Of all the distractions that come with working in an office, the biggest is not the room temperature or the traffic sounds from outside. It’s ourselves.
In a survey commissioned by office-equipment maker Poly and conducted by research firm Future Workplace, 76% of respondents said a co-worker talking loudly on the phone created a moderate, high, or very high level of distraction for them while at work in their primary workspace, making it the most commonly cited disruption in the survey. Noise from a co-worker talking nearby was cited by 65% of respondents.
办公设备制造商Poly委托调研公司Future Workplace开展的一项调查显示,76%的受访者认为同事在办公室里大声讲电话会造成中高度或极高水平的干扰,这也是是此次调查中发现的最常被提及的干扰源。65%的受访者指出同事在旁边说话会对工作造成干扰。
The sound of coffee being made is a moderate to very high distraction for only 26%, while 46% said they were distracted by pets in the office (which was less than the 53% who reported moderate to very high distractions caused by visiting children).
The global study of designs and distractions in offices surveyed 5,150 employees who work at least three days minimum in a corporate environment.
There’s a growing backlash against open-office plans. Studies have found that open plans lead to decreased face-to-face collaboration and decreased productivity, particularly for creative people. Distractions at work are not just a problem for open offices, though. Only 61% of the survey respondents reported working in an open office, but 98% of everyone surveyed said they get distracted at work.
backlash['bæklæʃ]: n. 反冲;强烈抵制
Here are the most disruptive office distractions, ranked from worst to least worst, based on the percentage of respondents who described them as causing moderate to very high distraction levels: