不能指责李书福为了与德国高层结交而出高价收购戴姆勒(Daimler)。据德国媒体报道,在浙江吉利控股(Zhejiang Geely Holding)收购戴姆勒价值90亿美元的股份后,其董事长李书福收到了德国联邦总理府的邀请。
The Chinese car company will pay much less in cash than the headline figure. And the exposure to German manufacturing and marketing should be worth it, as a 6.5 per cent jump in the shares on Monday signalled.
The transaction uses a “funded equity collar” designed by engineers of the financial variety. Derivatives deals limit gains and losses on the 9.7 per cent strategic stake. That makes the financing of the purchase nearly riskless and therefore cheap for Geely. The net outlay the Chinese group will pay on top of the loan value should be modest compared with the stake value. The ratio has not been disclosed. Groups such as HNA have used this trick in the past.
这笔交易使用了金融工程师设计的“融资股权领口”(funded equity collar)。衍生品交易把这笔9.7%的战略股份的收益与损失限定在一定范围内。这使此次收购的融资几乎没有风险,因此吉利的融资成本很低。在贷款获得的资金之外,吉利还需净支付的金额与股份价值相比应当很小。这一比率尚未公布。海航(HNA)等集团过去就曾使用过这种方式。
Daimler and Geely are both doing well despite a slowing Chinese market. It is the German premium car group’s largest, at 25 per cent of unit sales last year. Geely’s revenues grew by a quarter annually in the past five years and the group is anxious to go global.
Collaboration in China is unlikely, given that Daimler has joint ventures with BAIC and BYD. The German group just announced Rmb11.9bn ($1.9bn) of shared investment with BAIC, a Beijing-based automotive group. If Mr Li joins the Daimler board, he can at least take notes on how to take his successful mass-market brand overseas. The German group will be wary of sharing its technology with him. But a partnership could still help boost returns on heavy spending on electric and self-driving cars.
Mr Li’s interest in Daimler was long advertised and was rebuffed in October. The balance of advantage should mainly accrue to Geely, hence its persistence. Mr Li had better ready a line on the advantages of the deal to Daimler for when he meets chancellery officials.