The seven-year-old internet celebrity’s first stop was the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, a historical landmark in Beijing. During his visit, Gavin was captured dressing up like a little emperor and posed with an awkward smile.
The seemingly uneasy smile, as a matter of fact, was what made Gavin a star in China.
He first came to people’s attention back in 2014, when his uncle Nick Mastodon, another internet star, posted a video clip featuring Gavin on the short-form video streaming platform Vine.
In the loop video, a crested gecko was placed on top of Gavin’s head, prompting the little boy to force out a nervous smile followed by a discouraged, confused face.
Gavin’s unpretentious reactions soon went viral. “People started to comment about his reaction and how great it was,” Mastodon told US media outlet Select All.
加文真实简单的反应一下就火了。“人们开始评论他的表情有多棒,”马斯托顿在接受美国媒体Select All采访时表示。
Memes made with Gavin’s funny reactions started to spread around the Internet, and they transcended national boundaries and reached China.
When Chinese netizens discovered Gavin, they fell in love with the boy’s awkward smile which they interpreted as polite but reluctant – a very relatable emotion they may experience in socially awkward situations.
Fans created many memes with Gavin’s Instagram photos and used them in chatting apps and on social media platforms, often when they want to express helplessness, awkwardness or forced positivity in a harsh situation. They even came up with a nickname for him – “the boy with a fake smile.”
粉丝们用加文Instagram账号上的照片做了不少表情包,当他们想表达无助、尴尬或者在艰难处境下被迫保持微笑,就会在聊天应用以及社交媒体平台上使用这些表情包。粉丝们还给加文起了个外号 —— “假笑男孩”。
Having amassed a huge audience in China, an account was created in Gavin’s name on the Chinese social media platform Weibo in July. Over 1.6 million people have followed “the boy with a fake smile.”
His first post, a video which featured the little boy introducing himself, has won over 450,000 likes and was reposted nearly 200,000 times.