Preparing for a meeting that would change the course of the Cold War, Nixon distilled history, politics and strategy into a handful of bullet points: What did China want? What did the United States want? What did they both want?
President Trump has said he does not need to prepare for his summit meeting with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader. But if Mr. Trump or an adviser were to make a similar set of notes, what might they say?
‘What They Want’
Nixon answered this question for China in three concise answers: Build up their world credentials. Taiwan. Get the U.S. out of Asia.
Mr. Trump might also reduce North Korea’s concerns to three points:
1. Security
1. 安全
Mr. Kim’s top priority is the security of his nation and the survival of the totalitarian regime that he inherited from his father and grandfather. He has said this is why he needs a nuclear arsenal — to deter the United States from attacking North Korea and attempting to overthrow him, as some in Washington have advocated.
But he has also committed to denuclearization, as long as the North can be guaranteed of its security. That is one reason a formal peace treaty ending the Korean War is under discussion. It could include assurances from both China and the United States and might lead eventually to the withdrawal of American troops from South Korea.
2. Respect
2. 尊重
If Mao was interested in China’s “world credentials,” Mr. Kim may be more interested in building up his reputation at home.
Being treated as an equal by Mr. Trump confers prestige on Mr. Kim that he can use to strengthen his grip on power.
Recognition as a nuclear state and acceptance in the international community would also bolster his position and allow him to boast of an achievement that eluded his father and grandfather. It is also a reason he may be reluctant to give up the weapons.
3. Economic relief
3. 经济救援
Mr. Kim has long called for the simultaneous pursuit of nuclear weapons and economic growth, but he abruptly announced in April that he was adopting a “new strategic line” that focuses on rebuilding the economy.
He has already allowed some market forces to take hold, but there is a limit to the progress North Korea can make while isolated by international sanctions.
“This is our biggest point of leverage,” said Suzanne DiMaggio, a director and senior fellow at the New America research group who has been involved in unofficial talks with North Korea.
“这是我们最大的砝码,”苏珊娜·迪马乔(Suzanne DiMaggio)说,她是研究机构新美国(New America)的主任兼高级研究员。
‘What We Want’
Nixon’s wish list from China included both immediate and long-term items — help ending the Vietnam War, restraining the spread of communism in Asia and reducing “the threat of a confrontation by Chinese Super Power.”
Mr. Trump’s list for North Korea may be a similar combination of short- and long-term goals:
1. Denuclearization
1. 无核化
This is the holy grail. It is critical to the balance of power in the region and global efforts to prevent nuclear proliferation. But the vast scope of North Korea’s program — and the fact that it has already tested and built nuclear weapons — means it would be the most challenging case of nuclear disarmament in history.
Mr. Kim has committed to the “denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” but the phrase means different things in Pyongyang and Washington. The United States wants North Korea to give up its weapons, nuclear material and production facilities on an accelerated timeline under the eye of inspectors, but the North favors a more protracted process, with concessions by the United States up front.
2. Stability
2. 稳定
North Korea rattled the region last year with its sixth underground nuclear explosion — of a possible hydrogen bomb — and 24 missile tests, including of a new intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting all of the United States. It also has a history of provocative military actions, including the shelling of a South Korean island and the suspected sinking of a South Korean naval vessel in 2010.
But Mr. Kim said in April that the North no longer needed to test nuclear weapons or long-range missiles. If Mr. Trump persuades him to extend the moratorium, that would ease tensions while also slowing the development of his arsenal.
3. Reduce threat to allies
3. 减少对盟友的威胁
Mr. Trump has shown a disregard for America’s traditional alliances around the world, but the United States is bound by treaty to defend both South Korea and Japan. Reducing the threat posed by North Korea would make it less likely for America to be drawn into a conflict in Asia.
Japan in particular is worried that even if North Korea gives up its nuclear arsenal and its ICBMs, it would still have shorter-range missiles as well as chemical and biological weapons. “You can say you’ve protected Americans,” said Daniel Sneider, a scholar at Stanford University. “Of course, you’ve left Japanese and Koreans and 80,000 American troops plus their dependents at risk.”
日本尤其担心的是,即使朝鲜放弃其核武库和洲际弹道导弹,它仍将拥有短程导弹、以及化学和生物武器。“你可以说你保护了美国人,”斯坦福大学学者丹尼尔·斯奈德(Daniel Sneider)说。“那当然,但你让日本人、韩国人、8万名美军士兵以及家属处于危险之中。”
‘What We Both Want’
This is where there is room for a deal to emerge. Nixon noted that China and the United States both wanted to reduce the risk of a conflict, and that both favored a more stable Asia and a restraint on the Soviet Union.
Mr. Trump might find common ground with Mr. Kim in these areas:
1. A new relationship
1. 一种新关系
Both men have expressed frustration at the lack of progress in previous negotiations and may be interested in a game-changing breakthrough that redefines the relationship between the two nations.
“If you just look at it as, ‘Give up your stuff,’ that framework is why we’ve been banging our head against the wall for so long,” said John Delury, a North Korea scholar at Yonsei University in Seoul. “If we say we need to fundamentally change the relationship, then you have a framework where there can be real progress.”
“如果只从‘你要放弃你的东西’这个角度考虑问题,那种框架是为什么我们这么长时间以来一直毫无进展的原因,”首尔延世大学(Yonsei University)的朝鲜问题学者鲁乐汉(John Delury)说,“如果我们说,我们需要从根本上改变两国关系,那就有了一个能够取得真正进展的框架。”
2. Reduce danger of confrontation and conflict 2. 减少对抗和冲突的危险
Mr. Trump threatened to unleash “fire and fury” on North Korea last year, and a North Korean official warned of a “nuclear-to-nuclear showdown” just a few weeks ago.
But a war would mean devastating casualties, including of American troops in South Korea, and American cities would also be at risk of suffering a nuclear strike because of the North’s recent advances. For Mr. Kim, a war would almost certainly result in the end of his rule and the destruction of his country.
3. Make our countries — and our leadership — great again
3. 让我们的国家——以及我们的领导力——恢复伟大光荣
Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim are both looking for political victories that will help them at home.
“The imagery of Kim and Trump holding hands, embracing and declaring an end to the Korean War, is probably something they both individually want,” said Laura Rosenberger, a senior fellow and director of the Washington-based Alliance for Securing Democracy.
“金正恩和特朗普握手、拥抱,宣布朝鲜战争结束的画面,可能是他们各自都想要的东西,”劳拉·罗森伯格(Laura Rosenberger)说,她是总部位于华盛顿的保卫民主联盟(Alliance for Securing Democracy)高级研究员兼主管。
4. More independence from China (?)
4. 更独立于中国(?)
North Korea once enjoyed two sponsors, China and the Soviet Union. But China has been its main economic benefactor since the Soviet collapse, accounting for more than 90 percent of foreign trade. In recent years, Beijing has also helped keep the North afloat by blocking or resisting tighter sanctions against it.
There is evidence, though, that suggests Mr. Kim is worried about growing too dependent on China.
As the United States and China compete for influence in Asia, any shift by North Korea away from Beijing might work to America’s advantage.
Henry Kissinger and other advisers tried to give Nixon advice on how to treat Mao before their summit meeting. In James Mann’s book “About Face: A History of America’s Curious Relationship With China, From Nixon to Clinton,” he reported that Nixon wrote:
亨利·基辛格和其他顾问试图在尼克松和毛泽东举行峰会前给尼克松出主意,告诉他如何对待毛泽东。孟捷慕(James Mann)在《脸面:从尼克松到克林顿的微妙中美关系史》(About Face: A History of America’s Curious Relationship With China, From Nixon to Clinton)一书中纪录了尼克松写下的东西:
Treat him (as Emperor)
1. Don’t quarrell (sic)
2. Don’t praise him (too much)
3. Praise the people — art, ancient.
4. Praise poems.
5. Love of country.
1. 不争吵
2. 不(过多地)称赞他
3. 称赞人民——艺术,古代的。
4. 称赞诗词。
5. 热爱国家。
Mr. Trump might consider these suggestions:
1. Treat him as a statesman.
2. Emphasize mutual respect.
3. Listen.
4. Praise friendship with Dennis Rodman (and maybe suggest a burger in Singapore?).
5. Don’t talk about Libya.
1. 把他当政治家对待。
2. 强调相互尊重。
3. 听听他的说法。
4. 赞扬与丹尼斯·罗德曼(Dennis Rodman)的友谊(也许建议在新加坡吃顿汉堡?)。
5. 不谈利比亚。
Some have urged Mr. Trump to raise North Korea’s abysmal human rights record, which he highlighted during his State of the Union address in January. But few expect him to spend much if any time on the subject.