That's part of the logic, anyway, behind theunlikely candidacy of Ethan Sonneborn, a 13-year-old running for governor of Vermont, one of just twostates with no minimum age requirement for theoffice.
Sonneborn, who lives in Bristol, Vermont, with his parents and younger sister, Julia, 11, isseeking the Democratic nomination.
A candidate's age is no gauge of their effectiveness, Sonneborn tells PEOPLE, saying thatdespite Donald Trump being the oldest person elected to the U.S. Presidency, “He tweets like akindergartener.”
Sonneborn says he's been dismayed not only by what he sees as Trump's troubling decisionsand juvenile moments but also by the president's response after a counterprotester was killedduring the August white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia — which is what cementedSonneborn's decision to seek office.
The eighth grader's candidacy is also about overcoming age discrimination, which he sees asa barrier to equality, and he says his quest for the top state spot is no joke.
“It was the real 'I have to do this' moment,” he says.
“I saw a woman die and I saw the president of the United States refuse to unequivocallycondemn the people who killed her.”
“I think the best way to engage young people in the process is to win,” he says.
If he wins the primary, he would face off against first-term Republican Gov. Phil Scott, 59.
“This young Vermonter clearly has an interest in service and anyone putting ideas forward withthe goal of making Vermont a better place is appreciated here,” Scott's spokeswoman, Rebecca Kelley, tells PEOPLE.
“As we work to keep and attract more young professionals and job creators, we appreciateevery young person who is engaged and invested in our state.”