Steve Biro was on his second visit to the Canadian Raptor Conservancy in Ontario in early May, hoping to capture some good reflection shots of Bruce, the resident bald eagle. The last time he visited, he tells MNN, the water was quite rippled, and he didn't get the images he had hoped for.
This time, the results were spectacular.
As the eagle swooped right at him, Biro captured a perfectly symmetrical reflection of the bird in the water below.
"I definitely rank it as my top image and did not know when I shot it how it had turned out," says Biro, who has been a photographer for about 10 years and considers himself a serious amateur.
"It was only later when I went through my images and cropped in closer on him did I realize how perfect it looked with him squared off perfectly and staring daggers at me."
"I had decided to get down close to the water on a rock at the edge and he was, I think, annoyed with me being so close. He flew towards me, staring at me often, and then a couple times definitely close enough for me to feel a breeze. Others in the group were commenting on how close he came," Biro says.
This is the photo Biro took of the eagle right after he landed. It sure looks like Bruce was glaring.
Biro has been surprised at all the attention his photo has received on his Instagram and Facebook pages.
"The response has been completely overwhelming and unexpected, I knew the image was good but it just seems to strike a chord and resonate with so many people. I'm humbled and thankful by all the love and comments and likes given."