Only weeks ago, the games in Pyeongchang risked careering off-piste as provocations from North Korea threatened to disrupt the safety and success of the global sporting tournament.
But in a remarkable turnround in relations, the two Koreas — adversaries for more than 70 years — have found common ground just in time for the games.
In addition to a joint women’s ice hockey team and a host of cultural exchanges, the two sides were due to march together in the opening ceremony today under a “unification flag”.
The developments are almost certain to ensure the safety of the event, which will be the largest Winter Olympics on record with almost 2,000 athletes competing for more than 100 gold medals. Yet questions abound about how long the detente can last.
“Even at the end of last year, many were concerned over the North’s possible provocations during the Olympics, but that element has now disappeared,” said Park Jin-kyung at Catholic Kwandong University.
“即使在去年底,很多人都担心北韩可能在奥运会期间有挑衅行为,但是现在这个因素已经消失了,”加图立关东大学(Catholic Kwandong University)的Park Jin-kyung表示。
“The risk factors have gone. If this amicable atmosphere continues, and South Korean athletes perform well, we’ll see a surge in positive sentiment,” Mr Park added. “The problem, however, lies in whether the North’s attitude will change after the games.”
“风险因素已经消失。如果这种友好的气氛持续下去,而韩国运动员表现良好,我们将看到积极情绪高涨,”Park Jin-kyung补充说。“然而问题在于北韩的态度在赛后会否改变。”
The Seoul city government expects the number of tourists to spike by more than 350,000 during the period of the Olympics and Paralympics, which run until the middle of March.
Presiding over the opening will be South Korea president Moon Jae-in, who is betting that a so-called peace Olympics featuring North Korea can pave the way for deepening diplomatic engagement on the Korean peninsula.
韩国总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)将主持本届冬奥会开幕式,他寄望有朝鲜参与的所谓“和平奥运”可以为深化朝鲜半岛的外交接触铺平道路。
Yesterday, Pyongyang staged a military parade featuring its arsenal of ballistic missiles as well as tanks and artillery to celebrate the anniversary of the foundation of its army.
Unlike previous displays, the procession was not broadcast live — a move that analysts believe was aimed at keeping the event low profile. The parade also featured a reduced line-up of weaponry compared with previous years.
More significantly, Pyongyang is sending Kim Jo Yong, the sister of leader Kim Jong Un, to attend the games’ opening ceremony.
更具重大意义的是,平壤方面将派出领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的妹妹金与正(Kim Jo Yong)出席冬奥会开幕式。
Ms Kim was due to travel to the South today, bolstering a North Korean charm offensive that includes hundreds of athletes, musicians and cheerleaders.
With matching uniforms and highly scripted performances, the artists have been a curious obsession for many South Korean media outlets.
The presidential Blue House said Mr Moon would officially meet Ms Kim tomorrow. Her presence at the opening ceremony today, however, may create an awkward diplomatic situation.
As a top VIP, she is likely to be seated near the South Korean leader. Also nearby will be Mike Pence, US vice-president, who has threatened to use the games to call out Pyongyang’s belligerent behaviour and history of human rights abuses.
作为顶级贵宾,她可能会坐在韩国领导人附近。另一个在贵宾席入座的将是美国副总统迈克•彭斯(Mike Pence),他已放话称,将利用本届冬奥会谴责平壤的好战行为和侵犯人权的历史。
Mr Pence has called Pyongyang’s participation a “charade” and this week announced the US would soon reveal tough new sanctions on the regime.
Additional reporting by Kang Buseong Kang Buseong补充报道