Are ya ready to watch this new show, kids?! ...I can't hear you!
It goes without saying that SpongeBob SquarePants is a cultural institution that has been entertaining us for the past 20 years...
Well the show is about to give us another gift: A SPIN-OFF!
The new prequel series is tentatively titled Kamp Koral, and will revolve around a 10-year-old SpongeBob during his summer at a sleep away camp (most likely called Kamp Koral).
这部新前传暂定名为《Kamp Koral》,将围绕一个10岁的海绵宝宝展开,故事发生在他夏天去野外露营的时候(很可能是Kamp Koral)。
Oh...and the 13-episode series will be CG animated.
There is no airdate yet for the Kamp Koral — but in the meantime the internet awaits all the new memes that will come from show.
目前Kamp Koral还没有决定播出日期,但与此同时,互联网正在等待所有来自这部剧的新表情包。