second chance. ;9.看在你面上,我给他另 一次机会.
10.This is your last chance. ;10.这是你最后的机会.
11.Here's a chance to redeem yourself. ;11.这是你将功赎罪的 机会.
12.Let's forgive and forget! ;12.咱们彼此原谅, 忘掉过节吧!
13.Let bygones be bygones. ;13.过去的事也就算了, 何必重提呢?
14.Why bring up the past?I see no point in opening old wounds. ;14.干嘛又旧事重提呢? 揭疮疤何益之有?
15.Let the past be. 16.Let it be. ;15.既往不究. 16.算了吧.
17.Don't bring up the past.We've suffered enough. ;17.不要重翻老账, 我们已受够了活罪.
18.Can't you let it go 19.It's something that's better off forgotten. ;18.你不能就此罢手吗? 19.这种事最好能忘就忘.
20.You're not being receptive to him. 21.It's over and done with. ;20.你不能接纳他. 21.这是无可改变的往事.
22.I forgive, but I don't forget. ;22.我可以原谅, 但坏印象却忘不了.
23.I can't just wipe away all my memories. ;23.我的记忆无法完全 抹掉.
76.Not To Forgive 不饶恕 ;
1.He still holds a big grudge against me. 2.Your apology doesn't help. ;1.他还对我怀着深仇大恨 2.你的道歉不管用.
3.What else do you want me to say? 4.What else can I say? ;3.你要我说什么才行呢? 4.我还能说什么呢?
5.Don't give me the guilt trip. ;5.你少给我添加罪恶感.
77.Reconciliation 和解 ;
1.There's no way to solve your differences. ;1.你们之间的纠纷无法 平息.
2.Let's face it. We don't have a future together. ;2.面对现实吧,我们俩并 无前途可言.
3.It's hard for those two guys to make up. ;3.要他们俩言归于好很难
4.Is it too late for me to make amends? 5.Can't we still be friends? ;4.我现在补救是否太迟了 5.我们还能做朋友吗?
6.No hard feelings? 7.Things have calmed down a bit. ;6.没伤了感情吧? 7.事态较已前缓和.
8.They want to restore ties with us. 9.She's trying to make up with me. ;8.他们想跟我们重修秦晋 之好. 9.她想和我讲和.
10.He brought her flowers as a peace offering. ;10.他带给她一束花,以表 示友善与和解的心意.
11.They settled their differences. ;11.他们平息了纠纷.
12.I'm glad we got that squared away. ;12.我很高兴我们已摆平 了纠纷.
78.Giving & Rejecting Advice 给予与拒受忠告 ;
1.I speak as a man of experience. 2.Can I give you a piece of advice? ;1.我以过来人的身份讲 这些话. 2.我可以劝你一句话?
3.Don't volunteer all the time. ;3.不要老是自告奋勇.
4.Let me play the devil's advocate here. ;4.让我来唱黑脸. 让我来扮演坏人的角色
5.Easy for you to say. 6.Get with it! ;5.你说得倒蛮轻松. 6.要赶上别人的步调!
7.He's wise to your tricks. 8.Stay away from that shit ;7.他太精了, 不会中你的诡计. 8.少跟那个臭人打交道.
9.He's a troublemaker. 10.You've got to suffer a little to be successful. ;9.他是个捣蛋鬼. 10.吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人.
11.You have to learn the pitfalls of life. 12.Use it or lost it. ;11.你要逃避生活中隐伏 的危机. 12.许多事都是用进废退.
13.Some people just won't listen. 14.He tunes me out. ;13.有些人偏不听忠告. 有些人听不进好话. 14.他掩耳不听我的忠言.
15.Why won't you listen? 16.Nobody ever listens to me. ;15.你为何不听劝告呢? 16.没哪个人肯听我的话.
17.I told you so. 18.My advice went unheeded. ;17.我不是早跟你说了吗? 18.我的话没人理睬.
19.If I want your advice,pal,I'll ask for it. ;19.老朋友,如果我需要你 的忠告,我会开口问你.
20.Unsolicited advice is almost always unwe- lcome,especially from a mother-in-law. ;20.不请自来的忠告,几乎 都不受人欢迎;特别是 来自丈母娘的.
79.Suggestion 建议 ;
1.I need some professional advice. ;1.我需要请教一下专业 人士的高见.
2.Any suggestions? We're hungry for ideas. ;2.有什么建议吗? 我们渴求宝贵的意见.
3.I'm open to alternatives ;3.我(虚心)接纳不同的 意见.
4.What do you propose? ;4.你提议该怎么做? 你说该怎么做?
5.This is too slow. ;5.这太牛步化了. 这实在太慢了.
6.Let me tell you what ;6.我来告诉你该怎么做.
7.A:Why not try it this way? B:No point in trying ;7.A:何妨试试这方法? B:试也没用.
80.To Remind Someone 提醒 ;
1.Don't make me repeat myself. ;1.不要让我一再叮咛. 不要教我说了又说.
2.Tie a string around your finger. 3.Let me know if I've missed anything ;2.要提醒你自己做这件事 3.如果我漏了什么的话, 提醒我一下.
4.Don't leave home without it. 5.Aren't you forgetting something ;4.出门不要忘了带它. 5.你没忘了什么吗?
81.Confirmation 确定 ;
1.I reconfirmed it already. 2.Should we double-check it? ;1.我已再三确定过了. 2.我们要不要再核对一次
3.We always spot check for any quality problems. 4.I'll have a look-see ;3.我们经常抽查品质. 4.我去查看一下.
5.I'll take a look. 6.Let's retrace our steps. ;5.我去瞧瞧. 6.咱们折回原路去吧.
82.Caution 谨慎 ;
1.It pays to be careful these days. ;1.这年头凡事谨慎点儿 比较划算.
2.Better safe than sorry. ;2.防患未然, 胜过事后悔恨.
3.Measure twice and cut once. 4.Don't get in too deep. ;3.三思而后行. 4.不要涉水太深,而无法 重返岸头.
5.Look before you leap 6.Watch it!You've got a rival there. ;5.勿轻举妄动. 6.当心点儿,你的死对头 在那里.
7.Be careful, accidents can happen 8.We can't take any chances. ;7.要当心,意外随时都 可能发生. 8.我们不能冒任何风险.
9.Why take chances? 10.Always expect the unexpected. ;9.何必冒险呢? 10.要随时戒备意外的 发生.
11.An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. ;11.一分预防,胜过十分 之治疗.
12.There's safety in numbers. ;12.人多势众.
13.Don't get so frien- dly with the competi- tion.Play your cards close to your vest. ;13.不要跟你的对手太友 善,当心别人刺探机密.
14.Watch your mouth. The walls have ears ;14.说话当心点儿, 别忘了隔墙有耳.
15.This room may be bugged. ;15.这房间也许已被安上 窃听器.
16.Be careful what you say.I think the line is tapped. ;16.说话要谨慎,我想电话 线上有人在窃听.
17.He thinks before he speaks. ;17.他言必经心.
18.He chooses his words carefully. ;18.他的谈吐严谨.
19.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. ;19.一鸟在手, 胜过双鸟在林.
20.It's better for us to gain the upper hand. ;20.我们占上风比较妥当.
21.The truth is in the details. ;21.要点都在细节上.
22.Try to read between the lines. ;22.要懂得弦外之音.
83.Carelessness 疏忽 ;
1.You don't sweat the details. 2.When you're tired, you lose your edge. ;1.你没用心处理细节. 2.人一累了,思路就迟钝.
84.Threats 恐吓 ;
1.Watch it! 2.Why don't you watch where you're going? ;1.当心点儿! 2.你走路怎么不带眼睛呢
3.Are you blind? 4.Hey,you almost bumped into me. ;3.你瞎了眼吗? 4.嘿,你差点儿撞到我了.
5.If I were you I wouldn't say that. ;5.如果我是你, 我不会那么说.
6.Not so fast,buster! ;6.混账东西,想骗我, 还早得很呢!
7.Don't even think about it. 8.Do that again and you'll get it. ;7.这种事你想都甭想. 8.再做一次, 就有你好受的.
9.You'd better wise up 10.Don't get in my way 11.Don't interfere. ;9.你要放明白些. 10.不要挡我的路. 11.不要干涉我.
12.Leave me alone. 13.Don't aggravate me. 14.Don't piss me off. ;12.少惹我. 13.不要惹恼了我. 14.少惹我生气.
15.Dont' try anything stupid. 16.You're already on my blacklist. ;15.不要蠢动. 16.你已上了我的黑名单.
17.Don't try to play games with me. ;17.少跟我玩什么把戏, 不然有你瞧的.
18.Talk straight,don't double-talk me. ;18.有话直说, 不许你含糊其词.
19.Nobody screws me up 20.No one crosses me. ;19.不许任何人跟我胡来! 20.不许有谁反抗我.
21.Don't fuck with me. 22.Do it and you'll be sorry. ;21.不要跟我捣蛋. 22.做了这件事, 你准会后悔.
23.I'm warning you. 24.I'm telling you for the last time. ;23.我警告你. 24.我最后一次警告你.
25.Do it and you'll lose your allowance forever. ;25.如果你敢做,再也别想 问我要零用钱花.
26.Vito twisted his son's arm into staying in the family business. ;26.维多强迫他的儿子继 续为家庭的事业工作.
27.Let's go kick some butt. ;27.咱们去痛宰他们.
28.You take that back or I'll box your ears. ;28.你快把那句话收回去, 不然我会捧你.
29.Keep on talking like that and you'll get busted for nothing. ;29.你再像那样子说话,就 会无缘无故地被逮捕.
30.Don't you ever do that to me again. ;30.你绝不可以再如此 对待我.
31.You don't know whom you're dealing with ;31.你不晓得你在和谁 打交道.
32.This is all far from over. 33.We shall meet again ;32.我跟你的戏还有得唱. 33.咱们后会有期.
34.Another time, another place. 35.We'll see about that! ;34.哪一天冤家路窄碰上 了,我会捧你. 35.我们等着瞧吧!
36.You're going down for this. ;36.你会为这桩事弄得 灰头土脸.
37.We've got ways of dealing with guys like you! ;37.我们有的是对付像 你这种人的办法.
38.You'll pay for this! 39.I'll get my revenge. ;38.到头来你会为此付出 代价. 39.我会报仇.
40.He's holding a press conference. ;40.他正在举行记者 招待会.
41.Don't do anything you might regret. 42.Beat it,or I'll call the cops. ;41.不要做任何你会后悔 的事. 42.快滚,不然我就报警.
43.I'll report you to the authorities. ;43.我向有关当局去告你.
44.A:I'm reporting you to your superiors. ;44.A:我要去向你的上司 投诉.
B:Go ahead. See if I care. ;B:尽管去吧, 看我在乎不在乎.
45.A:Pay me that money or else. B:Or else what? ;45.A:还我那笔钱, 不然有你好受的. B:不然你敢把我怎样.
A:Is that a threat? B:No,it's a guarantee. ;A:你在威胁我吗? B:不是威胁,而是保证我 说到做到.

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