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Spoken American English 2 ;
1.Humility 谦逊 ;
1.He's known for being low-key. 2.They're down to earth. ;1.他的谦卑是出了名的. 2.他们很踏实.
3.You're just being modest. 4.This is no time to be modest. ;3.你太谦虚了. 4.这不是讲谦虚的时候.
5.You should take all the credit. ;5.你应该居全功, 不用太谦虚.
6.You deserve all the credit. ;6.所有的功劳你都 当之无愧.
7.Am I worthy of such honor? 8.I'm flattered. ;7.我真的配得这份荣誉吗 8.你太夸奖我了.
9.You're just being polite. 10.You're being overly humble. ;9.不敢当,你太夸奖了. 10.你太谦逊了.
11.A:You've accomplished a lot. B:I'm just trying to keep busy. ;11.A:你已有了许多成就. B:没这回事,我只是不 愿闲着.
12.A:You did a very fine job. B:I was just doing my job. ;12:A:这件事你办得很好. B:我只是尽本份而已.
13.Fame isn't everything. 14.I'm not much of a mechanic myself. ;13.名望并非一切. 14.我算不得是好师傅.
2.Inferiority Complex 自卑 ;
1.Who wants to be me? 2.Nobody wants to be in my shoes. ;1.谁愿像我这样子? 2.没哪个人愿意处于我 这样的境遇.
3.Do I look out of place? 4.I'm afraid I'll only slow you down. ;3.我看起来和这里 格格不入. 4.我担心我只会拖累你.
5.I feel like I'll never amount to anything in life. ;5.我觉得我这一辈子 一事无成.
6.I'm feeling sorry for myself. 7.He's drowning in self-pity. ;6.我为自己感到悲哀. 7.他沉耽于自怜.
8.I feel depressed. 9.I'm just a nobody. ;8.我感到沮丧. 9.我只是籍籍无名的小子
10.I'm just a peanut. 11.I'm the low man on the totem pole. ;10.我只是个小不点儿. 11.我是阶级最低的人.
12.Don't sell yourself short. 13.Don't underestimate yourself. ;12.不要妄自菲薄. 13.不要低估自己.
3.Sexual Desire 性欲 ;
1.She turns me on. 2.She's a fast woman. ;1.她使我欲火上升. 2.她是个骚货.
3.She's too passionate 4.That dress is a real turn-on. ;3.她热情如火. 4.那种服装会撩起情欲.
5.She's a loose woman. 6.She's not the kind of girl you'd take home to mother. ;5.她是个不知检点的女人 6.她登不了大雅之堂.
7.She's shacking up with a guy. 8.She's a call girl. ;7.她正跟一个男人姘居. 8.她是应召女郎.
9.She works on the street. ;9.她是阻街女郎.
10.Male hustlers are becoming more prominent. ;10.男妓变得多起来了.
11.He is a gigolo. 12.He's a real Romeo. ;11.他是吃软饭的人. 12.他是情圣.
13.He's a Don Juan. 14.He's a lady killer. ;13.他是大众情人. 14.他是花花公子.
15.He has girlfriends left and right. 16.He/she is a hot number. ;15.他左拥右抱, 女友一大堆. 16.他(她)是大众情人.
17.He's a ladies' man. 18.He's a stud. ;17.他很讨女人欢心. 18.他像是一匹专门用来 交配的种马.
19.He makes women his hobby. 20.He's a skirt chaser ;19.他性好渔色. 20.他是只花蝴蝶.
21.I have no true love just one-night stands 22.He has a woman in every port. ;21.我没有真心的情人, 只有逢场作戏的伴侣. 22.他的情妇遍布各地.
23.He's hard up today. 24.She's simply irresistible. ;23.他今天性欲很强. 24.她是教人难以抗拒 的女人.
25.She knows men's weaknesses. 26.She's fickle. ;25.她知道男人好色的 弱点. 26.她是个骚货.
27.I lost my virginity at sixteen. 28.That girl is too much. ;27.我十六时失去童贞. 28.那个女孩子实在太 过分.
29.He's got his brain between his knees. 30.He's in heat. ;29.他满脑子的性经. 30.他欲火旺盛.
31.Her body haunts me. 32.I can't stop thinking about her. ;31.她的胴体蛊惑了我. 32.我对她难以忘怀.
33.She possesses me. ;33.她迷惑了我的心. 她占据了我的心.
34.Who is that with the big boobs? ;34.那个大胸脯的女人 是谁.
35.Look at those knockers. 36.He has a roving eye and always will have. ;35.你瞧瞧那大胸脯. 36.他老是有一双色眯眯 的眼睛.
37.Men!All they want to do is get into your pants. ;37.男人想做的事,无非是 钻到你裤子里头去.
38.His mind is always in the gutter. 39.You have filthy mind. ;38.他的心老是很龌龊. 39.你有一颗肮脏的心.
40.His mind wanders. 41.They're making out in the movies. ;40.他想入非非. 41.他们在电影院里 搂搂抱抱.
42.He likes to hug and kiss me. 43.Do you have any protection? ;42.他喜欢拥吻我. 43.你有避孕措施吗?
44.He hit on me. 45.It's the day after. He doesn't look himself. ;44.他勾引我. 45.他跟女人鬼混了一夜, 显得神色不定.
46.Men often go to bars to pick up an easy lay. ;46.男人们常到洒吧去找 放荡的女人苟合.
47.What's this idea, swapping wives? ;47.换妻是什么鬼玩意儿?
48.Don't be a one-arm driver. ;48.开车时不要腾出一只 手来,对身边的女孩子 不规矩.
49.He's a pig. ;49.他是一只重肉欲的 猪猡.
50.No,you can't go to a strip tease joint. ;50.不行,不许你去 (低级的)脱衣舞场.
51.He's a peeping Tom. 52.America is in a moral decline. ;51.他是个偷窥狂. 52.美国的道德正在沦落 中.
53.All rats like cheese. 54.Sinful and unholy love is not true love ;53.哪只猫儿不贪腥. 54.罪恶不洁的爱, 就不是真爱.
4. Seduction 调情 ;
1.Can I interest you in a drink? 2.Hey sweetie, remember me? ;1.请你喝杯酒,有兴趣吗? 2.嘿,甜心,还记得我吗?
3.She gave him a peck on the cheek. 4.How about a smooch, sugar? ;3.她在他的脸颊上轻轻 地亲了一下. 4.甜心,让我亲一下好吗?
5.He wants to seduce you. ;5.他想引诱你.
6.That guy at the other table is making eyes at you. ;6.另一桌的那个男人在跟 你挤眉弄眼.
7.He propositioned me. 8.Love is like a cat and mouse game. ;7.他向我求欢. 8.爱情像是一场猫捉老鼠 的游戏.
9.Don't make catcalls at girls. 10.Don't mess around with her. ;9.不要对女孩子猛吹口哨 10.不要跟她胡来.
11.Did you score? 12.Why give sex away for free? ;11.你得分了吗? (你勾搭上了吗?) 12.何必没代价陪人睡觉?
5.Sexual Harassment 性骚扰 ;
1.My boss is making passes at me. What should I do? ;1.我的老板向我频送秋波 你说该怎么办?
2.My supervisor is way out of line. ;2.我上司的作风太离谱.
3.If you touch me, you'll be sorry. 4.Clean up your act! ;3.你如果敢碰我,我会叫 你叫苦不迭. 4.手脚干净点儿!
5.Take your filthy hands off me! 6.Don't touch me. ;5.把你的脏手拿开! 6.不要碰我.
7.Keep away from me. 8.Get your paws off me ;7.离我远一点儿. 8.不要用你的爪子碰到我
9.Leave me alone. 10.A woman's place is in the home. ;9.不要骚扰我. 10.女人只适合待在家里.
11.No sexist remarks, okay? 12.You keep your distance. ;11.别说性别歧视的话, 行不行? 12.你离我远一点儿.
13.He violated my body 14.He dishonored me. ;13.他侵犯了我的身体. 14.他使我蒙羞.
6.Having an Affair. 婚外情 ;
1.Many married couples have affairs. ;1.许多已婚夫妻都有 婚外情.
2.I wonder if he ever looks at other women ;2.我怀疑他是否和别的 女人调过情?
3.Could he have been fooling around? 4.He may be seeing another woman. ;3.他是否在外头拈花惹草 4.也许他有外遇.
5.I think there's some hanky-panky between Mr.Benson and his secretary. ;5.我想班森先生和他的女 秘书之间,有不正常的 关系.
6.No hanky-panky in front of the children 7.He's getting it on the side. ;6.不要在孩子们面前 恶形恶状. 7.他在外头打野食.
8.You're being unfaithful to her. 9.It was sort of a casual thing. ;8.你对她不忠实. 9.那不过是逢场作戏.
10.He walked in on his wife and another man. ;10.他回家时撞见他妻子 和别的男人的奸情.
11.You let your husband know that you are onto him. ;11.要让你丈夫晓得,你 对他一清二楚(而有 所顾忌).
12.You spent the night with him? 13.I saw you flirt with that girl. ;12.你和他过夜了吗? 13.我亲眼看到你和那个 女孩子调情.
14.Don't play with fire,or you'll get burned. ;14.不要玩火, 不然会被烧伤.
15.Adultery can blow up in your face. 16.Their marriage is a joke. ;15.不正常的男女关系有 时会毁了你. 16.他们的婚姻是个笑话.
7.Sexual Exploitation 性剥削 ;
1.He's toying with my affection. 2.Don't try to get fresh with me. ;1.他在戏弄我的爱. 2.别想吃我的豆腐. (别想占我的便宜.)
3.He just wants to use me. 4.Her doctor boyfriend is her meal ticket. ;3.他只想占我肉体的便宜 4.她那当医生的男友是她 的饭票.
5.Pornography is demeaning to women. ;5.色情产品是对女性的 侮辱.
6.Some guys may steal your money,but this guy stole your heart ;6.有的人也许会偷你的钱 但这家伙偷了你的心.
7.I didn't steal your girl. ;7.我没偷你的女人.
8.Independence 自立 ;
1.You can't watch over me all the time. 2.You're not my guardian angel. ;1.你不可能一辈子护着我 2.你不是我的守护神.
3.That child has a mind of his own. ;3.那个孩子有他自己的 独立思想.
4.I just need a little bit of space. 5.I want some space. ;4.我所要求的只是一点儿 小空间. 5.我需要一些自由.
6.I need some breathing room. 7.He's tied to her apron strings. ;6.我需要一些呼吸的空间 7.他过分依赖她.
8.He's tied to her purse strings. ;8.他依赖她的经济支持 过活.
9.Don't worry,I'll do fine on my won. ;9.不用担心,我自己会 活得好好的.
10.I can handle it myself. ;10.我自己做得来. (我罩得住.)
11.I like to do things my way. ;11.我做事的方法自成 一格.
12.I wasn't born yesterday. 13.I'm a grown man now ;12.我不是昨天才生下来 的. 13.我已长大成人了.
14.I'm my own man. 15.I answer to no one. ;14.我独立自主. 15.我不必听谁的命令 行事.
16.You're not my boss. 17.I'm not a puppet. ;16.你不是我的老板, 用不着听你的话. 17.我不是傀儡.
18.I did it all by myself. 19.To each his own. ;18.这是我独自做成的. 19.每个人都有他自己 的一套.
20.I live as I please. ;20.我高兴怎么活, 就怎么活.
21.Nobody runs my life ;21.谁也别想来支配我的 生活.
22.Be your own person. ;22.不要让别人拎着鼻子 走.
23.How can you please everybody? 24.He's different. ;23.你哪能讨好所有的人? 24.他与众不同.
25.Go with the flow. 26.He went against the grain by touching the merits of racism ;25.顺着潮流走. 26.他不识时务地鼓吹种 族歧视之优点.
27.No man is an island 28.I'm as free as a bird now. ;27.没哪个人能离群而 索居. 28.我现在已无了牵挂.
9.Loneliness 落寂 ;
1.I dislike too many social obligations. 2.I just want to live a quiet life. ;1.我讨厌太多的应酬. 2.我只想过平静的生活.
3.You're hiding in a cocoon. 4.You've developed a shell around yourself ;3.你闭关自守. 4.你自划藩篱不与人 往来.
5.She's a social misfit. 6.You've become jaded. ;5.她不见容于社会. 6.你已变成愤世嫉俗.
7.He's a social flop. 8.He's a loner. ;7.他的人缘尽失. 8.他是个孤单的人.
9.It's lonely at the top. 10.You are an outcast. ;9.位居高津者孤寂. 10.你被摒弃在门外.
11.My social life is dull. 12.I hate being alone. ;11.我的社交生活很枯燥. 12.我讨厌孤单一人.
13.That scholar's lived his life in an ivory tower. 14.She's a recluse. ;13.那位学者住在象牙塔 里. 14.她是一名遁世者.
10.Privacy 隐私 ;
1.It's of a personal nature. ;1.这是隐私性质的谈话.
2.Will you please go away? This is girl's talk. ;2.请你走开, 这是女人之间的交谈.
3.Please don't pry. It's personal. 4.It's a family matter ;3.请不要刺探.这是私事. 4.这是家务事, 外人不便过问.
5.You have no say in it. 6.Anna.Hands off about this! ;5.这件事没你插嘴的余地 6.安娜,这桩事你不要 插手.
7.Don't get too personal. ;7.别问得太那个! 不要涉及隐私!
8.You're a real busybody! ;8.你这狗拿耗子的家伙. 你这多事的人!
9.It's not for you to question me. ;9.这轮不到你来质问我.
10.A:I'm entitled to know. ;10.A:我有权知道这回事.
B:You're entitled to nothing! B:You're entitled to shut up! ;B:你没权过问什么. B:你只有权闭上臭嘴!
11.Don't Interfere 勿干涉 ;
1.Keep your two cents to yourself. ;1.我没在征求你的意见. 把那不值钱的意见留 给自己.
2.Mind your own business. 3.Who asked you? ;2.少管闲事. 3.谁要你罗嗦.
4.I don't need your advice. 5.You keep out of this! ;4.我不需要你的忠告. 5.你不要干预这回事!
6.Don't be nosy! 7.You'd better not butt in. ;6.不要多事! 7.你最好不要插嘴. 你最好不要插手.
8.Just stay out of this,will you? 9.I don't want to be a busybody. ;8.你别淌这趟浑水, 行不行? 9.我不愿多管亲事.
10.Don't get in my way 11.That's nobody's business but my own ;10.别挡我的路. 11.那纯粹是我私人的事, 与人无关.
12.Conversation 交谈 ;
1.I'm sorry my tongue got twisted. 2.I got tongue-tied. ;1.很抱歉我词不达意. 2.我舌头打了结.
3.I can't repeat the tongue twister. ;3.我没法重复绕口令者 所说的话.
4.Speak up so we can hear you. Don't mumble. ;4.有话放大声说, 不要含混其词.
5.You are not speaking English. 6.His speech is stilted. ;5.不晓得你在说什么鬼话 6.他的话说得不自然.
7.We are not singing the same song. 8.Speak English. ;7.我们谈不拢. (我们非志同道合.) 8.请你把话说清楚一点儿
13.Delivering A Speech 演讲 ;
1.He's the keynote speaker. ;1.他是主讲人.
2.He broke the ice with the new students by telling a joke. ;2.他说了一则笑话,来 打破他和新生之间的 生硬场面.
3.Hey,that's my line! 4.His speech was lighthearted and fun ;3.嘿,那是我的口头禅! 4.他的话轻松有趣.
5.Nice speech. ;5.这话说得好.
6.It's a popular subject. ;6.这是常见的话题. 这是经常被人挂在 嘴边的话题.
14.Word Choice 择言 ;
1.I weigh my words carefully. ;1.我措词谨慎.
2.Put your brain in gear before you put your mouth in motion ;2.思然后言.
3.Think before you speak. 4.Stop it before you get carried away. ;3.言必经心. 4.趁你俞说俞离谱之前, 快停下来!
5.Don't spoil my impression of you. 6.Do you have to be so brutal? ;5.不要毁了我对你的印象 6.你非得这么粗暴吗?
7.Be tactful! 8.That remark was uncalled for. ;7.圆滑些! 用点儿技巧! 8.那句话是多余的.
9.Be a little more subtle. ;9.不要批评得太露骨. 稍微婉转些.
10.The tongue can be used to hurt or heal. ;10.舌头可用来伤害或 安慰人.
11.Soften your approach.Harsh words won't get you anywhere. ;11.你要委婉些,说凶巴巴 的话没好处.
12.Don't curse. 13.Don't use foul language. ;12.不要诅咒. 13.不要说脏话.
14.That was a dumb thing to say. 15.His remarks were offensive. ;14.说那种话太笨了. 15.他的评语触怒人.
16.Don't speak to me in that tone of voice! 17.No wisecracks! ;16.不要用那种腔调和我 说话. 17.少在我面前卖弄聪明!
18.No sarcastic remarks. 19.Your choice of words stinks. ;18.少说风凉话. 19.你的话讲得太难听.
20.That's a nasty thing to say. 21.It's all semantics. ;20.那种说法很卑鄙. 21.这是换汤不换药的 讲法.
15.Language 语言 ;
1.French is my native language. 2.Where did you pick that up? ;1.法语是我的母语. 2.你这是哪儿听来的.
3.Please excuse me for my broken English. 4.My English is limited. ;3.请原谅我笨拙的英语. 4.我的英语所知有限.
5.You need to work on your English. 6.His English stinks. ;5.你必须加强进修英语. 6.他的英语糟透了.
7.His English is hopeless. 8.You coined a neat phrase. ;7.他的英语无可救药. 8.你说了一句金言玉语.
9.You are very articulate in English. ;9.你的英语很灵光.
16.Profanity 秽语 ;
1.She has a mouth like a truck driver. ;1.她满口脏话.
2.You're so nasty, always spouting mean words. ;2.你很猥亵, 脏话不时脱口而出.
3.Hold your tongue! 4.Don't use any four letter words in polite company. ;3.你不要再说了! 4.在讲礼貌的团体里, 不要说粗话.
5.What is this crap? 6.Did you call me names? ;5.这是什么鬼玩意儿? 6.你骂我脏话吗?
7.Bull shit! 8.Why don't you just drop dead? ;7.狗屎! 8.你何不去死掉算了?
9.Take a hike,asshole! 10.Your mother! ;9.臭屁眼,滚! 10.去你妈的!
11.Kiss my ass! ;11.亲过我的屁股后去 死吧!
12.Call him what he called you then you'll be even. ;12.他骂你什么,你也骂他 什么,不就扯平了吗?
13.Excuse us for a moment. ;13.抱歉,让我们单独谈 一会儿.
14.It's not a matter open for discussion. 15.It's a long story! ;14.这是不便公开讨论 的事. 15.这件事说来话长!
16.I'm a busy man. Make it fast. ;16.我是个大忙人, 有话请快说.
17.Be Explicit 直言不讳 ;
1.Stop talking nonsense. 2.Skip the garbage. What are you up to? ;1.少胡说! 2.废话少说,你到底要 谈什么?
3.What's your point? 4.What's up your sleeve? ;3.你说话的重点是什么? 4.你袖里有何乾坤?
5.What are you plotting? 6.Don't try to change the subject. ;5.你在耍什么把戏? 6.不要改变话题.
7.You're talking in circles. ;7.说来说去, 你还是这几句老话.
8.Get to the point. ;8.不要拐弯抹角. 把要点说出来.
9.Don't beat around the bush. 10.Be brief and to the point. ;9.不要旁敲侧击. 10.简单扼要地说.
11.Make it short. 12.Be succinct. ;11.长话短说. 12.简洁地说.
18.Interruptions 干预 ;
1.Hope I'm not intruding. 2.Forgive the interruption ;1.希望我没打扰了你. 2.请原谅我打断你们的 交谈(做事).
3.Pardon the intrusion. 4.Excuse me,mind if I cut in? ;3.抱歉骚扰了你们. 4.对不起,我打个岔你 不介意吧?
5.Don't cut in on me. 6.Don't butt in. ;5.我说话时不要打岔. 6.不要插嘴.
7.You'll have your turn to speak. 8.Wait your turn. 9.Your turn will come. ;7.会让你有机会表示意见 8.轮到你的时候再发言. 9.会轮到你说话.
19.Resumptions 接续 ;
1.Can you start over, please? 2.Where was I? ;1.请你再说一遍好吗? 请你再做一次行吗? 2.刚才我说到哪儿了?
3.Where did we leave off? ;3.刚才我们的话在哪里中 断呢?刚才我们做到哪里 刚才我们教到哪里?
4.Carry on. ;4.继续说下去吧.
20.Please Repeat 请重说 ;
1.Did I miss something? 2.Did you say something? ;1.我是不是漏看/听/掉 了什么? 2.你刚才说什么?
3.What did you say? 4.Come again? ;3.你说什么呢? 4.再说一次.
21.Reconciliation 重修旧好 ;
1.Can we discuss this like civilized people? ;1.我们能像文明人来讨论 吗?
2.Is there no room for discussion? ;2.没商讨的余地吗?
3.Isn't there any more room for talk? 4.Am I just wasting my time? ;3.无法挽回了吗? 4.我是否在浪费我的时间 呢?
5.I refuse to speak to him. 6.There's nothing more to discuss. ;5.我拒绝和他说话. 6.没什么好说的啦.
7.That's final. 8.That's it. End of discussion. ;7.到此为止,不必多说了. 8.就这么决定; 不用再讨论.
9.This case is closed. 10.Try to avoid any unpleasant topics. ;9.这案子已了结. 10.避免说令人不愉快的 话题.
11.It's redundant. 12.Bag it! 13.Don't start that again. ;11.这是语意重复的话. 12.算了! 13.不要旧话重提.
14.Are you through? 15.All right already! ;14.你讲完了吗? 15.得啦,你说够了!
16.Let's just skip it. 17.Don't talk shop over dinner. ;16.这个咱们略过不提. 17.不要在晚餐桌上 谈公事.
22.Light Conversation 轻松的交谈 ;
1.I need to get it off my chest. ;1.我必须把心里头的话 说出来.
2.Let's discuss the good ol' times. ;2.咱们来叙叙旧日好 时光吧.
23.Discussion In A Meeting 开会讨论 ;
1.You're veering away from the topic. 2.That's a whole new ball game. ;1.你的话已离题. 2.那是另一码子事儿.
3.Let's stick to the business at hand. 4.Let's stick to the subject. ;3.我们专心谈当前之务. 4.我们来锁定这个题目.
5.Do I hear you right? 6.Let me rephrase that ;5.你说的话我没听错吧? 6.我来改变一下说法.
24.Meeting 开会 ;
1.Hurry up!They're taking the roll call 2.They're calling (the) roll. ;1.赶快!他们在点名了. 2.他们正在点名.
3.He called off the meeting. 4.Come to order, please. ;3.他取消了会议. 4.请遵守秩序.
5.This meeting is now in session. 6.Chariman,may I have the floor? ;5.本会议现在开始进行. 6.主席,我可以发言吗?
7.I'd like your closing thoughts on this. ;7.我想听听你对这件事的 结论.
8.A:I move we convene again next week. B:I second the motion. ;8.A:我提议我们下星期 再聚会. B:我附议.
9.Any objections? 10.May we have your vote please? ;9.有任何异议吗? 10.请大家表决一下.
11.Are you abstaining, Ms.Betty? 12.Let me know how it turns out. ;11.贝蒂小姐,你弃权吗? 12.结局如何请让我知道.
13.Must I attend every meeting? ;13.我非得每场会议都 参加吗?
14.This meeting is mandatory.Everyone is required to attend. ;14.这场会议是强制性的, 每个人都必须出席.
25.Voting 表决 ;
1.The majority rules. 2.All in favor say "Aye(Yes)". ;1.以多数人的决定为依据 2.赞成的人说"好".
3.For or against? 4.The Ayes have it. 5.It's time to cast your votes. ;3.赞成还是反对? 4.赞成的人居多. 5.是你拿定主意的时候了
26.To summarize 结论 ;
1.What really matters here is money. 2.The bottom line is money. ;1.最要紧的是钱的问题. 2.归根究底还是钱.
3.Here's the big picture. 4.That's the way it is 5.That's how it is. ;3.整个梗概就是如此. 4.就是这么一回事. 5.事情就是这样.
6.In the final analysis,life is empty. 7.That's my point. ;6.到头来,人生只是一 场空. 7.那正是要点.
8.The name of the game is politics. 9.That's the gist of it. ;8.原来是在玩"政治"的 把戏. 9.那正是要点.
10.Let's sum it up. 11.In a nutshell, he's lousy. ;10.我们来做个结论. 11.总而言之,他很差劲 就是啦!
12.In a word,that watch is no bargain ;12.总归一句话,那只手表 是买贵啦.
27.Operator Assistance 电话总机协助 ;
1.This phone is out of order. 2.The phone is dead. ;1.这部电话出毛病了. 2.电话坏了.
3.A:What seems to be the problem? B:There's no dial tone at all. ;3.A:到底是出了什么毛病 B:完全没有可拨号的 嗡嗡声.
4.The coin slot is jammed.I can't deposit any coins. ;4.(电话的)投币口卡住了 我没办法喂硬币进去
5.We just got cut off (on the phone). ;5.我们的通话线路刚被 切断.
6.Operator,you connected me with the wrong party. ;6.总机,你替我接错号码 了.
7.A:Is there a number where I can reach you in case of need ;7.A:必要时,我该打哪个 电话号码找你呢?
B:Yes,please dial 555-2222. ;B:请打555-2222.
8.Operator,I'd like to reverse the charge(s) on this call. ;8.总机,我想打一通由受 话人付费的电话.
28.Phone Conversation 电话交谈 ;
1.Man I use your phone a minute? ;1.我可以借用一下你的 电话吗?
2.A:Mind if I use your phone?It's a local call. B:Go right ahead. ;2.A:可以借打一个市内的 电话吗? B:你打吧.
3.There's a lot of static on the line. ;3.这条电话线路上有许多 杂音.
4:A:How come I can hear somebody else talking on this line? ;4.A:我怎么会听到别人在 电话上交谈呢?
B:The line must be crossed. Try hanging up and dialing again. ;B:线路一定是交缠了, 你试试挂断重拨吧.
5.We have a bad connection,can you hang up and call me again? ;5.我们的接触不良, 你能挂断重拨吗?
6.I'm sorry,can you speak up a little? I can barely hear you. ;6.抱歉,你说大声点好吗? 我只勉强听到你的声音
7.All right.Got it. I hear you loud and clear. ;7.好,我听到了,你的声音 清晰宏亮.
8.Can somebody get the phone? ;8.谁能接一下电话?
9.Would you guys mind holding it down. ;9.(我讲电话时,)你们大 伙儿安静点儿行不行?
10.Hello,this is the Johnson's residence, may I help you? ;10.喂,这是强森的住宅, 请问你找谁?
11.I'd like to speak to Tim,if I may. ;11.如果可以的话,我想和 提姆说几句话.
12.Your boss wants you on the phone. ;12.你的老板要你去接他 的电话.
13.Call for you. 14.I'll take this call in my bedroom. ;13.你的电话. 14.我要回卧室去接通 这电话.
15.Don't listen in on my phone conversation!Put down the receiver. ;15.不要偷听我的电话! 把听筒放下来.
16.How did you get my number? ;16.你怎么找到我的电话 号码的?
17.Where are you calling from? ;17.你从哪儿打来的电话?
18.A:Hello,can I speak to Jim? B:Jim who? ;18.A:喂,我可以和吉姆 说话吗? B:姓什么的吉姆?
A:Jim Stone. B:We don't have a person here by that name.I'm sorry. ;A:吉姆.史东. B:我们这儿没这个人, 抱歉.
A:I must have the wrong number.Am I dialing 555-1234? B:Nope. ;A:我一定是拨错号码了. 我拨的号码是555-1234吗 B:不是.
19:A:Hi,is Joey there? B:You have the wrong number. A:Is this 444-1212? ;19.A:嗨,裘依在那里吗? B:你打错号码了. A:这是444-1212吗?
B:Yes,that's the right number,but we don't have anyone by that name. ;B:是,你打对了号码,但 我们这儿没裘依这个人.
This number was just assigned to me by the phone company. ;这号码是电信局刚分派 给我的.
A:Figures.Joey probably changed to a new number. Sorry to bother you. ;A:怪不得,裘依也许是换 了新号码,抱歉打扰了 你.

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