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香港将讨论《国歌条例草案》 侮辱国歌可判三年监禁




Hong Kong school children will be taught the Chinese national anthem and anyone who insults the “March of the Volunteers” could face three years in prison under proposed local legislation to implement a Chinese national anthem law in the territory.

香港的中小学将教学生唱中国国歌。根据一份旨在香港执行中国国歌法的当地法律提案,侮辱《义勇军进行曲》(March of the Volunteers)的人可能会面临三年期的监禁。

Hong Kong is obliged to introduce the law - which is seen as a threat to the city’s freedom and autonomy - after China in September enacted a law mandating detention without trial and other criminal punishments for those who disrespect the national anthem.


Hong Kong football fans have received multiple warnings from the government after booing the national anthem at matches became routine since the pro-democracy Occupy protests in 2014. The protest against the anthem represents a wider backlash against Beijing’s increasing interventions in the city.


Those fans who turned their backs during the anthem will have to stand and “deport themselves respectfully” under the draft bill.


The outline of the bill said performances and singing of the “March of the Volunteers” “shall follow the lyrics and the score... and it must not be performed or sung in a manner harmful to the dignity of the national anthem”.


Anyone who “publicly and willfully alters the lyrics or the score”, performs the song in a “derogatory manner or insults the national anthem” is liable to a fine and imprisonment for three years”.


The legislation will be discussed in Hong Kong’s Legislative Council co on March 23.

该法案将于3月23日在香港立法会(Legislative Council)进行讨论。


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