The coronavirus funding bill signed into law by the president Friday puts much more money toward treating and preventing the spread of COVID-19 than his administration requested from Congress last week.
The Trump administration's initial request — in the form of a two-page letter to Congress on Feb. 24 — was for $1.25 billion in new funds, with additional money moved from other parts of the federal budget to get to a total of $2.5 billion. The amount authorized Friday is more than three times that.
"It's a significant amount of money," says Jen Kates of the Kaiser Family Foundation. In comparison, Congress put $5.4 billion toward the Ebola response in 2014. and nearly $7 billion for H1N1 in 2009 — though, of course, each epidemic is different and requires a different response.
"It appears to me to be an appropriate number to definitely begin the fight," says Chris Meekins, a health care policy analyst.
So what do taxpayers get for that $8.3 billion? Here are some highlights:
$3.1 billion for the health secretary's dispersal
The biggest pot of money goes to the Office of the Secretary of HHS, and that funding is available until 2024.
"I thought the flexibility they gave within the Office of the Secretary's public health emergency account was good," Meekins says. "It allows us to not just put money toward therapeutic development — also vaccine development — but also purchase additional supplies that are needed, like masks and personal protective equipment, which for years had been underfunded by Congress and administrations."
Of that money, $100 million is directed to community health centers for underserved groups. "I think that a focus on underserved populations is going to continue to be very important as we see more cases in more states," says Beth Cameron who works on global biological policy for the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
During the Obama Administration, she served as senior director for Global Health, Security and Biodefense on the White House's National Security Council, a position that was eliminated by the Trump administration in 2018.
$950 million for state and local health departments
Of all of the $950 million for state and local public health response that's to be dispersed via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half must be allocated within 30 days.
$300 million to buy vaccines and treatments
Will whatever treatments or vaccines that are eventually developed for coronavirus be affordable?
That was a question put to the head of the federal coronavirus task force and HHS Secretary Alex Azar by Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill. at a hearing last week.Azar responded that he couldn't guarantee affordability: "We would want to ensure we work to make [a vaccine] affordable, but we can't control that price because we need the private sector to invest."
$1.25 billion for international activities
The Trump administration's original request to Congress was focused purely on responding to coronavirus on the domestic front. As Azar explained in another Congressional hearing last week: "Our activities are really containment and mitigation preparation in the homeland."
What may be missing from the funding package
Nothing in this law spells out how much, if any, money will go to reimburse hospitals or patients for medical care associated with COVID-19 treatment. Some announcements came through this week that the diagnostic test will be covered by many private insurers and Medicare and Medicaid, but there will be lots of other expenses associated with COVID-19 care.
这部法律没有规定,如果有的话,多少钱将用于补偿医院或患者的医疗护理相关的COVID-19治疗。本周有消息称,这项诊断测试将由许多私人保险公司、医疗保险和医疗补助计划承担,但还有许多与COVID-19 医疗相关的其他费用。