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李阳疯狂英语脱口而出 MP3(实战篇) 第二部:疯狂准备篇;Chapter 2: Crazy Preparation
第一节:一百个句型(一百 个句型可以演绎成千上万 个句子);
1. Allow me to…;Allow me to introduce our manager, Stone Lee请允许我介绍一下我们的 经理,李石头先生。
2. Any idea… Any idea what time it is ?;你知道……吗? 你知道现在几点了?
3. Are you fond of… Are you fond of children?;你喜欢……吗? 你喜欢孩子吗?
Are you fond of Chinese food?;你喜欢吃中国菜吗?
4. as if… When I told them my plan, they looked at me as if I was crazy.;好象…… 当我告诉他们我的计划之 后,他们把我当疯子一样 的看着我。
Don't talk to me as if I am stupid!;不要把我当笨蛋一样和我 说话。
5. as long as… You can drive my car as long as you drive carefully.;只要…… 只要你保证小心驾驶,我 就让你开我的车。
A: As long as we're out we should stop and visit my mother.;只要我们出门,我们就应 该去看望我母亲。
B: OK, as long as we don't have to stay long!;好吧,只要我们不必呆得 太久。
6. as soon as… I'll come as soon as I finish.;一 …… 就…… 我一做完就来。
7. ask… for… He asked me for money.;向某人要…… 他向我要钱。
8. be able to… I haven't been able to sleep very well recently.;能够…… 最近我总是睡不好。
9. be against… Are you against me?;反对…… 你反对我吗?
10. be away from… Actually, I really hate being away from my family so much.;离开…… 事实上,我真讨厌经常离 开我的家人。
11. …be going well. Everything is going well.; ……很顺利。 一切都很顺利。
12. believe in … I don't believe in ghosts.;信仰…… 我不相信有鬼。
13. By the time…;到……时候
By the time we got to the movie theater the film had already started.;当我们到了电影院的时候 ,电影都开始了。
14.Can I remind you to Can I remind you to call me at 7 tomorrow morning?;我想提醒你…… 我想提醒你一下,明早七 点叫醒我。
15. can't afford to… We couldn't afford to keep our car, so we sold it.;无法承受…… 我们养不起我们那辆车, 只好卖掉了。
16. can't agree…more I couldn't agree with you more.;完全同意…… 我完全同意你的意见.
17.Do you approve of…? Do you approve of the new manager?;你赞成/同意……吗? 你认同这个新上任的经理 吗?
18. Do you have…? Do you have anything to say?;你有……吗? 你有什么话要说?
19. Do you know how to…? Do you know how to cook?;你会……吗? 你会做饭吗?
20. Do you recall…? Do you recall the name of the book?;你记得……吗? 你记得书的名字吗?
21. enough…to… I haven't got enough money to go on vacation.;足够做…… 我没有足够的钱去度假。
I don't have enough time to waste talking to you!;我没有太多时间可以浪费 来和你说话。
22. get something done When are you going to get the roof repaired?;叫别人做某事。 你准备什么时候叫人来修 屋顶?
23.have difficulty in… People often have great difficulty in reading my writing.;在……方面有困难。 通常人们都很难看清我 写的字。
24. have never…before. He has never driven a car before.;从来没有…… 他从来没有开过车。
25. haven't…for a long time. We haven't seen each other for a long time.;好久没有…… 我们好久没见了。
26. haven't…so far. We haven't had any problem so far.;目前为止还没有…… 目前为止我们还没有遇到 任何问题。
27. How often…? How often do you go to the movies?;什么时候 …… 一次? 你多久去看一次电影?
How often do you go out to eat? How often do you visit your parents?;你多久在外面吃一次饭? 你多久去看望你父母一 次?
How often do you call your wife? How often do you read the newspaper?;你多久给你妻子打一次 电话? 你多久看一次报纸?
28. How was…? How was your trip to America?; ……怎么样? 你的美国之旅怎么样?
29. I'm always doing… I'm always losing things.;我总是…… 我总是丢东西。
I'm always forgetting people's names.;我总是忘记别人的名字。
30. I'm calling to… I'm calling to confirm your booking.;我打电话来…… 我打电话来确认你的订票
I'm calling to ask about the advertisement I read in today's paper.;我打电话来询问我今天在 报纸上看到的广告。
I'm calling to request a catalogue. I'm calling to file a complaint.;我打电话来索取目录册。 我打电话来投诉。
31. I'm good at… I'm good at English. I'm good at cooking.;我擅长…… 我擅长英语。 我擅长做菜。
I'm good at judging other people. I'm good at remembering names.;我擅长判断别人。 我擅长记住别人的名字。
32. I'm here to… I'm here to let you know the truth.;我是来这里…… 我是来这里告诉你真相的
33. I'm interested in… I'm interested in the Internet.;我对……感兴趣。 我对互联网很感兴趣。
I'm interested in everything.;我对所有的事都感兴趣。
34. I'm looking for… I'm looking for Stone. Do you know where he is?;我在找…… 我在找石头, 你知道他在 哪儿吗?
35. I'm making every effort to… I'm making every effort to impress my new boss.;我尽力…… 我正在尽一切努力给我的 新老板留下深刻的印象。
36. I'm opposed to… Actually, I'm strongly opposed to the plan.;我反对…… 事实上,我强烈反对这项 计划。
37. I'm sorry to… I'm sorry to hear that your father is ill.;感到难过 听说你父亲病了,我感到 很难过。
38. I'm thinking of… I'm thinking of buying a car.;我在考虑…… 我在考虑买辆车。
I'm thinking of moving to Australia. I'm thinking of getting married.;我在考虑移民去澳大利亚 我在考虑结婚。
I'm thinking of changing my job.;我在考虑跳槽。
"I'm thinking of…";【李阳老师的提醒】 是表达自己的计划、想法 的最佳句型。
39. I'm trying to… I am trying to find a job but it's not easy.;我正在试图…… 我正在试图找份工作,但 是并不容易。
40. I apologize for… I apologize for what I said about you.;我对……表示歉意。 我对我说过你的闲话向你 表示歉意。
41. I can't believe… I can't believe what I'm hearing.;我不敢相信…… 我简直不敢相信我的耳朵
42. I can't understand I can't understand why he's so selfish.;我搞不懂…… 我搞不懂他怎么会这么自 私。
43. I come from… I come from Beijing, China.;我来自…… 我来自中国北京。
44. I don't think… I don't think that's a good idea.;我认为……不…… 我认为那不是个好主意。
I don't think we should wait for him.;我认为我们不应该等他。
45. I'd rather…than… I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the movies.;我宁可……而不…… 今晚我宁可呆在家里,也 不愿去看电影。
46. I have a passion for… I have a passion for soccer.;我对……很痴迷。 我对足球特别感兴趣。
I have a passion for sweet food!;我特别喜欢甜食。
47. I have no experience in… I have no experience in dating girls.;我没有……的经验。 我没有和女孩子约会的经 验。
48. I have nothing to do with… I have nothing to do with the matter.;……与我无关。 这件事与我无关。
I have nothing to do with my old classmates anymore.;我和我的老同学都不再有 联系了。
49. I insist… … I insist that you let me pay for the meal.;我坚持… 我坚持由我来买单。
50. I must have been… The phone rang but I didn't hear it. I must have been asleep.;我肯定是…… 电话响了,但是我没听到 。我肯定是睡着了。
I must have been crazy to fall in love with you!;我肯定是疯狂地爱上你了
51. I prefer…to… I prefer driving to travelling by train.;我更喜欢……而不…… 我更喜欢自己开车而不愿 坐火车旅行。
I prefer the weather in Guangzhou to the weather in Beijing.;和北京的天气比起来,我 更喜欢广州的天气。
52. I promise… I promise that I won't tell anybody what you said.;我发誓…… 我发誓我决不会将你对我 说的话告诉任何人。
53. I refuse to… I refuse to answer such a silly question.;我拒绝…… 我拒绝回答这么愚蠢的问 题。
54. I regret doing… I now regret saying what I said.;我后悔…… 现在我为自己说过的话感 到后悔。
55. I regret to… I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you the job.;我很抱歉…… 我很抱歉地通知你,我们 无法向你提供这份工作。
56. I suggest… It's a nice day. I suggest that we go out for a walk.;我建议…… 今天天气真好,我建议大 家出去散步。
I suggest you study more and fool around less.;我建议你多学习少到处游 荡。
I suggest you apply for your visa as early as possible.;我建议你尽早去申请签证
I suggest that you take better care of your health.;我建议你多加注意你的健 康。
57. I used to… I used to watch TV a lot.;我过去常常…… 我过去常看电视。
I used to smoke, but I quit two years ago.;我过去常吸烟,但是两年 前戒掉了。
I used to worry all the time.;我以前总是担心这担心那 的。
I used to make a lot less money than I do now.;我以前比我现在挣的钱少 多了。
I used to think learning English was a waste of time.;我以前认为学英语是浪费 时间。
58. I've already… I've already been there.;我已经…… 我已经去过那里了。
I've already told you three times!;我已经告诉过你三次了
59. I've got… I've got a new car.;我有…… 我有辆新车。
60. I've just… I've just had lunch.;我刚刚…… 刚刚吃过午饭。
61. I've no idea … I've no idea what he is like.;我不知道…… 我不知道他这个人什么样
62. I was told… I was told the meeting is cancelled.;我听说…… 我听说会议取消了。
63. I wish… I wish you good luck.;我祝愿/希望…… 祝你好运。
64. If I did…, I would If I knew his number, I would phone him.;如果我……,我一定会…… 如果我知道他的电话号 码,我一定会打电话给他
If I had enough money, I would buy a car.;如果我有钱的话,我一定 会去买部车。
65. in case… I'll draw a map for you in case you can't find our house.;以免/以防…… 我还是画张地图给你,以 免你找不着我们家。
Here's my number in case you're ever in town and you need anything.;这是我的电话号码,以防 你来到小镇上需要什么帮 助。
66. In spite of… In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our vacation.;尽管…… 尽管下着雨,我们还是尽 情享受假日。
He managed to get into college in spite of his bad grades.;尽管他的考分很低,他还 是想方设法进了大学。
67. Is there…? Is there anyone you know who can do this job?;有……吗? 你知道有谁能做这件事 吗?
68. …isn't for me. Baseball isn't for me.;……不是我所喜欢的。 棒球不是我所喜欢的运动
69.It is expected that It is expected that the weather will be good soon.;预计/估计…… 估计天气很快会好起来。
70. It is getting… It is getting dark. Let's go home.;渐渐地 …… 天快黑了,我们回家吧!
71.It is impossible to Your writing is awful. It is impossible to read it.;不可能…… 你的字写得太糟了,完全 没法读。
72. It is said that… It is said that she works 16 hours a day.;据说…… 据说她每天工作16个小时
It is said that English is the international language;听说英语是国际语言。
73. It's a waste of time/money doing…;……真是浪费时间/金钱!
It's a waste of money buying things you don't need.;你买些自己不需要的东西 真是浪费金钱。
It's a waste of time memorizing grammar rules and lifeless vocabulary words.;去记忆语法规则和浩瀚的 词汇,真是浪费时间。
74. It's no use… There's nothing you can do about the situation.;……没有用。 既然你没法改变这个情况
It's no use worrying about it.;老是担心也没用。
75. It's not worth… The film isn't very good. It's not worth seeing.;不值得…… 这场电影不怎么好, 不值得看。
76.It's the first time It's the first time he has driven a car.;这是第一次…… 这是他第一次开车。
77. It's time… … It's late. It's time we went home.;是时候做… 天晚了,我们该回家了。
It's time we took better care of the environment.;是我们该好好保护环境的 时候了。
78. It looks like… It looks like it's going to be a dreary day.;看上去…… 看上去一天都会阴沉沉的
79. It might… It might rain. We'd better take an umbrella.;可能会…… 可能会下雨,我们最好带 把伞!
80. Maybe you should… Maybe you should quit smoking.;我想你应该…… 我想你应该戒烟。
Maybe you should ask someone for directions;我想你应该向别人问问路
81. might as well… I am so tired. We might as well get a taxi.;不防/不如…… 我太累了,我们不如搭出 租车吧!
It's so late, we might as well forget about seeing the movie.;太晚了,我们不如不要去 看电影了吧!
82.not…any more/longer Ann doesn't work here any more / longer. She left last month.;不再…… 安已经不在这里工作了。 她上个月就离开了。
83. not…until… I didn't get up until half past ten.;直到……才…… 直到十点半我才起床。
I didn't believe you until it was too late!;直到一切都来不及了我才 相信了你。
84.Say hello to…for me Say hello to your parents for me.;替我向……问好。 替我向你父母问好。
85. so that… She's learning English so that she can study in America.;以便…… 她正在学英语,以便可以 去美国读书。
I'm trying to speak slowly so that you will understand me better.;我尽量说慢点,以便你更 加清楚地明白我的意思。
86. The…, the better… The warmer the weather the better I feel.;越……就越好。 天气越温暖,我感觉越好
The farther away you are, the better you look!;你离得越远,看起来就越 帅。
87. There is no doubt about…;无疑……
There is no doubt about his role in the robbery.;他无疑参与了这桩抢劫案
88.There's no point in There is no point in complaining.; ……毫无意义。 抱怨毫无意义。
They can't do anything to help you.;他们没办法帮助你。
89.There is no reason to…;没有理由……
Come on! There is no reason to feel discouraged.;没事!你不用泄气。
90. too…for… This shirt is too big for me.;对某人来说太…… 这件衬衣对我来说太大了
91. unless… You can't go in unless you are a member.;除非……否则…… 除非你是会员,否则不得 入内。
We can't help you unless you tell us what the problem is.;除非你告诉我们出了什么 问题,否则我们帮不了你
92. …very often. Ann doesn't drink coffee very often.;经常…… 安并不常常喝咖啡。
I don't lose my temper very often, but when I do, look out!;我并不是常常发脾气,但 是我发脾气的时候,你要 小心点!
93. What kind of… What kind of food do you like best?;什么样的…… 你最喜欢吃什么?
What kind of perfume are you wearing? What kind of books do you like to read?;你喷的是什么香水? 你喜欢看什么书?
94. What time… What time do the banks close in Hong Kong?;什么时候…… 香港的银行什么时候关门
What time are you leaving for Beijing tomorrow?;你明天什么时候去北京?
95. What's…like? What's Stone Lee like? What's living in China like?; ……怎么样? 李石头这人怎么样? 住在中国怎么样?
What's your new boss like? What's your mother-in-law like?;你的新老板怎么样? 你岳母这人怎么样?
96.Would it be correct to…;……对吗?
Would it be correct to say that San Francisco has a large Chinese population?;旧金山有很多中国人, 对吗?
97. Would you please… Would you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.;你可不可以…… 你可不可以安静一点? 我没法集中精神。
Would you please give me your number?;你可不可以告诉我你的电 话号码?
98. You must be… You've been traveling all day. You must be tired.;你一定…… 你整天都在旅途中, 一定累了吧。
You walked home in the dark by yourself? You must be crazy!;你一个人在黑夜中独自走 回家?你一定是疯了!
99. You'd better… You'd better work harder.;你最好…… 你最好工作努力点。
You'd better believe me. You'd better take a break.;你最好相信我。 你最好休息一下。
You'd better listen to your mother.;你最好听你妈妈的话。
100. You're bound to… You're bound to have a good vacation.;你肯定…… 你肯定会有一个愉快的假 日。
You're bound to forget something if you leave in a hurry.;如果你离开得太匆忙,你 肯定会忘东西的。
You're bound to improve your English if you learn useful sentence patterns!;如果你学习实用的句型, 你的英语肯定会进步的。
第二节: 一百个超级短句 反复操练、滚瓜烂熟、 据为己有、随时卖弄!;
【Kim's Note】 When Americans speak they like to use as;
few words as possible to get their meaning across.;
Learning these spoken elements will make you sound natural and more like a native speaker.;
These are the sentences that appear in movies and TV shows;
because they are the most authentic American English.;
These sentences are the way people really talk to each other!;
The formal dialogues in most traditional textbooks;
sound very unnatural and are more difficult to learn.;
上面的这段话一定要用 "三最法"脱口而出!一步 登天,显示出你对美国,美 国语言,美国文化的了解。;
1.Any more?;还有吗?/ 还要吗?
2.Are you alone?;你一个人吗?
3.Are you ready?;你准备好了吗?
4.Be my guest.;别客气!/ 请用!
5.Can you believe it?;你能相信吗?
6.Don't argue!;不要争辩!
7.Don't be childish.;别那么孩子气。
8.Don't bother.;不必麻烦。
9.Don't get upset!;(不要烦恼!)
10.Don't mind me.;(别管我。)
11.Did you get it?;(你懂了吗?)
12.Forget it!;(算了吧!)
13.Enjoy yourself!;(尽情享受吧!)
14.Get off my back!;(我受够了!/ 别烦我!)
15.Go ahead!;(去吧!/ 请便!)
16.He gave me the cold shoulder.;(他对我很冷漠。)
17.He hit the roof!;(他勃然大怒!)
18.He was a fake.;(他是个骗子。)
19.He's bad medicine.;(他是个丧门星。)
20.Here you go.;(就是这样。)
21.I am sorry to be late.;(对不起我迟到了。)
22.I disagree.;(我不同意。)
23.I don't care.;(我不在乎。)
24.I have no problem with that.;(对此我没有问题。)
25.I wish it were true;(我希望这是真的。)
26.I'd be the last to know.;
= How would I know? / I really don't know. / I have no idea/ I'm the wrong personto ask;(我怎么知道?/ 我真的 不知道。/ 你问错人了。
27.I'd rather not.;(我不愿意。)
28.I'll say.;(就是嘛!)
29.I'm full.;(我吃饱了。)
30.It slipped my mind.;(我记不起来了。)
31.It really got to me;(我太感动了。)
32.It was all in vain.;(一切都枉费心机。)
33.It is beyond my means.;(我买不起。)
34.It's a different way of life.;(这是不同的生活方式.)
35.It's a fact.;(这是事实。)
36.It's a good idea.;(是个好主意。)
37.It's all the same to me.;(对我来说都一样。)
38.It's driving me crazy.;(简直要把我逼疯了。)
39.It's getting worse!;(越来越糟了!)
40.It's inevitable.;(这是不可避免的。)
41.It's my treat!;(我请客!)
42.It's not going to happen again.;(这种事不会再发生了。
43.It's painful to admit it.;(承认这一点是痛苦的。
44.It's natural.;(这很自然。)
45.It's up for sale.;(这是供出售的。)
46.Keep quiet!;(安静!)
47.Keep out.(;切勿入内!)
48.Let me explain.;(让我来解释。)
49.Let's keep in touch;(让我们保持联系。)
50.Like what?;(比方说?)
51.May I go now?;(我可以走了吗?)
52.Mind your own business.;(不要多管闲事。)
54.Never again!;(永远不再!)
55.Never mind.;(算了;没关系。)
56.No problem!;(没问题!)
57.Not in my lifetime!;(不可能!)
58.Now I understand.;(现在我明白了。)
59.Only yourself to blame.;(只能怪你自己。)
60.Parking is impossible!;(请勿停车!)
61.Please forgive me.;(请原谅我。)
62.See you soon.;(呆会儿见。)
63.So far, so good.;(目前为止,一切顺利。)
64.So what?;(那又怎么样?)
65.Stay out of it.;(你别管。)
66.Take it easy.;(别着急。)
67.That depends.;(那要看情况。)
68.That doesn't make sense.;(那是胡说。)
69.That doesn't matter at all.;(真的没关系。)
70.That makes my mouth water.;(真是让我垂涎欲滴。)
71.That looks easy.;(看上去很容易。)
72.That should be easy;(那应该很容易。)
73.That surprises me.;(真让我吃了一惊!)
74.That's against the law.;(那是违法的。)
75.That's it!;(就是这样!)
76.That's life.;(生活就是这样。)
77.That's not fair.;(那不公平。)
78.There's no hurry.;(不用着急。)
79.There's not much hope.;(没有多大希望。)
80.There's something wrong here.;(这儿有点不对劲。)
81.Things are looking good.;(事情看起来很顺利。)
82.Well done!;(干得好!)
83.What a bore!;(真是个惹人讨厌的家伙
84.What a nice surprise!;(真是令人喜出望外!)
85.What a shame!;(真是可惜!)
86.What happened?;(发生了什么事?)
87.What's the problem?;(怎么回事?)
88.What's up?;(怎么了?)
89.Who knows!;(谁知道啊!)
90.Why not ask them?;(为什么不问他们?)
91.You bet!;(当然!)
92.You can say that again.;(一点也没错。)
93.You can't be serious!;(你开玩笑吧!/ 你不 会是当真吧!)
94.You know what I mean?;(你懂我的意思吗?)
95.You said it.;(我也这么觉得。)
96.You should apologize.;(你应该道歉。)
97.You should make up your mind.;(你应该下决心。)
98.You should save your money.; (你应该节约钱。)
99.You shouldn't get your hopes up.;(你不应该抱太大希望。
100.You're telling me!;(说得一点没错。)
第三节:最疯狂、最典型 的美国发音 --奉献后元音[ α ];
1. She got a better job in a popular fashion shop.;她在一家受欢迎的时装店 获得一份更好的工作。
2.I'll ask the boss if I can have a day off.;(我想问老板能不能请一 天假。)
3.This coffee is too hot to drink.;(这咖啡烫得不能喝。)
4. My girl has got a cot bed.;(我女儿有一张轻便单人 床。)
5. We should promote the project at all costs.;(我们无论如何都要推进 这项计划。)
6. I caught a dog, not a fox.;(我抓了一条狗,不是一 只狐狸。)
7. He has a lot of cards in his pocket.;(他的口袋里有好些卡片。
8. This morning I saw a cop with a dog.;(今天早上我看到一个警 察带着一只狗。)
9. The man walking on the lawn is my boss.;(走在草地上的那位先生 是我的老板。)
10. Lots of work in the office and lots of chores at home. How I envy you, John!;(在办公室里有一大堆工 作,在家里又有一大堆家 务。约翰,我真羡慕你!
11. The party stopped at half past nine.;(聚会在九点半结束了。
12. I was sorry to hear your bad news.;(听到你的坏消息,我很 难过。)
13. Do you often watch television?;(你经常看电视吗?)
14.It's a very popular song.;(那是一首非常流行的 歌曲。)
15.Barking dogs do not bite.;(吠犬不咬人。)
16. Do what you want.;(做你想做的。)
17. Love me, love my dog.;(爱屋及乌。)
18.I know what you mean.;(我明白你的意思。)
19. Thank God you're safe!;(谢天谢地,你平安无事
20. I've got a job for you: wash these dishes.;(我有点活给你做,把这 些盘子洗一洗。)
21.I'll watch the baby while you are away.;(你们不在时我来照看孩 子。)
22.You go first and I'll follow (you) later.;(你先走,我接着就来/ 随后就到。)
23. Where is the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped;(我放在口袋里准备拿到 店子里去修的那块破表哪 儿去了?)
24. Try to finish the job as soon as possible.;(设法尽早完成这项工作
25.I would bet my bottom dollar that if this stern-looking man is a manager of a;(如果这位面色严厉的人 是某家公司的经理的话, 那这家公司就不大可能会
company, the company will hardly suffer a heavy loss, for he is a crafty boss.;亏损,因为他是个狡猾的 老板.对此,我什么都敢赌 会干的。
【疯狂对话操练】 A: Hey, don't walk on the lawn.;(喂,别在草地上走。)
B: Sorry, I'm looking for my wallet.; (对不起,我在找钱包。
A: You lost your wallet? Anything important in it?;(丢了钱包?里面有什么 重要的东西吗?)
B: Yes. A lot of money Almost three thousand dollars.;(是的。有很多钱,差不 多3,000美金呐!)
A: That's too bad. Better report it to the police officer walking there.;(真不幸,你最好向在那 儿巡逻的警官报告一下。
第四节:四星级·五星级· 六星级单词全面奉献;
四星级的形容词: extreme;
1.We faced extreme danger when we traveled to the mountains of India.;(当我们经过印第安山脉 时,我们面临极大的危险
2.The little town is located in the extreme north of the country.;(这座小镇位于国家的最 北端。)
3.She is now in extreme pain.;(她处在极度的痛苦之中
4.An extreme illness bothered the poor old man.;(这个可怜的老人身患重 病。)
5.He showed extreme patience / kindness / gentleness.;(他表现极为耐心/和蔼/ 温柔。)
6.The extreme penalty of the law in some countries is the death penalty.;(有些国家的极刑是死刑
7.In order to lose weight, she goes on an extreme diet almost once a month.;(为了减肥,她几乎每个 月都要进行一次极度节食
8.Judy is crazy about following the extreme fashion in clothes.;(朱迪热衷于追求极其时 髦的衣着。)
9.She is moderate, I am extreme.;(她稳健,我偏激。)
10.His political ideas are too extreme for me;(我认为他的政治观点太 偏激了。)
11.He is a supporter of the extreme right / left.;(他是极左/极右政治观 点的拥护者。)
1.Let's suppose it's true.;(我们假定那是真的。)
2.What makes you suppose I'm against it;(你根据什么认为我反对 这件事?)
3.She'll be there today, I suppose.;(我想她今天会到那儿去
4.I suppose you want to borrow money from me again?;(我猜你又来找我借钱了 吧?)
5.It was generally supposed that it would not happen again.;(一般都认为此事不会再 发生了。)
6.We always supposed that he was innocent.;(我们一直认为他是无辜 的。)
7.Suppose that the news is true,what then;(就算这消息是真的, 那又怎么样?)
8.Suppose you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?;(假如你有一百万美金, 你会怎么花呢?)
9.Suppose we go for a swim!; (咱们去游泳吧!)
10.Am I supposed to clean all the rooms or just this one?;(我是应该打扫所有的房 间,还是只打扫这一间?
11.You were supposed to be here an hour ago;(你应该在一小时之前赶 到这里。)
12.You're not supposed to play football in the street.;(在大街上是不准踢足球 的。)
13.Suppose he were to see us!;(要是他看到我们,那可 不得了!)
六星级的名词: implication;
1.She said very little but a great deal by implication.;(她说得很少,但是有许 多言外之意。)
2. Failure to say 'No' may, by implication, be taken to mean 'Yes';(没有否定,就可能意味 着默认。)
3.He seemed by implication to acknowledge that fact.;(他似乎含蓄的承认了那 个事实。)
4. He smiled, but the implication was that he didn't believe me.;(他笑了,但却隐含着对 我不相信。)
5. The new report has far-reaching implications for the future of broadcasting;(这一报告对广播业的前 途有意味深长的暗示。)
6. The implication of your statement is that I was wrong.;(你这话的弦外之音是我 错了。)
7.Stone is very inter- ested in studying the implications of the president's statement.;(石头对研究总统声明的 含义很感兴趣。)
8. China's entry into the WTO carries global implications.;(中国加入世贸含有全球 性的意义。)
9.The economic decline has grave implications for unemployment.;(经济衰退严重关系到失 业问题。)
10. The trial resulted in the implication of several major figures in the organization.;(审讯结果表明这个组织 中有几个主要人物都牵连 在案。)
【额外奉献一】 十个a 字母开头的单词:;
1. abroad:(adv.)在国 外;出国;(在)海外;
*I'm thinking of going abroad to study next year.;(我在考虑明年到国外去 学习。)
2. accumulate: (v.) 积累;聚积(某物); 聚集(某事物);增加;
* If you just learn two or three sentences a day,;如果你每天学2~3个句子
you will accumulate a wealth of English in a very short time.;你就会在短时间内积累丰 富的英语知识。
3. adequate: (adj.) 适当的;足够的;充分的 ;胜任的;符合要求的;
*Your work is adequate but I'm sure you could do better.;(你的工作做得不错,但 我肯定你还能做得更好些
4. administration:(n.) 管理,经营;管理部门; 政府;实施,执行;
* This office is under the administration of the Chinese Government;(这个办事处是受中国政 府管辖的。)
5. amaze: (v.) 使……大 为惊讶;使惊愕;
* I am amazed by what you have told me. * We were amazed by your English!;(我听到你说的话感到惊 讶。) (我们对你的英语感到惊 讶!)
6. amend: (v.) 改正, 修正;修改;改进;改好;
Some people think that the US Constitution should be amended.;(一些人认为美国的宪法 需要修改。)
7. announce: (v.)宣布; 宣告;发表;
* They announced the winning Olympic city on July 13.;(他们在7月13日宣布了 获胜的奥运城市。)
8. anxious: (adj.)忧虑 的,担忧的;渴望的, 急切的;
* She is very anxious about her son's health;(她非常担心她儿子的健 康。)
* We are anxious to find our exam results.;(我们急切地想知道我们 的考试结果。)
9. appoint: (v.) 挑选 (某人)做某工作或任某 职务;任命;委托;
* Who shall we app oint as chairperson?;(我们委派谁担任主席呢
10.argue: (v.) 争论, 说理;争辩;讨论辩论; 争吵;
* Life is too short to argue about little things.;(生命太短暂,经不起为 小事争辩不休。)
* We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.;(我们跟服务员争执那顿 饭的价钱。)
【额外奉献二】 十个含发音[ ei ]的单词;
1. ancient: (adj.) 古代的;古老的;远古的;
* Xi'an was once an ancient capital.;(西安曾是一个古代的都 城。)
2. behavior: (n.) 待人 态度;举止;行为;;
* She was ashamed of her children's bad behavior.;(她为她孩子的不良举止 感到羞愧。)
3. conversation: (n.) 交谈;谈话;对话;
* He was deep in conversation with his boss.;(他与他的老板深入交谈
4. dangerous: (adj.) 有危险的;危险的;
* It is too dangerous to walk home alone.;(独自步行回家太危险了
5. escape: (v.) 逃脱; 逃走;;
* There was no way to escape the boring meeting.;(没有办法可以逃脱这个 无聊的会议。)
* She longed to escape from her mother's domination.;(她渴望摆脱她母亲的操 纵。)
6. famous: (adj.) 出名的;著名的;
* The Great Wall is famous all over the world.;(长城世界闻名。)
* New York is famous for its skyscrapers.;(纽约以其摩天大楼驰名
7. favorite: (adj.) 最喜欢的;
* Who is your favorite writer?; (你最喜欢哪位作家?)
8. mistake: (n.) 错误; 过失;误解;误会;
* If you always worry about making mistakes,;如果你总是担心犯错,
you'll never make any progress in your English!;那你的英语永远都不会进 步。
* The waiter made a mistake in the bill.; (服务员把帐算错了。)
9. operate: (v.) 工作, 运转;操纵,操作;经营 ,管理;
* He operates three factories and a huge warehouse.;(他管着三家工厂和一个 大仓库。)
10. patient: (adj.) 有耐性的;忍耐的; 容忍的;
* Learning English takes time. You have to be patient.;(学习英语需要时间。 你必须有耐心。)
* You should be more patient with your family.;(你应该对你的家人耐心 一点。)
第五节:语法大战 -- 在短文中操练语法!;
第一篇:海洋度假村-- 大战形容词和副词最高级;
The Ocean Resort Hotel;
[1] Cindy and Jim took a vacation last year at the Ocean Resort Hotel.; [1] 去年,辛迪和吉姆 去了海洋度假村度假。
They really loved the hotel;他们真的非常喜欢这个度 假村,
and had a terrific『极 好的;极妙的;愉快的』 time on their vacation;在那儿玩了个不亦乐乎!
[2] The beach was the cleanest and most beautiful they had ever seen.;[2] 那儿的海滩是他们所 见过的最干净、最漂亮的 海滩;
The ocean water was the clearest and warmest they had ever swum in.;那儿的海水是他们所游过 的最清澈、最暖和的海水
Their room was the most luxurious and most comfortable they had ever stayed in.;他们的房间是他们所住过 的最豪华和最舒适的房间
The food was the most delicious they had ever eaten.;那儿的食物是他们所吃过 的最可口的食物;
The hotel staff was the friendliest and most courteous they had ever encountered.;度假村的员工是他们所遇 到过的最友好最有礼的员 工。
The golf course was the most challenging they had ever played on.;那儿的高尔夫球场是他们 所用过的最具挑战性的球 场;
And the nightclub show was the most exciting they had ever been to.;那儿的晚间俱乐部节目也 是他们所看过的最令人激 动的节目。
[3] Cindy and Jim really enjoyed themselves at the Ocean Resort Hotel.;[3] 辛迪和吉姆在海洋度 假村确确实实玩得很开心
It was the best vacation they had ever taken.;那是他们度过的最美好的 一个假期。
第二篇:签证面试 A Visa Interview;
[1] Kelly didn't do as well as she should have at her visa interview today.;[1] 在今天的签证面试中 凯利本可以表现得很好的 但她没有。
She didn't get the visa,;所以她没有获得签证,
and she realizes now that she should have done a few things differently.;现在她意识到,她本应做 些事情来完善她自己的。
She should have spoken English,;她本应该讲英语;
she should have told more about her previous education and work experience,;她本应该向面试考官陈述 更多有关她受教育的情况 和工作经历;
and she probably should have worn more conservative clothes.;或许,她还应该穿得更保 守些。
[2] In addition, she shouldn't have arrived late for such an important interview.;[2] 另外,在如此重要的 一次面试中,她本不应该 迟到的;
She shouldn't have smoked in the interviewer's office.;她不应该在考官的办公室 内抽烟;
And she DEFINITELY sh- ouldn't have asked the interviewer to repeat himself so many times.;她更万万不该要求面试官 对他所说的重复那么多次
Kelly will certainly do things differently the next time she has a visa interview!;在下次的签证面试中,凯 利一定会有不同的表现的
President Jiang Zemin calls for strengthened positive role of U. N.;江泽民主席要求加强联合 国的积极作用
[1] Chinese President Jiang Zemin on Wednesday called for the strengthening of;[1] 星期五,在联合国千 年首脑会议上,中国国家 主席江泽民发表演讲
the United Nations' positive『积极的;确定 的;实在的』role,;要求加强联合国在新世纪 的积极作用,
and the defense of the world body's authority in the new century.;捍卫这个世界性组织的权 威。
In a speech delivered 『发表;讲;宣布』at the U. N. Millennium Summit『千年首脑会议』;
Jiang said that the organization's " positive role must be strengthened;他说:"联合国的积极作 用必须加强,不能削弱,
and not weakened and its authority defended and not jeopardized.;其职权也必须捍卫,不可 危及。"
[2] "We must firmly defend the purposes and principles of the U. N. Charter,;[2] 他还强调说:"我们 必须坚决捍卫联合国宪章 的宗旨和原则,
continue to give play to the positive role of the U. N. and its Security Council in;
handling international affairs and safeguard- ing world peace,;在处理国际事务中,继续 发挥联合国以及安理会的 积极作用,保卫世界和平
and ensure all the member States have their right to;
participate in world affairs on an equal footing" he stressed.;确保所有的成员国有权在 平等的基础上参与国际事 务。"
President Jiang Zemin calls for strengthened positive role of U. N.;江泽民主席要求加强联合 国的积极作用
[1] Chinese President Jiang Zemin on Wednesday called for the strengthening of;[1] 星期五,在联合国千 年首脑会议上,中国国家 主席江泽民发表演讲
the United Nations' positive『积极的;确定 的;实在的』role,;要求加强联合国在新世纪 的积极作用,
and the defense of the world body's authority in the new century.;捍卫这个世界性组织的权 威。
In a speech delivered 『发表;讲;宣布』at the U. N. Millennium Summit『千年首脑会议』;
Jiang said that the organization's " positive role must be strengthened;他说:"联合国的积极作 用必须加强,不能削弱,
and not weakened and its authority defended and not jeopardized.;其职权也必须捍卫,不可 危及。"
[2] "We must firmly defend the purposes and principles of the U. N. Charter,;[2] 他还强调说:"我们 必须坚决捍卫联合国宪章 的宗旨和原则,
continue to give play to the positive role of the U. N. and its Security Council in;
handling international affairs and safeguard- ing world peace,;在处理国际事务中,继续 发挥联合国以及安理会的 积极作用,保卫世界和平
and ensure all the member States have their right to;
participate in world affairs on an equal footing" he stressed.;确保所有的成员国有权在 平等的基础上参与国际事 务。"
第八节:成语的挑战 -- 体现地道英语真功夫!;
Kill Two Birds With One Stone 一举两得 / 一箭双雕;
A: Is there anything I can do for you, Stone? I'd like to help you in some way if I can.;有什么需要我帮忙的吗, 石头? 我希望能尽点力, 帮你点什么。
B: I can't think of anything at the moment;一下子我也想不起来,
but I know there is something important I have to do today. It just slipped my mind!;我只知道今天确实有要事 要办,我都给忘得一干二 净了!
A: Well, it will come to you eventually.;别急,你到底会想起来的
Maybe I could run some errands for you or something.;也许我能帮你跑跑腿什么 的。
B:Ah!I remember!I need to cash a check becau- se I'm going on a trip to New York next week.;啊!我想起来了!我得兑 换支票,因为我下星期要 到纽约去旅游。
Actually, I want to buy some traveler's checks.;事实上,我想买些旅行支 票。
You can drive me to the bank if you have time.;如果你有时间不妨载我到 银行去。
A: You remembered just in the nick of time.;还好你在这时候想起来了
The bank will be closed tomorrow for a holiday!;明天是节假日,银行要关 门的。
B:Do you think it's a good idea to buy some traveler's checks?;你觉得买旅行支票合适吗
A:Definitely! Don't carry large amounts of cash with you when you're traveling.;那是肯定的!旅行时不要 随身带太多的现金。
We have a rule of thu- mb:"Never carry around any more cash than you can afford to have;我们的经验之谈是"随身 带钱要适量,丢了也不会 太心疼。"
stolen." To be on the safe side,you'd better ask for smaller denom- inations: $20 or $50.;为了安全起见,你最好要 些面额较小的货币,如二 十元或五十元。
B: Thanks for your advice.;谢谢你的建议。
I have some questions to ask you concerning health insurance, too.;我还想问你一些关于医疗 保险方面的问题,
And maybe you could clue me in on American tax laws too.;或许你 还可以给我介绍一下美国 的税法。
It's so hard to learn all the differences between America and China in such a short;你知道要在这么短的时间 里就搞清楚美国和中国所 有的差异有多难,
time. You really are a big help.;你真是帮了大忙。
A: No problem. Actually the insurance business is also done at the bank.;没问题。其实银行也做医 疗保险方面的业务。
Let's go. We can kill two birds with one stone.;走吧,我们可以一举两得
B: Thanks a million, if you ever have any questions about doing business in China,;太感谢了。如果你对在 中国做生意有任何问题
I hope I can help you as much as you've helped me.;我希望我可以帮助你就 像你现在帮助我一样。

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