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> 英语词汇 > 疯狂英语初中单词王(lrc版) >  第1篇






1. able ['eibl] adj. 有能力的,能干的 He is the ablest student in the class. 他是班上最有才华的 学生。

2. about [ə'baut] prep. 关于 he is careless about his personal appearance. ;他对自己的仪表毫不 在意。

about [ə'baut] adv. 大约 The fans waited for the superstar for about four hours. ;影迷们等了这个超级明星 大约四个小时。

3. above [ə'bʌv] prep. 在„„上面 The waterfall is above the bridge. 瀑布在桥的上游一侧。

4. accident ['æksidənt] n. 事故,意外的事 I had a slight accident at home and broke some crockery. 我在家出了点儿小事,打 碎了些陶瓷。

5. across [ə'krɔs] prep. 横过,穿过 We shall soon be across the Channel. 我们不久即将渡过英吉利 海峡了。

6. activity [æk'tiviti] n. 活动 He has many activities that take up his time when he's not working. 他有很多活动,把工作以 外的时间都占满了。

7. address [ə'dres] n. 地址 Tell me if you change your address. 如果你的地址改变了,请 告诉我。

8. afraid [ə'freid] adj. 怕,害怕 There's nothing to be afraid of. 没有什么可怕的。

9. after ['ɑ:ftə] prep. 在„„以后 Shut the door after you. 随手关门。 after ['ɑ:ftə] conj. 在„„以后的时间或期间

S CLASS 2 After the work was done,we sat down to sum up the experience. 工作结束后,我们坐下来 总结经验。

10. afternoon [,ɑ:ftə'nu:n] n. 下午 I go swimming two afternoons a week. 我每星期有两个下午去 游泳。

11. again [ə'ɡen, ə'ɡein] adv. 又,再 Here comes Joe,drunk again. 乔来了,又喝醉了。

12. against [ə'ɡenst, ə'ɡeinst] prep. 对着,反对 She was married against her will. 她结婚是有违本意的。

13. age [eidʒ] n. 年龄 Geologists have calculated the age of the earth. 地质学家已经计算出了地 球的年龄。

14. ago [ə'ɡəu] adv. 以前 I met him a few minutes ago. 我在几分钟前碰到他了。

15. agree [ə'ɡri:] vt.&vi. 同意,赞成 I asked for a pay rise and she agreed. 我请求加薪,她就答 应了。

16. air [ɛə] n. 天空,空气 The air today is very good. 今天的天气真是太棒了!

17. all [ɔ:l] adv. 全部的,所有的 She is often dressed all in white. 她经常全身都穿白的。

18. almost ['ɔ:lməust]adv. 几乎,差不多 It's a mistake they almost always make. 那是他们几乎总要犯的 错误。

19. alone [ə'ləun] adj. (只作表语)单独的 Time alone will tell. [谚]日久自明。


20. along [ə'lɔŋ] prep. 沿着,顺着 We went for a walk along the road after supper. 晚饭后我们沿着公路散 步。

21. along [ə'lɔŋ] adv. 向前 Move along, please! 请向前走!(不要阻塞 交通)

22. already [ɔ:l'redi] adv. 已经 I've already seen that film, so I'd rather see another one. 我已经看国那部电影了, 所以还是看部别的吧。

23. also ['ɔ:lsəu] adv. 也 He has made up his mind to go to the countryside and I also will go. 他决心到农村去,我也决 定这么做。

24. always ['ɔ:lweiz] adv. 总是,一直 The boy is always asking why. 这男孩儿总是问这问那没 个完。

25. among [ə'mʌŋ]prep. 在„„之中 He found it among a pile of old books. 他是在一堆旧书中找到它 的。

26. and [ænd, ənd, ən] conj. 和;又;而 I can read and write. 我能读又能写。

27. angry ['æŋɡri] adj. 生气的,发怒的 I was angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake. 我因为犯了这么愚蠢的错 误而在生自己的气。 28. animal ['æniməl] n. 动物 We can go to the zoo to see animals. 我们可以去动物园看 动物。

29. announce [ə'nauns] vt. 通知,宣布 They announced the date of their wedding in the newspaper. 他们在报纸上宣布了结婚 日期。

They announced the date of their wedding in the newspaper. ;他们在报纸上宣布了结婚 日期。
announcement [ə'naʊnsm(ə)nt] n. ;通知,通告
An announcement will be made soon. ;一项通告即将发表。
another [ə'nʌðə] adj. ;再一(个……)
Don't lose heart because you can try another time. ;别灰心,再试一次。
another [ə'nʌðə] pron. ;另一(个,……)
I don't like this one,please show me another. ;我不喜欢这个,请另拿一 个给我看。
answer ['ɑːnsə] vt.&n. ;回答;接电话
The answer he gave was quite surprising. ;他的回答简直是出人 意料。
any[eni] adj. ;(用于疑问句,否定句等) 什么,一些,任何的
I didn't eat any meat. ;我一点儿肉都没吃。
anybody['enɪbɒdɪ] pron. ;任何人
Anybody who saw the accident should phone the police. ;见到这一事故的人应该打电话通知警方。
anything ['enɪθɪŋ] pron. ;任何事(物)
Did she tell you anything interesting? ;她跟你说过什么有趣的事吗?
anywhere ['enɪweə] adv. ;任何地方
If you want to go anywhere else,let me know. ;你要到别的地方去,就要告诉我。
April ['eɪprəl] n. ;四月
I think April is the best month. ;我认为四月是最好的 季节。
apple ['æp(ə)l] n. ;苹果
I prefer the apple rather than the orange. ;我喜欢吃苹果甚于吃橘子。
arm[a:m] n. ;手臂,肩膀
The woman had a child in her arm. ;那个妇女怀里抱着一个孩 子。
around['raund] adv. ;在周围,在附近
We can hear laughter all around. ;我们可以听到四周的 笑声。
arrive['raiv] vi.(at) ;到达,抵达
We arrived at the station five minutes late. ;我们晚了五分钟到车站。
art[a:t] n. ;艺术,美术;艺术品
Her performances displayed great art. ;她的表演表现了高度的 艺术技巧。
as[z,z] adv.,conj.&prep. ;像…一样,同样的;作为 conj.照着 conj.因为
As before he remained unmoved. ;他和以往一样无动于衷。
ask[a:sk] vt. ;问;请求,要求
Don't be afraid of asking question. I asked that I should be allowed to see her. ;不要怕提问题。 我请求允许见她。
asleep['sli:p] adj. ;睡着的,熟睡
Don't wake her up -- she's fast asleep. ;别吵醒她--她睡得很熟。
at[t,t] prep. ;在
He stood at the door until I came. ;他站在门口,直到我来。
August[':gst] n. ;八月
The first day of August is Army Day. ;八月的第一天是建军节。
aunt[a:nt] n. ;姨母,舅母,姑母, 伯母,婶母
Mary's aunt is a doctor. ;玛丽的姑姑是个医生。
autumn[':tm] n. ;秋天,秋季
The leaves turn brown in autumn. ;秋天树叶变黄。
away['wei] adv. ;离开
Don't go away. ;不要走开。
B: ;
baby['beibi] n. ;婴儿
Both mother and baby are doing well. ;母子平安。
back[bk] n.&adj. ;后面(的);背,背部
If you use mirrors you can see the back of your head. ;使用两个镜子能看见自己 的头的后面。
back[bk] adv. ;回(原处)
I'll go back at once. ;我马上就回来。
bad[bd] adj. ;坏的
In certain conditions,a bad thing can be turned into a good thing. ;在一定条件下,坏事可以 变好事。
badly['bdli] adv. ;坏,恶劣的
I'm afraid our team's doing rather badly. ;我看我们队的表现不 太好。
bag[bg] n. ;书包,提包;口袋
He goes to school with the bag on his back. ;他背着书包去上学了。
ball[b:l] n. ;球
The ball is flat and needs air. ;球是扁的,需要注入 空气。
banana[b:na:n] n. ;香蕉
A banana split is a kind of ice-cream dish which people love very much. ;香蕉船是一种人们很喜欢 的雪糕。
bang[b] interj. ;砰
"Bang!bang!You're dead!"shouted the small boy. ;“砰!砰!打死你了!” 那个小男孩嚷到。
basket['bskit] n. ;篮子
They picked three baskets of apples. ;她们摘了三篮苹果。
basketball ['ba:skitb:l] n. ;篮球
Basketball is a kind of game played by two teams of five players. ;篮球是一种由两队人玩的 运动,每队有五人。
beat[bi:t] vt. (beat,beaten['bi:tn]) ;打败;敲打
She was beating the dust out of the carpet. ;她正在敲打地毯上的 灰尘。
beautiful ['bju:tful] adj. ;美丽的,漂亮的
What beautiful weather! ;天气多好啊!
because[bi'k:z] conj. ;因为
Don't skimp on your work because you are pressed for time. ;不要因为时间仓促而马马 虎虎。
become[bi'km] vi. (became[bi'keim], become) ;变的,成为
That child was to become a great leader. ;那孩子长大后必定成为 伟大领袖。
bed[bed] n. ;床
There are two beds in this bedroom. ;有两张床在这个卧室里。
beef[bi:f] n. ;牛肉
Have some beef! ;来点牛肉吧!
before[bi'f:] conj. ;在……以前
We'll see that film before long. ;我们不久将要看那部电影 了。
before[bi'f:] adv. ;以前
You should have told me so before. ;你早就应该告诉我。
begin[bi'gin] vt.&vi. (began[bi'gn], begun[bi'gn]) ;开始
The building hasn't even begun. ;这座建筑物还没有动工。
beginning[bi'gini] n. ;开始,开端
You've had a good beginning. ;你已经有了良好的开端。
behind[bi'haind] adv. ;在后,在后面
I cycled down the road with the dog running behind me. ;我骑自行车沿着道路行 使,那只狗在后面跟着 跑。
behind[bi'haind] prep. ;在……后面
Who's the girl standing behind him? ;站在他后面的那个女孩 是谁?
bell[bel] n. ;铃,钟
The bell will ring before the class. ;上课前会听到铃声。
below[bi'lu] prep. ;在……以下
Skirts must be below the knee. ;裙子要长过膝盖以下。
beside[bi'said] prep. ;在……旁边
I keep a dictionary beside me when I'm doing crosswords. ;我填纵横字谜的时候,手 边总有一本字典。
best[best] adj.&adv. ;最好的(地)
What is the best thing to do? ;该怎么办才好呢?
better['bet] adj.&adv. ;更好的(地)
Well,nothing is better than that. ;呵,那再好不过了。
between[bi'twi:n] prep. ;在(两者)之间
I lost my keys somewhere between the car and the house. ;我的钥匙丢在汽车与房子 之间的什么地方了。
bicycle['baisikl] n. ;自行车(bike的全写形 式)
Let's go by bicycle. ;让我们骑自行车去吧。
big[big] adj. ;大的
There is a big park nearby. ;附近有一个大的公园。
bike[baik] n. ;自行车
It would be better for the environment if more people used bikes rather than cars ;如果更多的人用自行车而 不是汽车,那会对环境更 好一点。
billion['biljn] num. ;十亿
I've a billion dollars ;我有十亿美金。
biology[bai'ldi] n. ;生物学
He likes studying biology. ;他喜欢研究生物学。
bird[b:d] n. ;鸟
Birds usually can fly with two wings and two legs. ;鸟有两条腿和两个翅膀, 通常能飞。
birthday['b:dei] n. ;生日
Happy birthday! ;生日快乐!
biscuit['biskit] n. ;饼干
I usually have biscuits for breakfast ;我早餐通常吃饼干。
bit[bit] n. ;一点儿,小片
I've got a bit of shopping to do. ;我得去买点东西。
black[blk] adj. ;黑色的
I don't like the black shoes at all. ;我根本就不喜欢那黑色的 鞋子。
blackboard ['blkb:d] n. ;黑板
A teacher is writing on the blackboard with chalk. ;老师正用粉笔在黑板上 写字。
blank[blk] n. ;(表格等)空白处
If you can't answer the question,leave a blank. ;如果答不上来就空着。
blouse[blauz] n. ;女衬衫
She was wearing a white silk blouse. ;她穿着白色的丝绸衬衫。
blow[blu] vi&vt. (blew[blu:],blown [blun]) ;吹
A cold wind blew across the river. ;河面刮过一股冷风。
blue[blu:] adj. ;蓝色的
My lovely white cat has blue eyes. ;我可爱的小猫有一双蓝色 的眼睛。
boat[but] n. ;船
We crossed the river by boat. ;我们乘船过河。
boat[but] vt. ;划船
Can you boat? ;你会划船吗?
boating['buti] n. ;划船(游玩)
Let's go boating. ;我们去划船吧!
body['bdi] n. ;身体
You can imprison my body but not my mind. ;你可以禁锢我的身体,却 束缚不了我的心灵。
boil[bil] vi. ;煮(沸)
I'm boiling the baby's milk. ;我正在煮婴儿的牛奶。
bone[bun] n. ;骨,骨头
He broke a bone in his leg. ;他的腿摔断了一根骨头。
book[buk] n. ;书
I am reading a book about science. ;我正在读一本关于科学 的书。
bookseller['buksel] n. ;售书员,书商
A bookseller is a person who sells books to the public. ;书商就是向大众出售书 的人。
bookshop['bukp] n. ;书店
We can buy the children's books in this bookshop. ;我们能在这家书店买到 儿童读物。
born[b:n] adj. ;(由动词bear变来)出生
The baby was born at 8 o'clock. ;婴儿是在八点钟出生的。
borrow['bru] vt. ;借
I've forgotten my pen.Could I borrow yours? ;我忘了带笔,可以借用一 下你的吗?
both[bu] adj.&pron. ;两个(都…)
He is blind in both eyes. ;他双目失明。
bottle['btl] n. ;瓶
We drank a whole bottle of wine between us. ;我们喝了一整瓶酒。
box[bks] n. ;箱子,盒子
She put her books in a big box. ;她把她的书放在一个大箱 子里了。
boy[bi] n. ;男孩
How many boys and girls are in your class? ;在你们班有多少个男孩和 女孩?
bread[bred] n. ;面包
He used all his money to buy a piece of bread for his children ;他用了他所有的钱为他的 孩子们买了一块面包。
break[breik] vt.&vi. (broke[bruk], broken['brukn]) ;摔破;撕开损坏
My watch is broken. ;我的表坏了。
breakfast['brekfst] n. ;早饭,早餐
At what time do you have breakfast? ;你什么时候吃早点?
breathe[bri:] vi.&vt. ;呼吸
It's healthy to breathe deeply. ;作深呼吸有益健康。
bridge[brid] n. ;桥
Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between nations. ;文化交流是国与国之间 建立联系的桥梁。
bright[brait] adj. ;明亮的
The garden is bright with flowers. ;鲜花满园。
brightly['braitli] adv. ;闪烁地,灿烂地,明亮地
The sun is shining brightly. ;阳光明媚。
bring[bri] vt. (brought[br:t], brought) ;带来,拿来
Bring your friend to the party. ;带你朋友来聚会。
Britain['britn] n. ;英国,不列颠(英格兰 威尔士、北爱尔兰和苏格 兰的总称)
Christmas is an important festival in Britain. ;在英国,圣诞节是一个很 重要的节日。
broom[bru:m] n. ;扫帚
A broom is used for cleaning houses. ;扫帚是用来打扫房子的。
brother['br] n. ;兄弟
Do you have any brothers and sisters? ;你有兄弟姐妹吗?
brown[braun] n. ;棕色的,褐色的
One of my foreign friends has brown hair. ;我的外国朋友是棕色 头发。
brush[br] vt. n. ;刷,擦 ,刷子
The leaves of the trees brushed our faces as we marched through the forest. ;我们行军过森林时,树叶 拂过我们的脸。
build[bild] vt. (built[bilt],built) ;建造,建设
That house is built of brick. ;那房子是用砖盖成的。
building['bildi] n. ;建筑物
Houses and churches are buildings. ;房子和教堂是建筑物。
burn[b:n]vt.&vi. (burnt[b:nt]or burned[b:nd], burnt or burned) ;烧,燃烧,点(烛等)
Be careful not to burn your mouth. ;小心被烫痛嘴。
bus[bs] n. ;公共汽车
I got on the bus outside our house and got off at the shopping centre. ;我在我们家外面乘坐公车 到购物中心下车。
business['biznis] n. ;事物,事业,生意
We don't do much business with foreign companies. ;我们跟外国公司没有多少 生意来往。
busy['bizi] adj. ;忙的,繁忙的
He is busy now and cannot see you. ;他正忙着,没有时间 见你。
but[bt] conj. ;但是
She is very hard-working but not very imaginative. ;她很勤奋但不是很有想 像力。
buy[bai] vt. (bought[b:t], bought) ;购买
He bought that car cheap. ;他那部车子购买得很 便宜。
by[bai] prep. ;乘(车,船等);被, 由,到……为止
You can travel by sea. ;你可以坐船去旅行。
He was arrested by the police. ;他被警方逮捕了。
C: ;
cabbage['kbid] n. ;卷心菜,洋白菜
I know she often eats cabbage at home. ;我知道她在家经常吃 白菜。
cage[keid] n. ;笼,鸟笼
Put the bird into the cage. ;把那只小鸟放进笼子里。
cake[keik] n. ;蛋糕,饼,糕
Cake is a sweet type of food made from a mixture of flour, eggs,fat and sugar. ;蛋糕是由面粉、鸡蛋、 油和糖混合做成的一种 甜点。
call[k:l] vi. ;叫喊;打电话给……
The fishermen called out to the men on the shore. ;渔夫向岸上的人大声 喊叫。
The destroyer is calling the base. ;驱逐舰在呼叫基地。
call[k:l] vt.&n. ;把……叫做,称呼 电话,通话;叫喊
How dare you call me fat! ;你怎么敢叫我胖子!
can[kn] v.aux. ;能,能够
Kate can speak four languages. ;凯特能说四种语言。
candle['kndl] n. ;蜡烛
There is a candle on the cake. ;蛋糕上有一根蜡烛。
canteen[kn'ti:n] n. ;饭堂,小卖部
This is a dry canteen. ;这是家食品小卖部。
capital['kpitl] n. ;首都,省会
Cairo is the capital of Egypt. ;开罗是埃及的首都。
car[ka:] n. ;汽车,小汽车
Sue goes to work by car. ;苏开车去上班。
card[ka:d] n. ;卡片,贺卡
David sent us a card from Spain. ;大卫从西班牙给我们寄来 一张明信片。
care[k] n. ;照料,保护,小心
She arranged the flowers with great care. ;她仔细地插花。
careful['kful] adj. ;小心的,仔细的
If you'd been more careful crossing the road ;要是你过马路时小心点
you wouldn't have been hit by the car. ;就不会被车子撞了。
carefully['kfuli] adv. ;仔细地,小心地
I always drive more carefully at night. ;我夜晚开车总是加倍小心
carrot['krt] n. ;胡萝卜
Have some more carrots. ;再吃点儿胡萝卜。
carry['kri] vt. ;搬走,带去
The car had carried him 500 miles before it broke down. ;汽车载着他行驶500公里 以后抛锚了。
cash[k] n. ;现款
I've no cash on me, can I pay you tomorrow? ;我身上没现金,明天付给 你成吗?
cat[kt] n. ;猫
We'll get someone to feed the cat when we're away on holiday. ;去度假的时候,我们会叫 人来喂猫的。
catch[kt] vt. (caught[k:t], caught) ;捉,抓住
How many fish did you catch? ;你捕到多少鱼?
central['sentrl] adj. ;中央的,中心的
This is central city of the whole area. ;这就是整个地区的中心 城市。
centre['sent] n. ;中心
Beijing is the capital,economic and cultural centre of China. ;北京是中国的政治、经济 和文化中心。
century['senturi] n. ;世纪,百年
The Chinese people have fought imperialism for more than a century. ;中国人民同帝国主义斗争 了一百多年。
certainly ['s:tnli] adv. ;当然
"Do you consider yourself a rude person?" "Certainly not." ;“你认为你是一个粗鲁的 人吗?” “当然不是!”
chair [t] n. ;椅子
A chair is a movable seat for one person which has a back, ;椅子是一种可移动的一人 坐椅,有靠背,
usually four legs, and sometimes two arms. ;通常四脚, 有时有两个扶手。
chalk[t:k] n. ;粉笔
Don't waste my chalk. ;不要浪费我的粉笔。
change[teind] vt.&vi. ;改变,更换
You've changed a lot since I last saw you. ;自从我上次见到你以来, 你改变了很多。
channel['tnl] n. ;频道
Our favorite program is on Channel 1. ;我们最喜欢看一频道的 节目。
cheap[ti:p] adj. ;便宜的
Cauliflowers are very cheap at the moment. ;菜花现在很便宜。
chemistry['kemistri] n. ;化学
Have you learned organic chemistry? ;你们学了有机化学这章 吗?
chick[tik] n. ;小鸡
The chick is running. ;小鸡在跑。
chicken['tikn] n. ;鸡,鸡肉
Do you like boiled chicken? ;你喜欢吃炖鸡吗?
child[taild] n. ;小孩儿
She is married with three children. ;她已婚,有三个孩子。
chimney['timni] n. ;烟囱,烟筒
The chimney is blocked. ;烟囱被堵了。
chips[tips] n.(pl.) ;(口语)炸土豆条(片)
I'd like a plate of chips and two eggs. ;我要一盘炸薯条,两个 鸡蛋。
choose[tu:z] vt. (chose[tuz], chosen['tuzn]) ;选择
We offer a wide range of holidays to choose from. ;我们提供各种旅游度假方 式可供选择。
Christmas['krisms] n. ;圣诞节
Merry Christmas! ;圣诞快乐!
cinema['sinim] n. ;电影院,电影
Do you want to go to the cinema with us? ;你想不想和我们一起去 看电影?
city['siti] n. ;城市
Shanghai is a beautiful city. ;上海是座美丽的城市。
class[kl:s] n. ;班级,同学们
What class are you in? ;你在哪个班?
My class are quite nosiy this morning. ;今天早上同学们相当的 吵闹。
classmate['kla:smeit] n. ;同班同学
We were classmates in primary school. ;我们在小学是同班同学。
classroom[kla:srum] n. ;教室
I don't like to stay in the classroom after school. ;放学后我不喜欢呆在 教室。
clean[kli:n] adj. ;清洁的,干净的
Please given me a clean copy. ;请交我一份清样稿。
clean[kli:n] vt. ;把……弄干净,擦干净
The cat sat cleaning itself. ;猫坐着舔干净自己的 身体。
cleaner['kli:n] n. ;清洁工
Lily's mother is a cleaner. ;莉莉的妈妈是个清洁工。
clear[kli] adj. ;清楚的,清晰的
Are you clear about what you should do next? ;你对下一步的工作 明确吗?
clearly['klili] adv. ;清楚地
It is too dark to see clearly. ;天太黑看不清楚。
clever['klev] adj. ;聪明的,伶俐的
You're a clever girl! ;你真是个聪明的女孩!
climb[klaim] vt.&vi. ;爬,攀登
The old lady climbs up the stairs with difficulty. ;老妇人很费力地爬楼梯。
clock[klk] n. ;钟
It's seven o'clock now. ;现在七点种。
close[kluz] vt. ;关,闭
If you close your eyes,you can't see anything. ;如果你闭上眼,那就什么 也看不到了。
closed[kluzd] adj. ;关着的
The door is closed. ;这扇门是关着的。
clothes[kluz] n.(pl) ;衣服
We went in some beautiful clothes shops. ;我们走进一些 漂亮的衣服店。
cloud[klaud] n. ;云
The top of the mountain was covered with clouds. ;浮云遮盖着山顶。
cloudy['klaudi] adj. ;多云的,阴天的
Tomorrow's weather will be cloudy with bright periods. ;明天的天气多云,间中 有阳光。
coat[kut] n. ;外套,上衣
Put your coat on if you're coming outside. ;如果你出去的话,穿上 你的外套。
coffee['kfi] n. ;咖啡
Would you like a cup of coffee? ;来杯咖啡吗?
cold[kuld] adj.&n. ;冷(的)
It's a cold day for July,isn't it? ;就七月来说,今天天气很 凉,不是吗?
colour['kl] n. ;颜色
What colour is your coat? ;你的衣服是什么颜色的?
colour['kl] vt. ;给……着色
Does he colour his fair? ;他的头发染色了吗?
come[km] vi.(came[keim],come) ;来
Christmas is coming. ;圣诞节即将到来。
common['kmn] adj. ;普通的,一般的
He's not an officer, but a common soldier. ;他不是军官而是普通 士兵。
communicate [k'mju:nikeit] vi.&vt. ;传播,传达;通讯;交际
Has the Minister of Foreign Affiairs ;外交部长
communicated with the American President yet? ;跟美国总统联络了没有?
computer [km'pju:t] n. ;计算机
Is the information available on the computer? ;计算机中有这个资料吗?
comrade['kmrid] n. ;同志
We must fight for our rights,comrades! ;同志们,我们必须为自己 的权利而斗争!
conductor [kn'dkt] n. ;(汽,电车上的)售票 员,(火车上的)列车员
How long have you been a conductor? ;你当售票员有多久了?
congratulation [kn奼rtju:'lein] n. ;(常用复数)祝贺,庆祝
Congratulations on winning the prize! ;祝贺你获奖!
cook[kuk] vi.&vt. ;烹调;煮,烧
Where did you learn to cook? ;你在哪里学的烹调?
cool[ku:l] adj. ;凉的,凉快的
Let's sit in the shade and keep cool. ;咱们坐在阴凉处乘凉吧。
copy['kpi] vt. ;照搬,誊写
The teacher wrote the sums on the board, ;老师把算术题写在黑 板上,
and the children copied them down in their exercise books. ;学生再抄写在自己 的练习本上。
corner['k:n] n. ;街道拐角,角落
In the corner of the room stood a big old chair. ;屋角放着一把旧的大 椅子。
cost[kst] vi.(cost,cost) ;花费
How much does it cost? ;这东西值多少钱?
cotton['ktn] n.&adj. ;棉花(的)
I'd like a cotten sweater. ;我要一件棉线的羊毛衫。
cough[kf] n.&vi. ;咳嗽
She was coughing all night. ;她咳了一整夜。
could[kud]v.aux. ;(表示许可或请求) 可以……,行
You could earn more if you could work a little harder. ;如果你能够再努力一点, 你可以多赚一些。
count[kaunt] vt. ;数,点数
This little girl can count from 1 to 100. ;这个小女孩能从1数到 100。
country['kntri] n. ;国家;农村
There will be rain in all parts of the country. ;全国各地将有雨。
course[k:s] n. ;过程,经过
In the course of my long life I've known many changes. ;我在漫长的一生中饱经 沧桑。
cover['kv] vt.& n. ;盖,遮盖 盖子,封面
He laughted to cover his nervousness. ;他哈哈大笑以遮掩紧张的 心情。
cow[kau] n. ;母牛,奶牛
The girl is milking the cows. ;那个女孩正在给奶牛 挤奶。
crop[krp] n. ;庄稼
Wheat is a widely grown crop in Britain. ;在英国,小麦是很普通的 农作物。
cross[krs] vt. ;越过,穿过
The river is too deep, we can't cross over. ;河太深,我们过不去。
crossing['krsi] n. ;十字路口,人行横道, 交叉处
This is a railway crossing. ;这是个铁路交叉处。
crowd[kraund] vt. ;拥挤,群聚
Memories crowded in on me. ;往事一起涌上心头。
cry[krai] vi.& n. ;哭,喊叫 哭声,叫喊
Have a good long cry, it will do you good. ;痛痛快快地哭一场吧,哭 出来就好受了。
cup[kp] n. ;杯子
I want to get some cups at the supermarket. ;我想到超市买些杯子。
cut[kt] vt.&vi.(cut,cut) ;切,割,砍
You need a powerful saw to cut through metal. ;切割金属需要用强劲的 锯。
cycling['saikli] n. ;骑自行车
I think cycling helps me to keep fit. ;我想骑自行车有助于 减肥。

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