蒂姆 · 库克被任命为加州经济复苏专责小组成员
Tim Cook is reportedly joining a panel of other business leaders to help bring California's economy back to full strength after the coronavirus pandemic has subsided.
据报道,蒂姆 · 库克加入了一个由其他商业领袖组成的小组,在冠状病毒流行病平息后,帮助加利福尼亚州恢复全面经济实力。
In a new report from CNBC, Gavin Newsom, the Governer of California, announced a panel of over seventy members to assist in the recovery of California's economy. Cook joins other government and business leaders such as the former Chair of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen as well as Disney Executive Chairman Bob Iger.
在美国全国广播公司财经频道的一份新报告中,加利福尼亚州州长 Gavin Newsom 宣布成立一个由七十名成员组成的小组,协助加利福尼亚州经济的复苏。 该小组由政府和商界领袖组成,其中有前美联储主席珍妮特 · 耶伦和迪士尼执行主席鲍勃 · 伊格尔。
Billionaire philanthropist Tom Steyer will co-chair the task force with Ann O'Leary, Newsom's chief of staff. The group currently plans to meet at least twice a month through the rest of the year with the goal of helping to get the state's economy back up and running as quickly as possible.
亿万富翁慈善家 Tom Steyer 将与 Newsom 的幕僚长 Ann o’ leary 共同主持工作组。 该组织目前计划在今年剩下的时间里每月至少召开两次会议,目标是帮助该州的经济尽快恢复和运行。
California has joined Oregon and Washington in a collaborative effort to reopen their states when the medical community deems it safe enough to do so. Newsom has so far not given any exact date when California would begin to lift its stay at home order, with the entire state still under the order until at least May 3rd.
加利福尼亚州已经加入俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的合作努力,当医学界认为它足够安全的时候重新开放各州。 到目前为止,Newsom还没有给出加利福尼亚州开放的确切日期,据估计整个州至少要到5月3日。
California's economy, despite being one state in the United States, is the fifth-largest economy in the world. With over 2.7 million residents already unemployed, the coronavirus pandemic has taken an enormous toll on the state's economy.
加利福尼亚尽管只是美国的一个州,却是世界第五大经济体。 冠状病毒的流行已经对该州的经济造成了巨大的损失,超过270万的居民已经失业。