The shutdown was sparked by Rand Paul, a Republican senator from Kentucky, who wanted to express frustration that his party was pushing legislation that would boost the deficit despite having spent many years criticising Democrats for doing just that.
引起白宫停摆的是肯塔基州(Kentucky)的共和党参议员兰德•保罗(Rand Paul)(见题图),他希望抒发自己的失望之情,因为他所在的共和党正在推动一项将会提高赤字的法案,而共和党此前多年一直批评民主党这样做。
Donald Trump remained silent about the shutdown.
唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)对白宫的停摆保持沉默。
Congress had braced for another round of high-stakes brinkmanship on Thursday as lawmakers in both chambers prepared to vote on the two-year budget deal.
The deal, which followed months of bitter wrangling, was intended to eliminate, for now, the periodic crises where the government closes or heads to the brink of shutdown.
The Senate had been expected to back the budget and send it to the House for a vote before midnight. Most experts had expected that the bill would pass the Senate but face more trouble in the House. But Mr Rand complicated the situation in the Senate, and made it impossible for the GOP leadership to bring the bill up for a vote.
During a lengthy speech in the Senate that was designed to delay the vote, Mr Paul listed spending programmes that he said were examples of how the federal government was wasting money.
He accused his fellow Republicans of hypocrisy. “When both parties are happy, they’re usually looting the Treasury,” said Mr Paul. “And that’s what this bill does.”
While the first shutdown was largely blamed on the Democrats, who tried to couple the budget measure to a separate immigration issue, blame for the latest shutdown will be blamed on Mr Paul and his party, which controls both houses of Congress.