1、an eye for an eye
An eye for an eye means the idea that a person who causes another person to suffer should suffer in an equal amount. 中文里有个说法叫做以牙还牙,用来形容报复别人。英语中表达这个意思可以有两个短语,an eye for an eye 和a tooth for a tooth 都可以用来表示报复别人。
We should learn to forgive people who hurt us badly. We should not adopt the way of an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
The best way to deal with him is an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
2、see eye to eye(with)
If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other. 意为同意别人的观点。中文里有个说法,用“两个人看对眼了”来形容彼此观点一致。英文中see eye to eye 即可用来表达同意别人观点。
My sister doesn’t see eye to eye with me about tomorrow’s plan.
I think it’s really important that we see eye to eye on this subject.
3、eye candy
Eye candy means a person or thing that is attractive but not intelligent or useful. 从字面来看,这个短语意思为眼睛里的糖果,其实它的正确意思是“华而不实,花瓶角色”。
All people love eye candies and sometimes they don’t care if the things are useful or not.