安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)将出席下月举行的冬季奥运会,尽管与东道主韩国在日本战时使用“性奴隶”的问题上发生了外交纠纷。
The Japanese prime minister said yesterday that he wanted to hold a summit with Moon Jae-in, South Korea’s president, and support a fellow Asian host ahead of the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
日本首相昨日表示,他希望与韩国总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)举行峰会,并在2020年东京奥运会之前支持另一个亚洲的奥运会东道主。
Mr Abe’s decision suggests he will not break off relations over Seoul’s call for further recompense and apology to “comfort women” forced to work in military brothels during the second world war. Japan rejects those calls because the two countries signed a “final and irreversible” settlement of the issue in 2015.
Instead, Mr Abe will demand that South Korea honours its side of the 2015 deal, making it harder for Mr Moon to reignite the dispute even as he welcomes world leaders to the Olympics.
“If circumstances allow, I want to attend the opening ceremony for the Pyeongchang Olympics,” Mr Abe said. “At the same time, I’d like to hold a summit with President Moon Jae-in and properly lay out Japan’s position on our ‘comfort women’ agreement.”
The 2015 agreement was thrown into doubt early this year when Mr Moon derided it as “seriously flawed”. A state-appointed panel in South Korea said the previous conservative government had failed to consult victims properly before reaching the deal. Earlier this month, South Korea’s foreign ministry said it would not try to renegotiate the agreement, but called on Tokyo to keep making efforts to restore honour and dignity to the victims. The South Korean government also said it would set aside $9m to help the victims in place of compensation already paid by Japan.
Many in South Korea and Japan regard those actions as tantamount to nullifying the deal. Some of Mr Abe’s conservative supporters want him to retaliate by freezing relations with Seoul. But other Japanese officials think that would play into Mr Moon’s hands by allowing him to claim that the 2015 agreement was dead. They want to uphold Japan’s end of the deal and force Mr Moon to take the initiative.
“We welcome Japan’s decision to officially announce Prime Minister Abe’s visit to the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics,” Seoul’s presidential spokesman said, adding that the two governments would consult closely to make Mr Abe’s visit a success.
Mr Abe said he also wanted to discuss North Korea with Mr Moon. Tokyo and Seoul are the two most important US allies in the region. Co-operation is important in coping with Pyongyang’s military threats and the unpredictability of Donald Trump, the US president.
安倍表示,他还想同文在寅讨论朝鲜问题。日韩是美国在该地区最重要的两个盟友。既要应对平壤的军事威胁,又要应对美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)不可预测的行事风格,意味着合作十分重要。
The “comfort women” issue has long poisoned relations between the neighbours. Many in South Korea believe Tokyo has never shown sufficient remorse. Many in Japan think Seoul uses the issue as a diplomatic weapon and no apology will ever be sufficient.