Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
Thousands of Big Apple residents lost power just as temperatures reached their zenith Sunday afternoon, according to energy providers.
Some 10,000 Con Edison customers were sweating it out without power as of 6 p.m. Sunday, an outage map provided by the power company showed.
The number was a fraction of that just an hour before, but swathes of Brooklyn began losing electricity just after 5 p.m. — when the heat index reached a blistering 102, according to the National Weather Service, and The Post measured 113 degrees in Times Square.
据美国国家气象局(National Weather Service)的数据,下午5点刚过,布鲁克林的大部分地区开始停电,高温指数达到了102,时报广场的温度达到了113华氏度。
“Con Ed is responding to outages affecting roughly 4,500 customers citywide. Largest outages are in Flushing and Richmond Hill in Queens; Park Slope, Flatbush and Brighton Beach in Brooklyn; and Lincoln Square in Manhattan,” Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted at 5:07 p.m., as lights were going out across Kings County.
“Con Ed正在应对影响全市约4500个客户的停机。最大的停电发生在皇后区的法拉盛和里士满山,布鲁克林的公园斜坡,弗拉特布什和布莱顿海滩,以及曼哈顿的林肯广场。”市长比尔·德·布拉西奥在下午5:07发推特,此时国王郡的灯火正熄灭。
“City agencies are working with them to restore power ASAP. Follow @NotifyNYC for updates on restoration.”
As of 5:30 p.m., there were 3,697 customers without power in Queens and 4,685 lacking electricity in Brooklyn. Manhattan fared better with just 257 outages, while The Bronx had 11 and Staten Island had 31.
Thirty minutes later, Queens was at 4,085, Brooklyn had 4,787 without power, and The Bronx spiked to 1,359. Meanwhile, there were 188 outages on Manhattan and 94 on Staten Island at 6 p.m.
The wavering lights came as Big Apple residents sucked down a record amount of juice Sunday evening, when the city set a new high mark for weekend power consumption.
At one point in the 4-5 p.m. hour, Con Ed was pumping out 12,048 megawatts of electricity, edging out a record spike of 11,855 megawatts set between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. on August 13, 2016, a spokesman said. An average weekend load is 10,000, while weekdays can see 13,000 megawatts as Manhattan’s myriad offices flicker to life.
一位发言人说,在下午4点到5点的某个时刻,Con Ed的发电量达到了12048兆瓦,超过了2016年8月13日下午3点到4点创下的11,855兆瓦的峰值。周末平均负荷为1万兆瓦,而当曼哈顿无数的办公室开始闪烁时,工作日可以达到1.3万兆瓦。
The utility blamed the heat wave — which the heat index soaring to 110 degrees — for overheating equipment that led to outages, and explained that demand can sometimes spike as people return home to the city Sunday night.
Crews will be working overnight to restore power, the Con Ed spokesman said.
The power failures paled in comparison to last weekend’s blackout, when some 73,000 customers lost power in Manhattan for several hours.