Friday’s summit meeting between the leaders of North and South Korea was a master class in diplomatic choreography, with each scene arranged for its power as political theater and broadcast live. In a perilous standoff that has resisted solutions, it was these images that offered hope, much more than the actual results from the meeting — vague pledges to work toward nuclear disarmament and a peace treaty.
The dance between Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, and President Moon Jae-in of South Korea began with a two-step: Each leader crossed the border into the other man’s country before they headed, hand in hand for a few moments, to a meeting in Panmunjom, the truce village at the center of the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone.
From there, the talks unfolded in ways both surprisingly public and surprisingly profound. Few settings present a backdrop more dramatic than the Demilitarized Zone, the bloodstained border that has divided the Korean Peninsula for 70 years and at which the leaders of North and South Korea have never previously met.
The highlight took place in the late afternoon, when Mr. Kim and Mr. Moon sat at the end of a blue bridge in a wooded area and engaged in what appeared to be deep conversation in full view of journalists’ cameras. They looked less like sworn enemies than members of the same family, separated by a generation. They spoke alone, without aides, for about 30 minutes, a face-to-face discussion that many would have thought impossible only a few months ago.
The world looked on and tried to figure out from their gestures and facial expressions how it was going. Mr. Moon appeared to do most of the talking, with Mr. Kim’s serious mien breaking into quick smiles here and there.
In details large and small, the men, each an expert in political messaging, made the most of their shared stage.
For Mr. Kim, it was something of a debut, in which he presented himself to a global audience without the protection of the state media he controls or the filter of visitors such as the basketball star Dennis Rodman, one of the few outsiders who has met him.
对金正恩来说,这可谓首次亮相。没有受他控制的朝鲜官方媒体保护,也没有篮球明星丹尼斯·罗德曼(Dennis Rodman)这样经过筛选的访客——后者是为数不多的几个曾与他见过面的外部人士之一,金正恩就这样出现在了全球观众的面前。
Shifting his weight from side to side while speaking, he projected confidence in a husky voice — a voice usually heard only in prepared speeches broadcast in the North.
[Read selected quotes from Kim Jong-un’s remarks during the historic summit meeting here.]
Many watching in South Korea saw him as a younger, more heavyset version of his grandfather, North Korea’s founder, Kim Il-sung, and some noted his heavy breathing and wondered about his health.
There were glimpses of the absolute authority he wields at home too. Mr. Kim drove to lunch in a Mercedes limousine surrounded by 12 running bodyguards, for instance. And before he signed a guest book in the lobby of the conference hall, North Korean officials rushed to disinfect the desk and chair, as well as the book and a nearby pen. (Even after all that, Mr. Kim used a pen provided by his sister, Kim Yo-jong, the only woman in his delegation.)
从中,也可以窥见他在朝鲜的绝对权威。例如,金正恩在乘坐一辆奔驰豪华轿车前去进午餐时,有12名保镖跑步跟随。当他在会议大厅签署访客留言簿之前,朝鲜官员赶忙为桌椅消毒,包括留言簿和旁边的一支钢笔。(即便如此,金正恩还是用了代表团内唯一的女性——妹妹金与正[Kim Yo-jong]递给他的钢笔。)
At other moments Mr. Kim and Mr. Moon savored the symbolism of their shared history: embracing in front of a painting of Mount Kumgang, a North Korean landmark cherished on both sides of the border, and admiring a wall of calligraphy in hangul, the Korean alphabet.
Summit meetings are typically staid and closed-door affairs. Details filter out only in jargon-filled communiqués intended to be oblique. Friday’s meeting was almost the opposite, largely held outdoors under a bright spring sun.
The encounter was a stark contrast with what came before: a secretive visit Mr. Kim made to Beijing last month under the cover of night, and two previous summit meetings in which Mr. Moon’s predecessors traveled to the hermetic North Korean capital, Pyongyang, to see Mr. Kim’s father, Kim Jong-il.
这次会晤与之前的情况形成了鲜明的对比:上个月,金正恩趁着夜色前往北京进行了秘密访问;在此前的两次峰会上,文在寅的前任们前往朝鲜与世隔绝的首都平壤,会晤了金正恩的父亲金正日(Kim Jong-il)。
The morning was filled with the classics of public diplomacy — broad smiles, long handshakes, even a joke about North Korean missile tests waking the South Korean president early in the morning. But sometimes there was a twist. There was the traditional pomp and pageantry of a South Korean honor guard, but the soldiers wore 19th-century imperial costumes, recalling a time before the peninsula was divided by ideology and war.
As the day progressed, the scale of the meetings became more intimate. A large delegation of officials was whittled down before lunch to six people — three South Koreans and three North Koreans, including Mr. Kim’s sister.
In a lighthearted moment — one of several — Mr. Moon noted how Mr. Kim’s sister stole the show when she visited South Korea for the Winter Olympics in February, prompting laughter from delegates — and a blush from Ms. Kim.
Even the clothing the two leaders wore projected a message. For Mr. Moon, a dark business suit was paired with a light blue tie that echoed the hue used in the Korean Unification Flag, which the countries use when competing together as a single team at international sporting events.
甚至连两位领导人的服饰也传递着信息。文在寅穿的是一套深色西服,搭配浅蓝色领带,与朝鲜统一旗(Korean Unification Flag)的色调相呼应。朝鲜统一旗是这两个国家在国际体育赛事上以一个球队的身份参赛时所用的旗帜。
Mr. Kim wore an austere black Mao-style suit, a message to his citizens that despite being in enemy territory he was still committed to the ideals — and dress — of his grandfather, Kim Il-sung, North Korea’s founder, who ordered the 1950 invasion of the South that started the Korean War.
The day began with Mr. Kim stepping over the concrete slab that marks the border between the two countries, becoming the first North Korean leader to set foot in the South. (That achievement may soon be overshadowed by his meeting with Mr. Trump, when he would become the first North Korean leader to meet with a sitting American president.)
Inside Peace House, the building in which a meeting of top-level officials took place, even the décor was chosen for its political optics.
在和平之家(Peace House)的内部——两国曾在这里举行过一场高层官员会晤——甚至连装潢用品的选择都具有政治意味。
The table and chairs inside the meeting room were designed with a pattern evoking two bridges coming together, foreshadowing the bridge on which the two men would later hold their one-on-one conversation.
At another moment infused with symbolism, the men replanted a tree with soil and water taken from both sides of the border. It was originally planted in the DMZ in 1953, the year the Korean War effectively ended in an armistice.
As the cameras rolled, the two leaders unveiled a new plaque dedicated to “peace and prosperity.”
An army of journalists recorded the words. Just yards away, two actual armies stood at the ready, much as they have for 70 years.
North Korea’s state-run media had yet to report on the summit meeting as of Friday night. South Korean officials said the North was expected to broadcast edited footage from the meeting at a later time.
But Mr. Kim took the time to thank the journalists covering the meeting — a surprise gesture from a country where there is no freedom of press.
“If all North and South Koreans can travel freely on the path I took today, if Panmunjom becomes a symbol of peace, not of painful division, the two Koreas with their one blood, one language, one history and one culture will prosper for thousands of generations,” he said after signing the joint declaration with Mr. Moon.
Mr. Kim’s wife, Ri Sol-ju, and the South Korean first lady, Kim Jung-sook, joined their husbands for dinner, where Mr. Kim spoke again. “We are protagonists of history,” he said. “We are shouldering missions that no one else is going to carry for us.”
金正恩的妻子李雪主(Ri Sol-ju)和韩国第一夫人金正淑(Kim Jung-sook)与她们的丈夫一起共进晚餐,金正恩再次发表讲话。“我们是历史的主角,”他说,“我们肩负着其他任何人都无法替代的使命。”
The day ended with a farewell ceremony outdoors set to a mix of modern K-pop and traditional Korean folk music. Mr. Moon and Mr. Kim held hands as they stood looking on.