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M: ;

machine/m'i:n/n. ;机器

Machine have replaced human labour in many industries. ;在很多工业中,机器已经 取代了人力操作。

madam/'mdm/n. ;夫人,女士

Madam,what do you want ;夫人,您需要些什么?

maize/meiz/n. ;玉米

In Africa,maize is the most important food. ;在非洲,玉米是非常重要 的食物。

make/meik/vt. (made/meid/,made) ;使得,做,制作

His actions made him universally respected. ;他的行为使他受到普遍 尊敬。

man/mn/ n. (pl.)men ;男人;人

Men are taller than women. God made man. ;男人比女人高。 上帝创造了人类。

man-made /'mn meid/adj. ;人造的,人工的

The lake is man-made ;这湖是人造的,

and there used to be a valley here until they changed the course of the river. ;在改变河道以前这里原来 是个山谷。

many/'meni/adj. ;许多的,多的

How many children have you got? ;你有几个孩子?

map/mp/n. ;地图

In the library there are maps of towns, countries,and the world. ;图书馆里有城市、国家和 世界地图。

March/ma:t/n. ;三月

March is the third month of the year. ;三月是一年中的第三个 月。

market/'ma:kit/ n. ;市场,集市

There's no market this week. ;这个星期没有集市。

married/'mrid/ adj. ;已婚的,有配偶的

Have you seen the newly married couple? ;你看到那对新婚夫妇了 吗?

match/mt/n. ;比赛,竞赛

Our school is going to hold a football match. ;我们学校准备举行一场 足球比赛。

maths/ms/n. ;(缩写词)数学

I'm not good at maths. ;我数学不是很好。

matter/'mt/vi. ;(主要用于否定句,疑问 句)要紧,有重大关系

It doesn't matter if I miss my train because there's another one later. ;我如果没赶上火车也没什 么关系,因为晚一些还有 一班。

may/mei/v.aux. ;可以,可能,也许

This news is so strange that you may not believe it. ;这消息好奇怪,你们也许 不会相信。

May/mei/n. ;五月

The 1st of May is May Day. ;五月一日是劳动节。

maybe/'meibi:/adv. ;或许,大概

Maybe he'll come,maybe he won't. ;他也许来,也许不来。

meal/mi:l/n. ;一餐(顿)饭

She cooks a hot meal in the evenings. ;她到了晚上便煮一顿热乎 乎的晚饭。

mean/mi:n/vt. ;意思是……

The red light means "Stop". ;红灯意味着“停”。

meat/mi:t/n. ;肉

Tigers often eat meat. ;老虎经常吃肉。

medicine/'medisin/n. ;内服药

Put the bottle of medicine away. ;把这瓶药拿走。

meet/mi:t/vt. (met/met/,met) ;见面,会面,遇见

I would like you to meet my friend Sam. At Boston University, he met his wife.Polly. ;我想让你见我的朋友萨姆 一面。

meeting/'mi:ti/n. ;会,集会

Our meeting in Tokyo was later than I expected. ;我们在东京的会合较我 预期的晚。

member/'memb/n. ;成员,会员

I'm a member of the committee. ;我是委员会委员。

mend/mend/vt. ;修补,修理

Can you mend the hole in my shirt? ;你能补一下我的衬衫上的 洞 吗?

menu/'menju:/n. ;菜单

A menu is a list of dishes that can be ordered in the restaurant. ;菜单就是在餐馆里供顾客 点菜的单子。

merry/'meri/adj. ;愉快的,欢乐的

Signs of merry life could be seen everywhere after the bumper harvest. ;丰收以后到处可以看到 一片欢乐景象。

message/'mesid/n. ;消息,信息

The ship sent a radio message asking for help. ;那船发出了无线电求救 信号。

metal/'metl/n. ;金属

Copper and silver are both metals. ;铜和银都是金属。

metre/'mi:t/n. ;米(公尺)

This stream is one hundred metres long. ;这条小溪有一百米长。

mid-autumn /'mid婠]:tm/n. ;中秋

On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival,we can enjoy the beautiful moonlight. ;中秋节的夜晚我们可以 欣赏那美丽的月色。

middle/'midl/adj. ;中间的,中级的

Which book do you want?I'll have the middle one. ;你要哪本书?我要中间 那本。

middle/'midl/n. ;中间

They were in the middle of dinner when I called. ;我给他们打电话的时候, 他们正在吃饭。

milk/milk/n. ;牛奶

I am used to drinking a cup of milk every morning. ;我习惯每天早上喝一杯 牛奶。

milk/milk/vt. ;挤奶,出奶

The farmer whistled as he milked. ;农夫一边挤奶一边吹着 口哨。

million /'miljn/num.&n. ;百万,百万个(人或物)

She thinks her husband is a man in a million. ;她认为她丈夫是万里挑一 的男人。

mind/maind/vi.& vt. mind/maind/n. ;介意,反对 思想,主意

He asked me if he could go home early, and I said I didn't mind. ;他问我他可否早些回家, 我说我不介意。

minute/'minit/n. ;分钟

It's only a few minutes' walk from here to the station. ;从这里走路到车站只要几 分钟。

mirror/'mir/n. ;镜子

A woman usually carries a small mirror in her bag. ;女人常在手提袋中携带一 面小镜子。

miss/mis/vt. ;失去,错过,缺

Please be quiet,I don't want to miss a word of the news on the radio. ;请安静,我不想遗漏收音 机里新闻报道的任何一个 字。

mistake/mis'teik/vt. (mistook/mis'tuk/, mistaken/mis'teikn/) ;弄错

He's mistaken the address,and gone to the wrong house. ;他把地址弄错了,跑错了 人家了。

mistake/mis'teik/n. ;错误

You can't arrest me! There must be some mistake! ;你们不逮捕我!一定是 弄错了!

modern/'mdn/adj. ;现代的

In this part of the city,you can see anci- ent and modern buildi- ngs next to each other ;在城市的这一部分,你可 以看到古代和现代建筑 比邻而立。

moment/'mumnt/n. ;片刻,瞬间

She answered without a moment's hesitation. ;她毫不迟疑立即回答。

mommy/'mmi/n.(=mummy) ;妈妈

Mommy,I'm hungry. ;妈妈,我饿了。

money/'mni/n. ;钱,货币

How much money is there in my account? ;我的户头里有多少钱?

monkey/'mki/n. ;猴子

When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. ;[谚]树倒猢狲散。

month/mn/n. ;月

How many months have you spent on finishing this book? ;你花了几个月的时间完成 了这本书?

moon/mu:n/n. ;月亮

Last night there was a full moon. ;昨晚是满月。

mooncake/'mu:nkeik/n. ;月饼

Do you like mooncake? ;你喜欢吃月饼吗?

more/m:/adj. more/m:/adv. ;(much或many的比较 级)更多的,较多的 (much的比较级)更

As he grows older,he spends more of his time in bed. ;他年纪越老,呆在床上的 时间越多。

morning/'m:ni/n. ;早晨,上午

I'll see you in the morning. ;明天上午见。

most/must/adj & adv. ;(much或many的最高 级)最多

The money should be shard among those who are in most need of it ;钱应分给最需要的人。

most/must/n. ;大多数,大部分

Most of them are working on the irrigation project. ;他们中的多数人都在参加 灌溉工程的工作。

mother/'m/n. ;母亲

Jim's mother and father are both college teachers. ;吉姆的父母都是大学 教师。

motor/'mut/n. ;发动机,马达

This grass-cutting machine is driven by a small electric motor ;这部割草机是由一个小 电力马达推动的。

mountain/'mauntin/n. ;山,山脉

He looked down from the top of the mountain to the valley far below. ;他从山顶眺望下面深幽的 山谷。

mouth/mau/n. ;嘴

Don't even open your mouth! ;住嘴!

move/mu:v/vi.&vt. ;搬动,移动

The prisoner was tired so tightly that he couldn't move hand nor foot. ;这囚犯被绑架得很紧,他 的手脚都不能动弹。

much/mt/adj. ;非常,很

I was much surprised at what he said. ;我对他说的话很吃惊。

much adj. ;大量的,太多的

There was so much food that we couldn't eat it all. ;食物太多了,我们吃不 完。

mule/mju:l/n. ;大量的,太多的

The old man is as stubborn as a mule. ;(比喻)那个老头非常 固执。

museum/mju:'zim/n. ;博物馆

Many unique things were displayed in the museum. ;博物馆里展出了许多举世 无双的展品。

music/'mju:zik/n. ;音乐

Please play a piece of music for us. ;请为我们演奏一首乐曲 吧。

musician /mju:'zin/n. ;音乐家,作曲家

My father is a musician. ;我的父亲是个作曲家。

must/mst/v. ;应当,必须

Old people used to say "Children must be seen and not heard". We must keep our word. ;老人家常说“大人在场 时,小孩子不该多嘴。” 我们必须遵守诺言。

mutton/'mtn/n. ;羊肉

I don't like mutton. ;我不喜欢吃羊肉。

myself/mai'self/pron. ;我自己

I myself,will present the prizes. ;我亲自来发奖。

N: ;

name/neim/n. ;名字

What is your family name? ;您姓什么?

name/neim/vt. ;命名,名叫

They didn't name their baby for a week,and then they named him John. ;他们有一个星期没有给 婴儿取名字,后来才给他 起名约翰。

narrow/'nru/adj. ;狭窄的

The gate is too narrow for cars,we'll have to walk through. ;这大门太窄了,车子过不 了,我们得步行过去。

national/'nnl/adj ;国家的

The national news comes after the international news. ;国内新闻在国际新闻之后 报道。

near/ni/prep. ;在……附近

He lives near the school. ;他住得离学校很近。

nearly/'nili/adv. ;几乎,附近

She nearly won first prize. ;她几乎得到头奖。

neck/nek/n. ;颈,脖子

The neck is the part of the body between the head and shoulders ;脖子就是身体中头和肩膀 之中的那部分。

need/ni:d/vi & v. ;需要,必须

This job needs a lot of care,attention,and time. ;这工作需要很多心思和 时间。

neither /'nai?ni:/ adj.adv & conj. ;(两者)都不

Neither road out of town is very good,but this one is better than the other one. ;出镇的两条路都不太好, 但这条比另一条好。

nervous/'n:vs/adj. ;神经不安的,紧张

He's too nervous a person to talk in front of a large group of people. ;他的人太紧张了,不能在 大庭广众面前讲话。

never/'nev/adv. ;决不,从来没有

I've never met him and I hope I never will meet him. ;我从未见过他,我也希望 永远不会见到他。

new/nju:/adj. ;新的

She is learning a new language. ;她在学习一门新的语言。

news/nju:z/n. ;新闻,消息

Our latest news of our son was a letter a month ago. ;有关儿子的最新消息是从 我们一个月前的信里所 得到的。

newspaper /'nju:s妏eip/n. ;报纸

Have you read today's newspaper? ;你看了今天的报纸了吗?

next/nekst/adj. & adv. ;下一个(的),紧挨着

The best way is by air the next best is by train. ;最好的方法是乘飞机,其 次是乘火车。

nice/nais/adj. ;好的,漂亮的,令人愉快 的

Did you boys have a nice Christmas? ;孩子们,你们圣诞节过得 愉快吗?

night/nait/n. ;夜晚,夜间

The moon gives light at night. ;月亮在夜里放光芒。

nine/nain/num. ;九

Nine plus nine equals eighteen. ;9加9等于18。

ninth/nain/num. ;第九

I'm the ninth contestant. ;我是九号参赛选手。

no/nu/adj. ;没有

You can't lie to me, I'm no fool! ;你不能对我说谎,我不是 傻瓜。

nobody/'nubdi/pron. ;没有人

When I arrived,there was nobody there. ;我到的时候那里没人。

noise/niz/n. ;嘈杂声,响声

Try not to make any noises when you go into the bedroom. ;你进卧室的时候尽量不要 弄出声音来。

noisily/'nizili/adv. ;喧闹地

They walked noisily downstairs. ;他们吵吵嚷嚷地走下楼。

noisy/'nizi/adj. ;喧闹的,(人、地方等) 嘈杂的

It's very noisy in this office. ;这办公室很吵。

none/nn/pron. ;没有任何东西或人,一个 人也没有

None of the telephones are working. ;没有一部电话是可以 用的。

noodle/'nu:dl/n. ;面条

Do you like noodles? ;你喜欢吃面条吗?

noon/nu:n/n. ;中午

Noon is the earliest time I can come. ;我最早中午才能来。

nor/n:/conj. ;也不

The job cannot be done by you nor me nor anyone else. ;这工作不能由你,或其他 任何人来做。

north/n:/n.& adj. ;北,北方(的)

Do you know which way is north? ;你知道哪边是北方吗?

northeast /'n:'i:st/n. ;东北

I'm from the northeast ;我来自东北。

northern/'n:n/adj ;北方的,北部的

The northern half of the Earth is called the Northern Hemisphere. ;地球北半部称为北半球。

northwest /'n:'west/n. ;西北

The wind is blowing from the northwest. ;风从西北方向来。

nose/nuz/n. ;鼻子

Western people's noses are very big. ;西方人的鼻子很大。

nothing /'ni/pron.& n. ;没有东西,没有什么

Nothing ever happens in this town. ;这个镇上什么事都没有 发生过。

November/nu'vemb/n. ;十一月

November is the eleventh month of the year. ;十一月是一年中第十一 个月。

now/nau/adv. ;现在

We used to live in Shanghai but now we live in Beijing. ;我们以前住在上海,但 现在住在北京。

number/'nmb/n. ;数字,号码

Page numbers are in the right-hand corners ;页码在右角上。

Would you like to tell me your telephone number? ;你可以告诉我你的电话 号码吗?

nurse/n:s/n. ;护士

Her mother is a nurse. ;她妈妈是个护士。

nut/nt/n. ;坚果,(如胡桃,栗子 等),坚果仁

Have you eaten the nuts? ;你吃过坚果吗?

O: ;

October/k'tub/n. ;十月

The 1st of October is National Day. ;十月一日是国庆节。

of course/f k:z/ ;当然

Of course I'll still love you when you're old. ;你年老的时候,我当然仍 会爱你。

off/f/prep. ;离开,走开

He ran off with the money. ;他携款潜逃了。

office/'fis/n. ;办公室

Linda works in office. ;琳达在办公室工作了。

often/'fn/adv. ;通常,常常

It very often rains here in April. ;这儿四月份常下雨。

offer/'f/vt. ;提供

She offered me$10,000 for that book. ;她出一万镑向我买那本 书。

old/uld/adj. ;老的,旧的

How old will you be on December 31 of this year? ;到今年十二月三十一日 时你有多大?

I bought an old mobile phone in a second-hand market. ;我在二手市场买了一个 旧手机。

on/n/prep. ;在,在……之上,关于

There is list of our lessons on the wall. ;墙上有我们的课程表。

The country leaders exchange views on questions of common concern. ;国家领导人就共同关心的 问题交换了意见。

once/wns/adv. ;一次,从前

She goes to see her parents in Wales once every six months. ;她每半年回威尔士看父母 一次。

one/wn/pron. ;某个人,某物(用于代替 单数的人或物)

I haven't a book. Can you lend me one? ;我没有书,你能借我一本 吗?

only/'unli/adv. ;仅仅,只

We only waited a few minutes but it seemed like hours. ;我们只等了几分钟,但觉 得像几个小时。

open/'upn/vt. adj. ;打开 开着的

The door burst open and the children rushed in. ;门突然撞开了,孩子们闯 了进来。

opera/'pr/n. ;歌剧

Have you heard Peking Opera? ;你听过京剧吗?

operate /'preit/vi.& vt. ;手术;运转

The tractor operates on diesel oil. ;拖拉机用柴油机开动。

operation /婠]p'rein/n. ;手术,操作

I can use a word processor but I don't understand its operation. ;我能使用文字处理机,但 不了解其运转机制。

opposite /'pzit/n.& adj. ;相反(的),对面(的)

His political position is opposite to ours. ;他的政治立场与我们的 对立。

or/:/conj. ;或者,否则

Will you have tea or coffee? ;你喝茶还是喝咖啡?

Wear your coat or you'll be cold. ;穿上外套否则你会觉得 冷。

orange/'rind/n. ;橙子,橘子,

Mom,would you like some orange juice? ;妈妈,你要橘子汁吗?

order/':d/n. ;顺序

Please rearrange this sentence in correct order. ;请按正确的顺序重新安排 下面这句话。

other/'/adj. ;别的,其他的

Did you see any other films? ;你看过别的电影吗?

our/'au/pron. ;我们的

Our newcomer works marvelously. ;我们那个新来的同志工作 很出色。

ours/'auz/pron. ;我们的

Ours is a great Party. ;我们的党是一个伟大的 党。

ourselves /奱u'selvz/pron. ;我们自己

We try and keep ourselves informed about current trends. ;我们设法随时了解形式的 发展。

out/aut/adv. ;在外

Open the bag and take the money out. ;打开袋子拿出钱来。

outside/'aut'said/prep outside/'aut'said/adv. ;在……外 在外面

It's quite dark outside--there's no moon tonight. ;外面很黑--今夜没有月 亮。

over/'uv/adj. ;结束,完了

When we arrived,the film was over. ;当我们到达时,电影结 束了。

over/'uv/adv. ;在那边,在另一边

There is a bookstore over the street. ;有一家书店在街的另一 边。

over prep. prep. ;超过,多于 蒙在……上,悬挂……上

He is over fifty. ;他五十开外了。

own/un/ adj. vt. ;自己的 所有,拥有

Your life is your own affair. ;你的生活是你自己的事。

P: ;

page/peid/ n. ;页,页码

There is a picture of a ship on page 44. ;第四十四页上有一幅船的 图画。

pain/pein/ n. ;疼痛,疼

The boy was in pain after he broke. ;这男孩在他摔断手臂后 觉得很痛。

pair/p/ n. ;一对,一双

Please give me a pair of scissors. ;麻烦你递把剪子给我。

pan/pn/ n. ;平底锅

Usually,cooking pots have 2 small handles but pans have one long handle. ;通常,烹饪用的锅有两个 小把手,而平底锅只有一 个长柄。

panda/'pnd/ n. ;熊猫

It's well known that ;众所周知,

Sichuan Province provides a perfect natural habitat for pandas. ;四川是熊猫最佳的天然 栖息地。

paper/'peip/ n. ;纸,报纸

Have you seen today's paper? ;你看到今天的报纸了吗?

pardon/'pa:dn/ n. ;原谅,宽恕,对不起

I beg your pardon. ;请你再说一遍。

parent/'prnt/ n. ;父(母)亲

John and Mary have become parents. ;约翰和玛丽已为人父母。

park/pa:k/ n. ;公园

A park is usually used for rest and relaxation. ;公园通常是用来休息和 放松的地方。

part/pa:t/ n. ;部分;零件;部件

This piece of glass seems to be a part of a lamp. ;这片玻璃似乎是一盏灯的 一部分。

party/'pa:ti/ n. ;聚会

I'm giving a party next Saterday night. ;下星期六晚上我们将举行 一个晚会。

Party/'pa:ti/ n. ;共产党(小写指党, 政党)

My husband is a Party Member. ;我的丈夫是一名共产 党员。

pass/pa:s/ vt. ;传递

Please pass the bread --I can't quite reach it. ;请把面包递过来,我拿 不到。

passage/'psid/ n. ;(文章等的)一节,一段

Please reas this passage for us. ;请给我们读一下这段 文字。

past/pa:st/ prep. ;(超)过,经过

She is a woman past without any news. ;她是个青春已逝的女人。

past adv. ;过

Days went past without any news. ;日子过去了,消息却全无 。

pay/pei/ vt.&vi. (paid/peid/,paid) ;付款,给……报酬

I don't mind paying to have my door painted. ;为漆好我的门,我不在乎 付钱。

P.E./'pi:'i:/ n. ;体育 (=physical education)

I think P.E. is more useful than any other subject. ;我觉得体育比其他功课都 有用。

pea/pi:/ n. ;豌豆

Peas are green seeds that are eaten as a vegetable. ;豌豆是可以用作蔬菜食用 的绿色种子。

pear/p/ n. ;梨

A pear is kind of a sweet fruit with a green or yellow skin. ;梨是一种绿皮或黄皮的 甜的水果。

pen/pen/ n. ;钢笔

He lives by his pen. ;他以写作为生。

pencil/'pensl/ n. ;铅笔,彩笔

A pencil is a long, thin,usually wooden object for writing or drawing, ;铅笔通常是用于写字或画 画的细长的木制品,

with a sharp black or other colored point. ;有黑色或其他颜色的 笔尖。

penfriend/'penfrend/ n. ;笔友

I've got a penfriend. ;我交了个笔友。

people/'pi:pl/ n. ;人,人们

People were dancing in the street. ;人们在街上跳舞。

perhaps/p'hps/ adv. ;可能,也许

Perhaps I am wrong,but I think he is 41 years old. ;也许我错了,但我想他 是41岁。

person/'p:sn/ n. ;人

He's just the person we need for the job. ;他正是我们需要的做那种 工作的人。

phone/fun/ n. ;(telephone的简写形式) 电话机 vt.& vi.打电话

The phone is ringing. ;电话铃响了。

photo/'futu/ n. ;照片

Let's take a photo together! ;让我们一起来拍张照片 吧!

photograph /'futugra:f/ n. ;照片

Have you seen John's photograph in the newspaper? ;你看到约翰在报上的照片 了吗?

pick/pik/ vt.&vi. ;摘,挑选

I don't know which of the 3 dresses to pick --I like them all. ;这三件衣服我不知道跳 哪件好--我全都喜欢。

picnic/'piknik/ n. ;野餐

We'll go to the river and take a picnic with us. ;我们要到河边玩耍并带着 野餐。

picture/'pikt/ n. ;图画,照片

She drew a picture of me. ;她画了一张我的肖像。

piece/pi:s/ n. ;张(片,块,……)

He tore off a small piece of paper. ;他撕掉一小张纸。

pig/pig/ n. ;猪

Many people think that the pig is the dirtiest animal in the world. ;很多人认为猪是世界上最 脏的动物。

pigsty/'pigstai/ n. ;猪圈

The pigsty is very dirty. ;这猪圈很脏。

pill/pil/ n. ;药丸,药片

This kind of pill is bitter. ;这种药很苦。

pingpong/'pip/ n. ;乒乓球

I'm fond of pingpong. ;我喜欢打乒乓球。

pioneer/,pai'ni/ n. ;先锋

His grandfather was one of the pioneers of flying. ;他的外祖父是飞行的先 驱者之一。

pity/'piti/ n. ;怜悯,同情

Don't help me out of pity,but only if you think I deserve it. ;不要因怜悯而帮助我,除 非你认为我值得你帮助。

place/pleis/ n. ;地点,地方

This is the place where the accident happened. ;这里是发生意外的地方。

plane/plein/ n. ;飞机

Do you know,this is a reconnaissance plane. ;你知道吗,这是一架侦察 机。

plant/pla:nt/ n. ;植物

All plants need water and light. ;所有的植物都需要水和 光。

plant vt. ;种植

The pupils are planting trees on the hillside. ;学生们正在山坡上植树。

plate/pleit/ n. ;盘子,碟子

This is a plate of monkey meat. ;这是盘猴子肉。

play/plei/ vi. ;玩,打(球)

The children were playing with a ball. ;孩子们在玩球。

play vi. ;(唱片、录音、电视) 播放

There was a record playing in the next room. ;隔壁房间里正在放唱片。

play n. ;戏剧,话剧

We've been to several plays this month. ;这个月我们看了好几 出戏。

player/'plei/ n. ;比赛者,选手

There are ten players attending this match. ;有十名选手参加这次 比赛。

playground /'pleigraund/ n. ;(学校的)操场

The students were all in the play ground. ;学生们都在操场上。

please/pli:z/ vt. ;请

Please do me a favor. ;请帮我一个忙。

pleased/pli:zd/ adj. ;高兴的

The Governor is pleased to accept the invitation. ;总督欣然接受邀请。

pleasure/'ple/ n. ;愉快,高兴

It gives me great pleasure to welcome our speaker. ;我很高兴去迎接我们的 演讲人。

plenty/'plenti/ n. ;大量,丰富,很多

That will give you plenty to do. ;那样一来你可有许多事情 干了。

pocket/'pkit/ n. ;(衣服的)口袋

He stood with his hands in his pockets. ;他把双手插在口袋里站着 。

point/pint/ vt.&vi. ;指,指向

It's rude to point! ;指东指西是无礼的!

police/p'li:s/ n. ;警察,警务人员

The police have caught the murderer. ;警察已抓到了杀人犯。

policeman/p'li:mn/ n. ;警察

Policeman might be the best people to ask for help. ;警察是求助的最合适的 人。

polite/p'lait/ adj. ;有礼貌的,有教养的

It's not considered polite to put food into your mouth with a knife. ;用刀把食物送入口中是 不礼貌的。

politely/p'laitli/ adv. ;有礼貌地

He bows to me politely. ;他彬彬有礼地向我鞠了 一躬。

politics/'plitiks/ n. ;政治

Frank is studying politics at university. ;弗兰克在大学里攻读 政治。

poor/pu/ adj. ;贫穷的,可怜的

He came from a poor family. ;他出身于贫苦人家。

popular/'ppjul/ adj. ;流行的,大众的, 受欢迎的

He's a good politician but he isn't popular. ;他是位好政治家但不受 欢迎。

population /,ppju'lein/ n. ;人口,人数

What was the population of Europe in 1900? ;欧洲在1900年的人口是 多少?

pork/p:k/ n. ;猪肉

I don't like the pork sausages. ;我不喜欢吃猪肉香肠。

porridge/'prid/ n. ;稀饭

Do you want some porridge? ;来点粥吗?

port/p:t/ n. ;港口,港埠,商港

There is only one port along this rocky coast. ;这多岩石的海岸只有一个 港口。

possible/'psbl/ adj. ;可能的

I'll do everything possible to help you. ;我会尽一切可能帮助你。

post/pust/ n. ;邮政,邮件

Has the morning post arrived? ;早上的邮件来了吗?

postcard/'pustka:d/ n. ;明信片

He sent me a postcard as a gift. ;他送给我一张明信片作为 礼物。

pot/pt/ n. ;壶,罐,锅

These chickens will soon be ready for the pot. ;这些小鸡很快就可以 宰了。

potato/p'teitu/ n. ;马铃薯,土豆

The potato is vulnerable to several pests. ;马铃薯易受几种害虫的 侵害。

practise/'prktis/ vt. ;练习,实践

You mustn't practise the drums while the baby is sleeping. ;孩子睡觉时你不要练习 打破。

prefer/pri'f:/ vt. ;宁愿(选择),更喜欢

The heroine preferred death to surrender. ;女英雄宁死不屈。

present/'preznt/ n. ;礼物

This book was a present from my brother. ;这本书是哥哥送我的 礼物。

press/pres/ vt. ;压

She pressed the flower by putting it between the pages of an old book. ;她把花压放在旧书页里。

problem/'prblm/ n. ;问题

You'll have to mend that leak or it will cause problems later. ;你得修补那个裂缝,不然 以后会出问题的。

produce/pr'dju:s/ vt. ;生产,制造

Good soil will produce fine crops. ;好的土壤回出产好的农 作物。

programme/'prugrm/ n. ;节目

The band is giving a programme of modern music. ;乐队正演奏现代音乐。

pull/pul/ vi.&Vt. ;拉,拖,拔

In a tug-of-war,the competitors pull as hard as they can. ;在拔河比赛中,双方队 虽然都拼命地拉。

pupil/'pju:pl/ n. ;小学生,学生

The school is large enough for about 500 pupils. ;这学校可容纳约五百名 学生。

push/pu/ vt.&vi. ;推

Push hard and the lever will go down. ;用力推就能把控制杆按 下去。

put/put/ vi. (put,put) ;放

You put too much salt in this dish. ;你在这菜里放的盐过 多了。

puzzel/'pzl/ n. ;难题;(字,画)谜

No one has yet succeeded in explaining the puzzle of how life began. ;还没有人能成功地解释生 命的起源这个问题。


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