马来西亚安全调查团队表示,马航(Malaysia Airlines) MH370航班失踪可能是因“非法干涉”造成的,而如果马来西亚和越南的空管遵循规程,搜救行动本来可能会更早开始。
The publication of the safety report comes four years after MH370, with 239 passengers and crew on board, went missing on March 8 2014 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
Limited information and the missing wreckage mean the real cause of the incident remains unknown, leaving one of the world’s greatest aviation mysteries unsolved and stirring the frustration of passengers’ families.
“Investigating MH370 is the toughest job in the world,” said Kok Soo Chon, head of the safety investigation team.
马来西亚安全调查团队负责人郭师传(Kok Soo Chon)表示:“调查MH370航班失事是世界上最艰巨的任务。”
The report concluded that the flight’s pilot and first officer had no history of mental illness or anxiety, and that the aircraft, which unexpectedly changed direction mid-flight back towards Malaysia, was flown manually and not on autopilot.
The report noted that the loss of communication with MH370 before the diversion was likely due to systems being manually turned off, “whether with intent or otherwise”.
Mr Kok said he could not say with certainty that there was “unlawful interference”, in part because nobody has so far claimed responsibility for the aircraft’s disappearance.
The safety report also unveiled negligence by traffic control in Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City and the flight’s pilot, resulting in a 20-minute gap in the tracking of MH370.
Kuala Lumpur handed over the monitoring of the flight three minutes ahead of schedule. It did not notify Ho Chi Minh City, but rather asked the pilot to send out the alert, which he never did. Vietnam checked in on the aircraft 17 minutes after the pre-determined transfer time, at which point the MH370 had already disappeared.
“Air flight controllers did not initiate various emergency phases … thereby delaying the activation of search and rescue operations,” said Mr Kok.
The safety report dismissed earlier allegations that MH370 plunged into the ocean after running out of fuel or due to aircraft malfunction. But it did confirm that the batteries in the aircraft’s underwater locator device had expired in 2012.