Mr Draghi hit back at Steven Mnuchin, US Treasury secretary, who said in Davos on Wednesday that a weaker dollar was good for American trade, breaking with the strong dollar policy of previous US administrations. 德拉吉对美国财长史蒂芬•姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)进行了回击。姆努钦周三在达沃斯表示,美元走弱对美国贸易有利,摒弃了美国前几届行政当局的强势美元政策。
Mr Mnuchin’s intervention reignited speculation that the White House will try to devalue the US currency to boost exports as part of its “America First” agenda. 姆努钦的干预再次引发了一种猜测,即白宫将试图让美元贬值,以提振出口,作为其“美国优先”议程的一部分。
Mr Draghi pointed to an international agreement between economies, including the US, last October not to talk down their currencies. 德拉吉提到了包括美国在内的经济体去年10月达成的、旨在不通过言论打压本币汇率的一项国际协议。
Some of the recent volatility in exchange rates had been caused by “the use of language . . . that doesn’t reflect the terms of reference we have agreed”, he said. 他说,近日的汇率波动在一定程度上是由“使用并不反映我们已同意的参照框架的语言”所引起的。
Asked at a news conference following the ECB’s rate-setting meeting about whether the Trump administration was a cause for concern, Mr Draghi was even more explicit. 在欧洲央行议息会议后的记者会上被问及特朗普政府是否引起关注时,德拉吉的回答甚至更加直白。
“Several members [of the ECB governing council] expressed concern,” he said. “The concern was broader than simply the exchange rate, it was about the overall status of international relations right now.” “(欧洲央行管理委员会)的几名委员表达了担忧,”他说,“这种担忧不仅仅体现在汇率方面,而是关乎当前国际关系的总体状况。”
The US dollar has fallen 14.6 per cent against the euro since Donald Trump took office a year ago, including a 1.8 per cent drop in the two days since Mr Mnuchin’s remarks. The euro rose above $1.25 for the first time since December 2014 on Thursday before slipping to $1.249 in late London trading, up 0.6 per cent on the day. 在达沃斯接受美国财经新闻频道CNBC采访时,特朗普试图修复姆努钦引发的裂痕。他表示,“坦率地说,谁也不应谈论”美元币值,随后补充道,他支持强势美元。
In an interview with CNBC in Davos, Mr Trump attempted to repair the rift created by Mr Mnuchin, saying “frankly nobody should be talking about” the dollar’s value, before adding that he supported a strong US currency. “我们的国家在经济上再次变得如此强大,在其他方面也是一样,顺便说一下,美元将变得越来越强,最终我希望看到强势美元,”特朗普说。
“Our country is becoming so economically strong again and strong in other ways too, by the way, that the dollar is going to get stronger and stronger and ultimately I want to see a strong dollar,” Mr Trump said. 欧洲央行将其利率维持在创纪录低位,并重申将继续执行危机时期的债券购买计划,并在必要时扩张该计划,直至欧元区的通胀水平开始上升。
The ECB kept its interest rates at record lows and reiterated its commitment to keep its crisis-era bond-buying programme in place, and expand it if necessary, until inflation in the eurozone begins to rise.