China's southern island province of Hainan will ban the sale of gasoline-fueled automobiles by 2030, in a bid to safeguard its environment and develop a modern economy, the provincial government said on Tuesday.
According to the Hainan New Energy Vehicles Development Plan, Hainan will speed up the promotion of clean energy vehicles, and has set specific targets and outlined a road map, becoming the first province to unveil such a timeline.
清洁能源汽车(clean energy vehicles),又称为新能源汽车(new energy vehicles,NEV),是以清洁燃料取代传统汽油的环保型汽车的统称,具有能耗低(low energy consumption)、污染物排放少(low pollutant emission)等特点。新能源汽车包括纯电动汽车(blade electric vehicles ,简称BEV),混合动力汽车(hybrid electric vehicles,简称HEV),氢发动机汽车(hydrogen-powered vehicles),以及燃料电池电动汽车(fuel-cell electric vehicles)等类型。
力争通过3-5年时间,建成覆盖全省、满足各类型清洁能源汽车应用基本需求的充电网络(more electric charging networks will be built in the next three to five years to meet the needs of clean energy vehicles)。
到2020年,包括政府公务用车和公交车在内的所有公共领域新增和置换车辆全部使用清洁能源(all vehicles added or replaced in the public service sector, including government vehicles and buses, will use clean energy)。
增加私家车清洁能源化比例(a greater proportion of newly licensed private passenger cars will be new energy vehicles),每年递增10%,到2025年,清洁能源车比例达到80%。到2030年,全省禁售燃油车。
加快研究清洁能源物流车、出租车(含巡游出租车和网约出租车)、公交车、班线车、旅游车、货运车等运营补贴政策(subsidy policy for clean energy logistic vehicles, taxis, buses, urban-rural passenger buses, tourist buses and freight vehicles),助推营运车辆清洁能源化。
四是构建清洁能源车辆为载体的绿色、智慧交通体系(green intelligent transport system)。
鼓励绿色出行(green commuting)促进清洁能源汽车应用,探索绿色出行减碳积分机制(point collection system for carbon emission reduction)。
在汽车行业外商投资准入(foreign investment accessibility)、新建项目审批(new project approval)、兼并重组(merger and reorganization)、金融贸易(finance and trade)、商业模式(business model)等领域,实行更大力度的全面深化改革和对外开放。
推动清洁能源示范省建设,创新打造清洁能源汽车、绿色交通和智慧能源联动范例(example of linking clean energy vehicles, green transport and intelligent energy in a network),实现能源供应全生命周期清洁化。