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900 English Sentences(2) ;
Going places 旅游 ;
Are you going anyplace this year? ;今年你准备 去什么地方吗?
If I have enough money,I'm going to take a trip abroad. ;假如我有足够的钱, 我准备去国外旅行一次.
How are you going? Are you going by boat? ;你准备怎么去? 准备坐船吗?
It's faster to go by plane than by boat. ;坐飞机去, 最快的办法是什么?
What's the quickest way to get there? ;到那儿去, 最快的办法是什么?
Altogether it will take ten days to make the trip. ;到那作旅行一次 总共需要十天的时间.
I hope you have a good time on your trip. ;祝你旅途愉快.
I'm leaving tomorrow, but I haven't packed my suitcases yet. ;我准备明天出发, 但是我还没有 包扎好箱子.
I'm going by air. I like flying. ;我准备乘飞机, 我喜欢飞行.
My brother took a trip to Mexico. ;我的兄弟去墨西哥 旅行了一次.
It was a six-hour flight. ;到那儿要飞六小时.
How many passengers were on the train? ;火车上有多少旅客?
His friend was injured in an airplane crash. ;他的朋友在一次 飞机事故中受了伤.
Would you like to go for a walk? ;你愿意去散步吗?
Let's go out to the airport.The plane landed ten minutes ago. ;咱们到机场上去吧, 飞机十分钟前就着陆了.
Going shopping 购物 ;
I'm going shopping because I need to buy some clothes ;我要去买东西,因为我 需要买几件衣服.
If this shirt doesn't fit,may I bring it back later? ;如果这件衬衣不合身,我 回头可以把它退回来吗?
What size shoes do you wear? ;你穿几号的鞋?
That suit looks very good on you. ;你穿那套衣服 看起来很合适.
This dress is made of silk,isn't it? ;这件衣服是绸做的, 对不对?
I'd like to try on this sweater. ;我试试这件毛线衫.
I'm interested in buying a new car. ;我很想买一辆新轿车.
What's the price of that electric iron? ;那种电熨斗卖多少钱?
How much is this rug? ;这种地毯多少钱?
Is this toothpaste on sale today? ;这种牙膏今天有的卖吗?
That's beautiful leather wallet,but it costs too much. ;那是一种很漂亮的 皮夹子,但价钱太贵了.
How much do I owe you? ;一共多少钱?
That will be eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents. ;十八美元七十五分.
Do you have change for a twenty-dollar bill? ;你能换开一张 20元的钞票吗?
The clerk helped me find what I wanted. ;店员帮我找到了 我所需要的东西.
Eating in a restaurant 餐馆进膳 ;
What would you like to eat? ;你想吃什么?
I'd like a bowl of tomato soup,please. ;请给我要一碗西红柿汤.
The waiter seems to be in a hurry to take our order. ;招待员似乎很急着 要我们定菜.
Which would you rather have--steak or fish? ;你想吃哪个菜, 牛排还是鱼?
I want my steak well-done. ;把我要的牛排 给烧透一点.
What kinds of vegetables do you have? ;你要什么菜?
I'll have mashed potatoes and green beans. ;我要土豆和青豆.
Would you please pass the salt? ;请你把盐递给我好吗?
They serve good food in this restaurant. ;这家饭馆卖的饭菜很好.
Are you ready for your dessert now? ;现在可以给您上甜食吗?
This knife is dirty. Would you bring me a clean one,please? ;这把刀是脏的, 请您给我一把干净 的好吗?
May I have the check,please? ;请开帐单,好吗?
You have your choice of three flavors of ice cream ;你可以从三种味道的冰激 凌中任选一种.
We have vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. ;我们售有香草的、巧克力 的和杨梅的冰激凌.
We invited two guests to dinner,but they didn't come. ;我们请了两位客人吃 晚饭,但他们都没有来
Going out for the evening 参加晚会 ;
How long did the movie last? ;电影放映多久了?
The feature started at 9 o'clock and ended at 11:30 ;这部故事片是九点开始放 映到十一点三十分结束的
They say the new film is an adventure story. ;据说,这部新片子是 一部冒险故事片.
A group of us went out to the theater last night. ;昨天晚上我们一帮人 去看剧了.
The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it. ;这个新编的剧目很好, 人人都有很欣赏.
By the time we got there,the play had already begun ;我们到达那儿前, 剧就已经开始了.
The usher showed us to our seats. ;招待员把我们 领到座位上.
The cast of the play included a famous actor. ;这个剧的演员名单中 有一位名演员.
After the play was over,we all wanted to get something to eat. ;剧演完后,我们都想找 点吃的.
There was a big crowd and we had difficulty getting a taxi. ;人很多,我们很不容易 找到一辆出租车.
The restaurant was filled,so we decided to go elsewhere. ;饭菜馆客满,所以我们 决定到另外地方去.
My brother wants to learn how to dance. ;我的兄弟想学跳舞.
We don't go dancing very often. ;我们不常去跳舞.
Which would you rather do--go dancing or go to a play? ;你喜欢做什么,去跳舞 还是去看剧?
I'm not accustomed to going out after dark. ;我不习惯于 天黑以后出门.
Making appointments 约会 ;
I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr.Cooper. ;我想约个时间 去看顾勃先生.
Would you like to arrange for a personal interview? ;您愿意安排一个 私人会见吗?
Your appointment will be next Thursday at 10 o'clock. ;你约会的时间是在 下星期四的十点钟.
I can come any day except Thursday. ;除星期四以外,我哪一天 都有可以来.
He wants to change his appointment from Monday to Wednesday. ;他把他的约会从星期一 改到星期三.
She failed to call the office to cancel her appointment. ;她不曾去办公室辞去她的 约会.
I'm going to call the employment agency for a job. ;我准备到职业介绍所 去申请工作.
Please fill in this application form. ;请填写这份申请表.
Are you looking for a permanent position? ;你要找个永久性 的职业吗?
I'm going to call a plumber to come this afternoon. ;我准备今天下午叫 一个管道工人来.
I couldn't keep the appointment because I was sick. ;我没能赴约, 因为我病了.
I'm a new employee.I was hired yesterday. ;我是个新雇员. 我昨天才受雇的.
Please call before you come,otherwise we might not be home. ;你来以前请先打个电话, 否则,我们可能不在家.
Let's make a date to go shopping next Thursday. ;我们就定在下星期四 去买东西吧.
Will you please lock the door when you leave? ;你离开时请锁上门好吗?
Visiting the doctor 看病 ;
I went to see my doctor for a check-up yesterday. ;昨天我去请医生 作了一次检查.
The doctor discovered that I'm a little overweight. ;医生发现我太胖了一点.
He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure ;他给我拍了X光胸透 并量了血压.
He told me to take these pills every four hours. ;他告诉我每隔四小时 服用一次这种药丸.
Do you think the patient can be cured? ;你认为这个病人 能治好吗?
They operated on him last night. ;昨晚给他做了一次手术.
He needed a blood transfusion. ;他需要输血.
My uncle had a heart attack last year. ;我的叔叔去年害了 一次心脏病.
They had to call in a heart specialist. ;他们不得不请来一位 心脏病专家.
What did the doctor say? ;医生说什么来着?
The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise. ;医生建议我多锻炼.
The doctor said I look pale. ;医生说我脸色苍白.
If I want to be healthy,I have to stop smoking cigarettes. ;如果要想身体健康, 我必须忌烟.
The physician said smoking is harmful to my health. ;内科大夫说,吸烟对我的 健康有害.
It's just a mosquito bite. There's nothing to worry about. ;这只是蚊虫咬伤, 没有什么可担心的.
Making telephone calls 打电话 ;
You're wanted on the telephone. ;有电话找你.
What number should I dial to get the operator? ;找总机电话我该拨什么 号?
I want to make a long distance call. ;我要打个长途电话.
Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot ;拿起听筒之后,放一个 硬币在这个小口子里.
I tried to call Mr.Cooper,but the line was busy. ;我想给顾勃先生打个 电话,但一直占线.
You must have dialed the wrong number. ;你一定是拨错号了.
I dialed the right number,but nobody answered. ;我拨的号是对的, 但没有人接电话.
The telephone is ringing,Would you answer it,please. ;电话铃响了,请你接 一下,好吗?
Would you like to leave a message? ;你愿意留个话吗?
Who is this?I don't recognize your voice. ;谁呀?我听不出 你的声音来.
Would you please tell Mr.Cooper I called? ;请你告诉顾勃先生,说我 给他打过电话,好吗?
Is this Empire-5-4093? ;你这儿是EM5-4093号码?
I have to hang up now. ;现在我必须挂电话了.
Put the receiver closer to your mouth. I can't hear you. ;请把电话筒靠近你嘴边 一些,我听不清你的话.
Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow? ;明天什么时候请你回 我一个电话,好吗?
Writing letters 写信 ;
How long has it been since you've heard from your uncle? ;从你上次接到你叔父的信 以来有多长时间了?
When was the last time he wrote you? ;他最后一次写给你 是什么时候?
I can't recall how long it's been. ;我回忆不起来 多长时间了.
I'm always disappointed when I don't get any mail. ;当我接不到任何邮件时, 我总感到失望.
I feel guilty because I haven't written her lately ;我感到内疚,因为我近来 一直没有给她寄信.
What time is the mail delivered on Saturday? ;星期六的邮件都有是 在什么时间投送?
The postman always comes at 2 o'clock. ;邮递员总是二点钟来.
I wrote to my uncle last night. ;昨晚我给叔叔写了信,
I couldn't put it off any longer. ;我不能再拖延了.
I enclosed some photographs in my letter. ;我在信里附上了 几张照片.
I didn't know whether to send the letter airmail or not. ;我不知道这封信 是否要用航空发出.
How long does it take for a letter to get to California? ;往加利福尼亚州 寄信得多长时间?
Don't forget to put stamps on the letter before you mail it. ;发信前别忘了贴邮票.
He went to the post office to mail a letter. ;他到邮局寄信去了.
I dropped the letter in the mailbox on the corner. ;我把信投入了拐角处 的邮筒里.
How did you sign the letter?Did you write, "Sincerely yours"? ;你在信上是怎么署名的? 你写上“忠实于您的” 了吗?
Telling about past experiences 叙谈体验 ;
A strange thing happened to me this morning. ;今天早上我碰到 一件怪事.
I was crossing the street and was almost hit by a car. ;我正在过大街时, 差点被汽车撞着.
Fortunately,I jumped back in time to avoid being hit ;幸好,我往回跳得及时, 才没有被撞着.
It was a terrible experience,and I won't forget it. ;这是一件可怕的事, 我永远也忘不了.
Yesterday was such a beautiful day we decided to go for a drive. ;昨天天气太好了,所以 我们决定驾车出游.
We prepared a picnic lunch and drove down by the river. ;我们准备了一顿野餐 并乘车沿河而下.
After a while,we found a shady place under some poplar trees. ;过一会儿,我们在几棵树 下换到一块荫凉地.
On the way back home, we had a flat tire. ;我们在回家的路上 车子的轮胎瘪了.
It was after dark when we got back,and we were all tired. ;我们到家时天已经黑了, 我们都有很疲倦.
I wish you would give me a more detailed description of your trip. ;你若能更详细地给我讲讲 你的旅行情况,就好了.
Speaking of trips,did I ever tell you about the experience I had? ;谈到旅行,我是否曾经把 我的那次经历告诉过你?
We used to have a lot of fun when we were that age. ;当我还在那个年龄时, 我们一向玩得很有趣.
I can't recall the exact circumstances. ;我回忆不起确切的情况.
I never realized that someday I would be living in New York. ;我从来没有想到,有一天 我居然会住在纽约.
We never imagined that John would become a doctor ;我们从来没有想象过,约 翰居然会成为一个医生.
Asking about furniture and places to live 寻找家具和住房 ;
We're looking for a house to rent for the summer. ;我们正在找一栋房子 想租一个夏天.
Are you trying to find a furnished house? ;你是想找一栋有家具 的房子吗?
This split-level house is for rent.It's a bargain. ;这所分层平房是出租的. 租金很便宜.
That house is for sale.It has central heating. ;那所房子是出卖的, 房子里有暖气设备.
We have a few kitchen things and a dining room set. ;我们有一些画用具 和一套餐室设备.
This is an interesting floor plan.Please show me the basement. ;这是一个很有趣的分层 平面图,请带我去看看 地下室.
The roof has leaks in it,and the front steps need to be fixed. ;屋顶有漏洞,前台阶 需要维修.
We've got to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom. ;我们一定要买张床 和一个卧室用的衣柜.
Does the back door have a lock on it? ;后门有锁吗?
They've already turned on the electricity. The house is ready. ;他们已经接好电路, 这所房子可以使用了.
I'm worried about the appearance of the floor.I need to wax it. ;我嫌楼板难看, 我要给它打上蜡.
If you want a towel, look in the linen closet. ;如果说你需要一条理毛巾 可到放衬衣的壁橱里去找
What style furniture do you have?is it traditional? ;你什么样式样的家具, 是老式的吗?
We have drapes for the living room,but we need kitchen curtains. ;我的卧室里已经有帷幔, 但我们还需要橱房 用的窗帘.
The house needs painting.It's in bad condition. ;这所房子状况很糟, 需要油柒.
Talking about things to wear 谈论衣着 ;
What are you going to wear today? ;今天你准备穿 什么样衣服?
I'm going to wear my blue suit.Is that all right? ;我准备穿我那套蓝衣服, 你看行吗?
I have two suits to send to the cleaners. ;我有两套衣服要送到 洗衣店去干洗.
I have some shirts to send to the laundry. ;我有几件衬衣要送到 洗衣房去湿洗.
You ought to have that coat cleaned and pressed. ;你应该把那件外衣 送去干洗并熨一下.
I've got to get this shirt washed and ironed. ;我必须把这件衬衣送去 湿洗并熨一下.
All my suits are dirty.I don't have anything to wear. ;我所有的衣服都脏了, 我没有什么样可穿的了
You'd better wear a light jacket.It's chilly today. ;你最好穿件薄夹克, 今天有点凉.
This dress doesn't fit me anymore. ;这件上衣再也不会 合我身了.
I guess I've outgrown this pair of trousers. ;我想我已长大, 穿不下这条裤子了.
These shoes are worn-out.They've lasted a long time ;这些鞋已经破了.它们已 经穿了很长时间.
I can't fasten this collar button. ;我系不上这个领扣.
Why don't you get dressed now?Put on your work clothes. ;你为什么现在还不穿好衣 服?穿上你的工作服吧!
My brother came in, changed his clothes, and went out again. ;我的兄弟进来,换了身 衣服,又出去了.
I didn't notice you were wearing your new hat. ;我没有注意到你戴了 一顶新帽子.
Discussing different points of view 讨论不同观点 ;
You have your point of view,and I have mine. ;你有你的观点, 我有我的观点.
You approach it in a different way than I do. ;你对待这一问题的态度 和我不一样.
I won't argue with you,but I think you're being unfair. ;我不愿和你争论,不过我 认为你是不公正的
That's a liberal point of view. ;那是个不拘偏见的观点.
He seems to have a lot of strange ideas. ;他似乎有许多 奇怪的想法.
I don't see any point in discussing the question any further. ;我认为进一步讨论这个 问题没有任何必要.
What alternatives do I have? ;我又有什么别的办法呢?
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. ;每个人都有可以 有他自己的看法.
There are always two sides to everything. ;任何事情都有正反两面.
We have opposite views on this. ;我对此有相反的看法.
Please forgive me.I didn't mean to start an argument. ;请原谅,我本不想挑起 争论.
I must know your opinion. Do you agree with me? ;我必须知道你的意见, 你同意我的意见吗?
What point are you trying to make? ;你想说明哪一点?
Our views are not so far apart,after all. ;我们的见解毕竟没有 多大的分歧.
We should be able to resolve our differences. ;我们应该能够解决 我们的分歧.
Thinking about possib- le future activities 考虑将来可能 从事的活动 ;
If it doesn't rain tomorrow,I think I'll go shopping. ;如果说明天不下雨, 我想去买空卖空东西.
There's a possibility we'll go,but it all depends on the weather. ;我们可能性去, 但这完全要看天气而定.
If I have time tomorrow,I think I'll get a haircut. ;如果说明天我有时间, 我想去理个发.
I hope I remember to ask the barber not to cut my hair too short. ;我希望我能记着请理发员 别把我的头发剪得太短.
My son wants to be a policeman when he grows up ;我的儿子长大 愿意当警察.
If I get my work finished in time,I'll leave for New York Monday. ;如果我能及时结束我的 工作,我将于星期一 去纽约.
Suppose you couldn't go on the trip.How would you feel? ;假使你不能去旅行 的话,你将感到怎样?
What would you say if I told you I couldn't go with you? ;倘若我告诉你, 我不能和你一起去, 你会有什么意见?
If I buy that car,I'll have to borrow some money. ;如果我要买那辆汽车, 我就不得不借点钱.
If I went with you. I'd have to be back by six o'clock. ;假如我和你一起去的话, 我就得在六点钟以前 回来.
One of these days,I'd like to take a vacation. ;最近哪一天, 我想休一次假.
As soon as I can, I'm going to change jobs. ;一旦我有可能, 我就准备换一下工作.
There's a chance he won't be able to be home for Christmas. ;也许他不能回家过圣诞节
We may be able to help you in some way. ;我们也许可以从 某个方面去帮助你.
If you were to attend the banquet,what would you wear? ;你要是参加宴会, 你将穿什么衣服?
Talking about past possibilities 谈论过去可能发生的事 ;
What would you have done last night if you hadn't had to study? ;昨天晚上你如果不是 要学习的话, 你本来会做什么?
I would have gone on the picnic if it hadn't rained ;如果不下雨, 我本来要去郊游的.
If you had gotten up earlier,you would have had time for breakfast. ;如果你早一点起床,你本 来是有时间吃早饭的.
If I had had time,I would have called you. ;如果我有时间,我本来是 要打电话给你的.
Would he have seen you if you hadn't waved to him? ;如果你没有向他招手, 他会看见你吗?
If he had only had enough money,he would have bought that house. ;如果他有足够的钱, 他早就买了那所房子.
I wish you had called me back the next day, as I had asked you to. ;可惜你没有按照我的请求 在第二天给我回个电话.
If you hadn't slipped and fallen,you wouldn't have broken your leg. ;如果你没有滑倒的话, 你本不会把腿摔断的.
If I had known you wanted to go,I would have called you. ;如果我知道你要去, 我本会叫你的.
Had I known you didn't have a key,I wouldn't have locked the door. ;如果我知道你没有钥匙, 我本不会锁门的.
She would have gone with me,but she didn't have time. ;她本来会和我一起 去的,但她没有时间.
If I had asked for directions,I wouldn't have gotten lost. ;如果我问一下路,就不会 迷失方向了
Even if we could have taken a vacation,we might not have wanted to. ;即便是我们可以休假的话 我们也可能不去休呢.
Everything would have been all right if you hadn't said that. ;如果你不说那句话,本来 一切都是安排好了的.
Looking back on it,I wish we hadn't given in so easily. ;回过头来看,我后悔我们 不该这样轻易地做了让步
Asking about likes and dislikes 询问喜欢和不喜欢做的事 ;
What is it you don't like about winter weather? ;你不喜欢冬天的 那一点呢?
I don't like it when the weather gets real cold. ;当冬天天气变得太冷的 时候我就不喜欢了.
I can't stand summer weather. ;我受不了夏季的天气.
The thing I don't like about driving is all the traffic on the road. ;我不喜欢开车的原因, 就是因为路上车辆太多.
He doesn't like the idea of going to bed early. ;他不赞成早睡这种主张.
I like to play tennis, but I'm not a very good player ;我喜欢打网球,但我不是 一个很好的网球运动员.
I don't like spinach even though I know it's good for me. ;我不喜欢吃菠菜,虽然 我知道它对我有好处.
I'm afraid you're being too particular about your food. ;我看你太挑食了.
He always finds fault with everything. ;他对什么事情 都会挑毛病.
She doesn't like anything I do or say. ;她对我所做或所说的 一概不喜欢.
You have wonderful taste in clothes. ;你在衣着方面很有 鉴赏力.
What's your favorite pastime? ;你最喜欢的 业余爱好是什么?
What did you like best about the movie? ;你最喜欢看什么电影?
I didn't like the taste of the medicine, but I took it anyway. ;我讨厌这种药的味道, 但无论怎样我还是吃了.
Why do you dislike the medicine so much? ;你为什么这样讨厌 吃这种药呢?
Giving advice and opinions 劝说并提出意见 ;
If you want my advice, I don't think you should go. ;如果你愿意听我的劝告, 我看你不应当去.
I suggest that you tear up the letter and start over again. ;我建议你把这封信 撕掉,再从头开始写.
It's only a suggestion,and you can do what you please ;这只是一个建议,你可以 按照你的意愿去做.
Let me give you a little fatherly advice. ;让我谨向你提些慈父般 的劝告吧!
If you don't like it,I wish you would say so. ;倘若你不喜欢它的话, 但愿你能如实说.
Please don't take offense.I only wanted to tell you what I think. ;请你别生气,我只是想把 我的想法告诉你.
In my opinion,the house isn't worth the price they're asking. ;我认为这房子不值 他们所要价钱.
My feeling is that you ought to stay home tonight ;我觉得今晚你应该留在 家里.
It's none of my business,but I think you ought to work harder. ;这事与我无关系,但我觉 得你应更努力去工作.
In general,my reaction is favorable. ;一般来说, 我的反应是好的.
If you don't take my advice,you'll be sorry. ;如果你不听我的劝告, 你会感到后悔的.
I've always tried not to interfere in your affairs. ;我总是尽量不干涉 你的事情.
I'm old enough to make up my own mind. ;我已长大了,完全可以 自己作决定.
Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to figure out myself. ;谢谢你的劝告,但对这些 事情必须得自己考虑一下
He won't pay attention to anybody.You're just wasting your breath. ;他谁的话也不听, 你只是在白费口舌.
Asking favors of other people 请别人帮忙 ;
Would you please hold the door open for me? ;请你给我把门开着, 好吗?
You're very kind to take the trouble to help me. ;你真好,不嫌麻烦地 来帮助我.
I wish I could repay you somehow for your kindness. ;可惜对你的好意我还不能 以某种方式予以报答.
I'm afraid it was a bother for you to do this. ;恐怕做这件事 太麻烦你了.
It wasn't any bother.I was glad to do it. ;一点也不麻烦, 我很愿意做这事.
There's just one last favor I need to ask of you. ;这正是我最后的一件事, 需要你帮个忙的.
I'd be happy to help you in any way I can. ;我很高兴在我力所能及的 任何方面来帮助你.
Would you mind giving me a push?My car has stalled. ;劳驾帮我推一下吗? 我的车抛锚了.
Would you be so kind as to open this window for me?It's stuck. ;劳你驾把窗户给我打开好 吗?它给粘住了.
If there's anything else I can do please let me know. ;如果还有别的什么事我能 帮忙的,就请告诉我好了.
This is the last time I'll ever ask you to do anything for me. ;这是我最后一次还得 请你给我办点事.
I certainly didn't intend to cause you so much inconvenience. ;我确不想给你造成这么大 的麻烦.
He'll always be indebted to you for what you've done. ;对你所做的事, 他感激不尽.
Could you lend me ten dollars?I left my wallet at home. ;你能借给我十元钱吗? 我把钱包忘在家里了.
I'd appreciate it if you would turn out the lights.I'm sleepy. ;你若能把灯关掉,那我将 感激你,我想睡了.
Making preparations to travel 做旅行准备 ;
I did't realize the time had passed so quickly. ;我没想到时间 过得这么快.
I've got a lot of things to do before I can leave. ;在我离开前,我还有许多 事情要做.
For one thing,I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. ;一件事是我必须到银行去 取点钱.
It'll take almost all my saving to buy the ticket. ;买张票几乎得花去我 全部的储蓄.
Oh,I just remembered something! I have to apply for a passport. ;喔,我刚刚想起一件事, 我需要去申请一个护照.
I almost forgot to have the phone disconnected. ;我差点儿忘掉了 挂上电话.
It's a good thing you reminded me to take my heavy coat. ;你提醒我带上大衣, 这是件好事.
I never would have thought of it if you hadn't mentioned it. ;如果不是你提醒, 我怎么也不会想起来.
I'll see you off at the airport. ;我将去机场送你.
They're calling your flight now.You barely have time to make it. ;现在正报你的班机起飞时 间呢,你勉强能够赶上.
You'd better run or you're going to be left behind. ;你最好跑步去, 否则你会被落下的.
Don't forget to cable to let us know you arrived safely. ;别忘记把你安全到达的 消息打电报告诉我们.
I'm sure I've forgotten something, but it's too late now. ;我肯定忘记了一件什么 事,但现在已经太晚了.
Do you have anything to declare for customs? ;你有什么事需要向 海关申报的吗?
You don't have to pay any duty on personal belongings. ;你的私人物品不必上税.
Countries and nationalities 国家和国籍 ;
What's your nationality? Are you American? ;你是什么国籍的? 你是美国人吗?
What part of the world do you come from? ;你是哪国人?
I'm an American by birth. ;我生来就是一个美国人.
I was born in Spain, but I'm a citizen of France. ;我生在西班牙,但我是 一个法国公民.
Do you know what the population of Japan is? ;你知道日本人口 有多少吗?
What's the area of the Congo in square miles? ;刚果的面积有 多少平方哩?
Who is the governor of this state? ;这个州的州长是谁?
According to the latest census,our population has increased. ;根据最近调查,我国的 人口有增加.
Politically,the country is divided into fifty states. ;这个国家在政治上 划分成五十个州.
The industrial area is centered largely in the north. ;工业区大部分集中在 北方.
The country is rich in natural resources.It has mineral deposits. ;这个国家自然资源丰富, 它有许多矿藏.
This nation is noted for its economic stability. ;这个国家以经济 稳定著称.
How old do you have to be to vote in the national elections? ;你们多大年龄才能参加 国民选举?
Today we celebrate our day of independence. It's a national holiday. ;今天我们庆祝国家独立 节,这是全国性的节日.
My home is in the capital.It's a cosmopolitan city. ;我的家在首都, 它是一个国际都市.
Geography and land features 地理和地貌 ;
Geographically,this country is located in the southern hemisphere. ;在地理上, 这个国家是位于南半球.
It's a beautiful country with many large lakes. ;这是一个美丽的国家, 它有许多大的湖泊.
This part of the country is very mountainous. ;这个国家的这一部分 是多山地区.
The land in this region is dry and parched. ;这个地区的土地很干燥.
Along the northern coast there are many high cliffs ;沿着北部海岸有许多 悬崖峭壁.
There are forests here,and lumbering is important. ;这里有许多森林, 因而伐木业很重要.
The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean. ;靠近太平洋地区, 风景很美丽.
This mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons. ;这条山脉有许多 高峰和深谷.
What kind of climate do you have?Is it mild? ;你们这里属于哪种气候? 温和吗?
How far is it from the shore of the Atlantic to the mountains? ;从大西洋沿岸到山区有 多远?
Is the coastal plain good for farming? ;沿岸平原适宜耕种吗?
What's the longest river in the United States? ;哪一条河是美国最长的 河流?
Are most of the lakes located in the north central region? ;大部分湖泊都在北部中心 地区吗
As you travel westward,does the land get higher? ;当你向西旅行时, 地势是否变得越来越高?
The weather is warm and sunny here.Do you get much rain? ;这里的气候温和,阳光充 足.你们这儿雨水多吗?
Schools and education 学校和教育 ;
Children enter school at the age of five, don't they? ;孩子们都在五岁上学, 是不是?
In elementary school, the child learns to read and write. ;在小学里孩子们 学习读书和写字.
In secondary school, children get more advanced knowledge. ;在中学里,孩子获得更深 一些的知识.
In universities, students train to become teachers and engineers. ;在大学里,学生被培养成 为教师和工程师.
He went to grade school in New York and high school in Chicago. ;他是在纽约上的小学, 在芝加哥上的中学.
In college I majored in science.What was your major? ;在学院里,我主修自然. 你主修什么课程?
My sister graduated from high school. Graduation was last night. ;我的妹妹刚从学毕业, 毕业典礼是昨晚举行的.
I'm a graduate of Yale University.I have a Bachelor of Arts degree. ;我是耶鲁大学的毕业生. 我取得了文学学士学位.
If you expect to enter the university,you should apply now. ;如果你要上学,你现在就 该申请.
This is my first year of college.I'm a freshman. ;这是我刚入学院的 第一年,我是新生.
My uncle is a high school principal. ;我的伯父是中学校长.
What kind of grades did you make in college? ;你在学院里的 学习成绩如何?
During your first year of college,did you make straight A's? ;你在学院一年级时, 是否各门功课都得优.
My brother is a member of the faculty,He teaches economics. ;我的哥哥是个大学教授, 他教经济学.
John has extracurricular activities.He's on the football team. ;约翰参加了很多课外 活动,他是个足球队员.
Work and careers 工作和职业 ;
I'm a federal employee.I work for the department of labor. ;我是政府雇员, 我在劳工部工作.
What kind of work do you do?Are you a salesman? ;你是做什么工作的? 你是售货员吗?
As soon as I complete my training,I'm going to be a bank teller. ;一当训练期满,我就准备 当一个银行的出纳员.
John has built up his own business.He owns a hotel. ;约翰已经开设了自己的 买卖,他有一家旅馆.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Have you decided yet? ;你长大以后想什么? 你决定了吗?
I like painting,but I wouldn't want it to be my life's work. ;我喜欢绘画,但我还不愿 意把它就作为 我的终身职业.
Have you ever thought about a career in the medical profession? ;你曾经想过从事医务 这个职业吗?
My uncle was a pilot with the airlines. He just retired. ;我的叔叔是航空公司的 驾驶员,他刚刚退休.
My brother's in the army.He was just promoted to the rank of major. ;我的兄弟在军队工作, 他刚刚被提升为少校.
I have a good paying job with excellent hours. ;我的工作薪金很高, 工作时间也很理想.
My sister worked as a secretary before she got married. ;我的妹妹(或姐姐)在 结婚前是做秘书工作的.
George's father is an attorney.He has his own practice. ;乔治的父亲是个律师. 他自己开业.
He always takes pride in his work.He's very efficient. ;他总是以自己的工作而 自傲.他是一个 很能干的人.
Mr.Smith is politician. he's running for election as governor. ;史密斯先生是位政治家, 他正在参加竞选州长.
After a successful career in business, he was appointed ambassador. ;他在事业上取得成就之后 就被作任命为大使.
Farms and factories 农场和工厂 ;
Because of the warm and sunny weather, oranges grow very well here. ;因为这里气候温暖,阳光 充足,桔子长得很好.
In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle. ;在这土地平坦的乡间, 人们种植小麦、玉米、 并饲养性畜.
The ground around here is stony and not very good for farming. ;这儿周围的土地多石块, 因而不大适于耕种.
What are the principal farm products in this region? ;这个地区的主要农产品 都是什么?
Milk,butter,and cheese are shipped here from the dairy farms. ;牛奶、黄油和奶酪都是各 个制酪场运到这里来的.
They had to cut down a lot of trees to made room for farms. ;为了腾出地方建农场只好 伐倒许多树木.
At this time of the year farmers plow their fields. ;每年这个时候农民们 都在犁地.
On many farms you'll find cows and chickens. ;在许多农场你都会 看到奶牛和鸡.
If you have cows you have to get up early to do the milking. ;如果你养奶牛, 你就得每天起早去挤奶.
Tractors have revolutionized farming. ;拖拉机革新了耕作方法.
In the United States, there are many factories for making cloth. ;在美国,有许多纺织工厂.
Factories employ both male and female workers. ;工厂既雇用男工, 也雇用女工.
If you work in a factory,you usually have to punch a clock. ;如果你在工厂工作, 你就要在上下班记时卡 上检孔.
Is meat packing a big industry in your country? ;在你们国家里,肉类加工 厂是否算一门大型工业?
Is it true that the manufacturing of automobiles is a major industry? ;汽车制造是一门主要 工业,是真的吗?
Hobbies and interests 爱好和趣兴 ;
My hobby is collecting stamps.Do you have a hobby? ;我爱好集邮. 你有爱好吗?
I've always thought photograghy would be an interesting hobby. ;我总以为摄影是一种 有趣的爱好.
Some people like horseback riding,but I prefer golfing as a hobby. ;有的人喜欢骑马, 而我喜欢打高尔夫球.
Do you have any special interests other than your job? ;你除了职业之外,还有 什么其他特殊爱好吗?
Learning foreign languages is just an avocation with me. ;学习外语只不过是我 的一项业余爱好.
I find stamp collecing relaxing and it takes my mind off my work. ;我觉得集邮是一种休息, 因为它可以使我的注意力 从工作中移去.
On weekends I like to get my mind off my work by reading good books. ;每当周末我总是爱借助 看点有趣的书把我的 注意力从工作中移去.
My cousin is a member of a drama club.He seems to enjoy acting. ;我的表弟是话剧俱乐部 的演员,他好象对演剧 很感兴趣.
He plays the piano for his own enjoyment. ;他弹钢琴为了自我愉乐.
I've gotten interested in hi-fi.I'm building my own equipment. ;我对高保真度收音机发生 了兴趣,我正在自己 装配一台.
He's not a professional. He plays the piano for the fun of it. ;他不是专职演员,他弹 钢琴只是为了好玩.
I've heard of unusual hobbies,but I've never heard of that one. ;我听说过一些不平常的 嗜好,但我从未听说过 那种嗜好.
The trouble with photography is that it's an expensive hobby. ;摄影爱好不好的地方在于 它花费太大了.
That's rare set of coins.How long did it take you to collect them? ;这是一套很罕见钱币. 你用了多长时间收集的?
I started a new hobby. I got tired of working in the garden. ;我开始了新的爱好, 我对养花已经厌倦.
Recreation and sports 文体活动 ;
Baseball is my favorite sport. What's your favorite? ;打垒球是我最喜欢的一项 体育活动,你最喜欢 什么活动?
My nephew is a baseball player.He is a catcher. ;我的侄子是个垒球运动 员,他是一个接球员.
When you played football,what position did you play? ;你踢足球是踢的 什么位置?
We played a game last night.The score was tied six-to-six. ;昨天晚上我们赛了一场 球,打成六平.
I went to a boxing match last night.It was a good fight. ;昨天晚上我去看了一场 拳击比赛,这是一场 精彩的博斗.
When I was on the track team,I used to run the quarter mile. ;过去我在田径队时, 我总是跑400公尺.
I like fishing and hunting but I don't like swimming. ;我喜欢钓鱼和打猎, 但不喜欢游泳.
My favorite winter sport is skiing.I belong to a ski club. ;我最喜欢的冬季运动是 滑雪,我是滑雪俱乐部 的成员.
Would you be interested in going to the horse races this afternoon? ;今天下午你有兴趣去 看赛马吗?
The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser. ;最难学的一点是要做一个 输得起球的运动员.
Be a good sport.Play according to the rules of the game. ;要做一个风格高的运动 员!要遵守比赛规则.
Our family went camping last summer. We had to buy a new tent. ;去年夏天我们全家都去 露营了.我们只好买了 一付新帐棚.
This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout.We lifted weights. ;今天下午我们到体育馆 练习了,我们作了举重.
What do you do for recreation?Do you have a hobby? ;你通常都做些什么娱乐 活动?你有什么爱好吗?
My muscles are sore from playing baseball. ;我的肌肉因打垒球 而感到酸痛.
Newspapers and magazines 报章杂志 ;
I sent in a subscription to that magazine.It's put out every week. ;我订阅了一份那种杂志, 它是周刊.
If you subscribe to the newspaper.It'll be delivered to your door. ;如果你订阅报纸,它会直 接给你送到门上的.
I didn't read the whole paper.I just glanced at the headlines. ;我没有看整版报纸,我只 是浏览了一下大标题.
The first chapter of the story is in this issue of the magazine. ;这个故事的第一章是登在 这一期的杂志上.
I haven't seen the latest issue of the magazine. Is it out yet? ;我没有看到最近一期的 杂志,它已经出版了吗?
What's the total circulation of this newspaper? ;这种报纸的总发行量 是多少?
I'm looking for the classified section. Have you seen it? ;我正在找分类广告栏, 你见到了吗?
My brother-in-law is a reporter on the New York Times staff. ;我的内弟是 纽约时报社的报道员.
There was an article in today's paper about the election. ;今天报上刊登了一篇 报道有关选举的文章.
There wasn't much news in the paper today. ;今天报上登的新闻不多.
How long have you been taking this magazine? ;你订阅这种杂志 有多久了.
Did you read the article about the rescue of the two fishermen? ;你读没读过那篇关于两个 渔夫遇救的文章?
Why don't you put an advertisement in the paper to sell your car? ;你为什么不在报纸上登个 广告把你的轿车卖掉?
I got four replies to my ad about the bicycle for sale. ;已经收到了四份对我 出售汽车广告的回信.
My son has a newspaper route.He delivers the morning paper. ;我的儿子专跑一条送报 路线,他每天递送晨报.
Radio and television 收音机和电视机 ;
What channel did you watch on television last night? ;昨天晚上你看电视收的 是什么波段?
I don't get a good picture on my TV set. There's something wrong. ;我的电视机图象不好, 有故障.
You get good reception on your radio. ;你那台收音机 的接受情况很好.
Please turn the radio up.It's too low. ;请把收音机开大一点, 声音太小.
What's on following the news and weather? Do you have a TV guide? ;在播完新闻和天气预报 以后是什么节目?你有 电视节目播送时间表吗?
You ought to have Bill look at your TV.Maybe he could fix it. ;你应该请比尔给你检查 一下电视机,也许他能 把它修好.
We met one of the engineers over at the television station. ;我们遇见一位在电视台 那边工作的工程师.
Where can I plug in the TV?Is this outlet all right? ;什么地方可以接通 电视机?这个插销好用吗
I couldn't hear the program because there was too much static. ;我听不清这个节目, 因为干扰太大.
Your car radio works very well.What kind is it? ;你的汽车收音机性能很好 这是什么型号的收音机?
The next time I buy a TV set,I'm going to buy a portable model. ;下一次买电视机,我准备 买一台手提式的.
I wonder if this is a local broadcast. ;我不知道这是不是 地方广播.
You'd get better TV reception if you had an outside antenna. ;如果你接上室外天线, 你的电视机接收效果 还会好.
Most amateur radio operators build their own equipment. ;大多数业余无线电爱好者 都是自己装机了.
Station WRC is off the air now.They signed off two hours ago. ;气象播报中心电台现在已 经停止播音.播音是在 两小时前结束的.
Music and literature 音乐和文学 ;
What's your favorite kind of music?Do you like jazz? ;你最爱听哪种音乐? 你爱听爵士音乐吗?
He's a composer of serious music.I like his music a lot. ;他是一个庄严乐曲的 作曲家,我非常喜欢 他创作的曲子.
We went to a concert last night to hear the symphony orchestra. ;昨天晚上我们去参加了 音乐会,听了交响乐队 的演奏.
My brother took lessons on the trumpet for nearly ten years. ;我的兄弟学吹 喇叭已将近十年了.
You play the piano beautifully.How much do you practice every day? ;你的钢琴弹得很好, 你每天练多长时间?
I've never heard that piece before.Who wrote it? ;我以前从来没有听那个 曲子,它是谁谱写的?
Have you ever thought about becoming a professional musician? ;你曾想过要成为一个 职业音乐家吗?
Who is the author of this novel? ;我部小说的作者是谁?
I've never read a more stirring story. ;我从来没有读过比这更 激动人心的故事.
Who would you name as the greatest poet of our times ;当代最伟大的诗人是谁? 你能说出他的名儿来吗?
This poetry is realistic.I don't care for it very much. ;这首诗是现实主义 的,我对它并不很喜欢.
Many great writers were not appreciated fully while they were alive. ;许多大作家在世时, 他们的作品往往得不到 人们彻底赏识.
This is a poem about frontier life in the United States. ;这是一首描写美国边界 移民生活的诗歌.
This writer uses vivid descriptions in his writings. ;这位作家在他的作品中 采用了生动的描绘手法.
How much do you know about the works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow? ;有关享利.沃兹沃思.朗费 罗写的作品你知道多少?

疯狂英语 英语语法 新概念英语 走遍美国 四级听力 英语音标 英语入门 发音 美语 四级 新东方 七年级 赖世雄 zero是什么意思成都市世纪苑二期英语学习交流群



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