The construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge started on Dec 29, 2016, and it is expected to come into operation in 2024. The 24-kilometer engineering feat will consist of a series of bridges, islands and tunnels. It will build the world's first eight-lane tunnel under the sea, and its maximum designed speed is 100 km/h.
深中通道(Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge)是国家“十三五”重大工程和《珠三角规划纲要》确定建设的重大交通基础设施项目(major transportation infrastructure construction project),是粤东通往粤西乃至大西南的便捷通道。建成通车以后,珠江东西两岸的通行时间将由2小时缩短为半小时。
和港珠澳大桥类似的是,深中通道也要途经伶仃洋,也是通过“东西人工岛”进行连接,同样要采用沉管技术(immersed tube methodology)。深中通道沉管隧道(immersed tube tunnel)工程比港珠澳大桥沉管隧道还长1.2公里,宽两车道。
受航运和空运等条件限制,深中通道设计采用了“东隧西桥”的设计方案,即在通道东侧采用隧道方式穿越通行(an immersed tunnel in the east section),西侧采用桥梁通行(a bridge in the west section)。
中交一航局S09标段副总工程师杨润来介绍,目前隧道正着手“海底接吻”(the connection of a tunnel end on an island with the first immersed tube,岛上现浇隧道与首节沉管对接)前的施工准备工作。
Yang said the immersed tunnel used the steel shell tube, the first of its kind in China, and there were many other new structures and technologies, which brought lots of challenges, such as lack of technical standards in the country.
沉管隧道首节管节钢壳(the first steel shell tube of immersed tube tunnel)目前正在制造加工,预计上半年完成制造。按照计划,后续将运输至桂山岛预制场完成管节预制,我国研制的世界第一艘且唯一一艘沉管运输安装一体船(the world's first and only ship for immersed tube transportation and installation)将于今年下半年进行联调联试,为今年底首节沉管安放做好准备。