Nara Park has more than 1,000 deer and tourists can feed them special sugar-free crackers sold in shops nearby. The crackers don’t come in plastic bags, but people still carry them. A veterinarian says the deer may associate the plastic with food.
The Nara Deer Preservation Foundation says nine of the 14 deer that have died since March had plastic in their stomachs. Masses of tangled plastic litter and packets of snacks were retrieved from their stomachs.
Veterinarian Rie Maruko told Kyodo News the dead deer were so skinny he could feel their bones.
兽医Rie Maruko告诉记者,鹿死的时候非常瘦,都能摸到它们的骨头。
Deer have four-chambered stomachs. If they can’t digest what they eat, they can die from malnutrition and weakened immune systems.