The latest delay of the listing previously projected to raise up to $5bn shows China’s online lenders — a hot investor theme of 2017 — remain under a cloud as Beijing scrutinises groups’ credit controls and reports of high-interest lending.
Lufax, which is part of Ping An, one of the world’s biggest insurers by market value, had been aiming to file for an initial public offering in Hong Kong earlier this year, according to bankers briefed on the process. The latest postponement follows an attempted listing in 2017 that was likewise thwarted by Beijing’s probes into online lenders.
陆金所是全球市值最高的保险商之一平安集团(Ping An)旗下机构。听取过相关介绍的银行家表示,陆金所今年早些时候还打算在香港申请首次公开发行(IPO)。该公司2017年的上市尝试也是因中国政府对网贷平台的调查而搁浅。
However, two people close to Lufax said it has decided to wait until it becomes clear when the China Banking Regulatory Commission will require online lenders to apply for a licence, which would ultimately be needed to continue to operate.
“It is not a simple test, it is a systemic one. You need to have most of the items to be up to standard,” said Michael Xu, founder of wdzj.com, an online data provider. “Probably a batch [of licence approvals] will come out in April. However, there is still uncertainty because the leaders are so busy.”
“这不是一场简单的测试,而是一套系统测试,你需要让大多数事项达到标准,”在线数据提供商网贷之家(wdzj.com)创始人徐红伟(Michael Xu)表示,“可能会有一批(许可)在4月份出炉。但仍存在不确定性,因为领导们太忙了。”
“Lufax has been put on hold because of China’s clampdown on peer-to-peer lenders,” said one banker working with Lufax. “China wants to give out licences around April. You’d assume [Lufax] wants to get the licence before doing an investor roadshow.”
Another banker said: “There is a lot of noise in the fintech space in China right now, so companies want to make sure they do it right, rather than go first. There’s a strong view that they [Lufax] are the leading fintech business, so they want to get the timing right.”
Lufax was valued at $18.5bn after a fundraising in early 2016.
One investor said: “Lenders will have a grace period after authorities stipulate the requirements for operating under a permit, if there is a permit required.”
Peer-to-peer online lenders are sites that channel investors’ cash directly to borrowers, cutting out the banks as the traditional middlemen. Online lenders claim to facilitate loans more efficiently than banks and to offer a superior service, while giving investors attractive interest rates.
The licensing process in China is part of a crackdown on the sector by mainland authorities, which began scrutinising the industry in 2016 after a number of risky lending practices surfaced, such as high-interest loans to vulnerable borrowers and unorthodox collection methods.
Bankers said the clampdown and a lack of clarity over the timing of the regulatory process has affected the performance of Chinese online lenders after listing on exchanges.
Qudian, which operates an online site that facilitates small cash loans, listed on the New York Stock Exchange in October last year at $24 a share, above the marketed $19-$22 range. Although its share price initially surged, it slumped days later amid concern over data privacy and is now down about 42 per cent.
PPDAI Group, which runs an online consumer lending site, listed at $13 on the NYSE last November, below its target range of $16-$19. Shares are now trading about 41 per cent lower.
运营在线消费贷款网站的拍拍贷(PPDAI Group),去年11月在纽交所上市,发行价为13美元,低于16美元至19美元的目标区间。目前该公司股价已下跌了约41%。
Lufax was not immediately available to comment.
Additional reporting by Don Weinland
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