Writing: For the Sell of It was the theme of our community college's annual writers' conference. When I called a widely published author and asked him to be our keynote speaker, my request was met with a long silence. He finally said, “I don't know what I would say to that audience.” “You're just being modest,” I replied. “I'm sure you're extremely qualified to speak on that subject.” He suddenly broke into laughter. “I thought you said, ‘Writing for the Celibate.’”
我们社区大学的年度作家研讨会的主题是:“Writing: For the Sell of It(为卖而写作)”。当我打电话给一位著作甚丰的作家,请他作主题演讲的时候,得到的回应却是长时间的沉默。他最后说:“我不知道对这样的听众该怎么讲。”我回答说:“你太谦虚了。我确信你是极有资格讲这个主题的。”他突然爆发出一阵大笑:“我以为你说的是‘为禁欲者写作’。”