The 13-year-old — who debuted on Broadway at age 6 and had appearances on TV’s “Saturday Night Live” — started to feel unwell Tuesday evening as she worked on a homework assignment on her computer at her family’s Stuyvesant Town home, according to relatives.
“She said, ‘I don’t think I feel so good,’ which immediately set off all the alarms in my head,” her father, Andy Griggs, told The Post on Sunday. “She would never normally say something like that.”
她的父亲安迪·格里格斯(Andy Griggs)周日告诉《华盛顿邮报》,“她说,‘我感觉不太好’,这立刻引起了我脑子里的警觉。她通常不会说这种话。”
Laurel was born with asthma and took medication for the condition, he said. The teen previously suffered a similar serious attack three years ago, and both of her parents closely monitored her afterward, the dad said.
“We dealt with it swiftly, and I became aware of how deadly the illness was,” her dad said.
So when her breathing Tuesday became labored, her parents realized the teen was in urgent need of help.
“My wife noticed that she was having trouble breathing, and she turned to me, and she said, ‘Andy, get her to the hospital right away,’ ” her father said.
Cops tried to save the teen by performing CPR in a police vehicle as they rushed her to Mount Sinai Hospital, but she died four hours later, authorities said.