1) hold your horses
Hold your horses is used to tell someone to stop and consider carefully their decision or opinion about something. 从字面上来讲,hold your horse 很容易被大家理解为“悬崖勒马”,其实它的本意为“不要着急;耐心点”。
这是一个很常用的口头俚语。据说,这个短语来源于古希腊时期,当时人们都骑马或乘坐马车,来作为出行方式。因此,如果希望能够慢下来,那就要稳住自己的马,也就是 hold your horses. 一直到现在,这个短语被用作了来劝诫别人不要着急。
Hold your horses! Let's compare the price first before ordering this one.
Just hold your horses! Let's think about this for a moment before jumping to a conclusion.
eat like a horse
Eat like a horse means to always eat a lot of food. 这个短语与其字面意思相近,用来形容某个人吃得很多。在这个短语中,like的意思为“像”,而不能翻译为“喜欢”。在中文中,我们习惯用“食量大如牛”来形容人吃得多,但在英语中,就要用“horse”来表达这个意思了。
It’s really harmful to your health if you always eat like a horse.
She's so thin, yet she eats like a horse.
I can eat a cow.
Horse 用在短语中可以用来形容人吃得多,那么cow也可以用在英语中,形容人非常饿。“I can eat a cow”,我能吃下一头牛,其实就是来表达我很饿。与“I am very hungry.”或者“I am starving.”有相同意思。
I eat nothing for the whole day . I can eat a cow now.