Some of the country’s biggest builders of solar farms are battling proposals by Indian regulators to impose an emergency tax on solar cells imported from China and Malaysia, as well as more developed economies. The plans are likely to have a big impact on the Chinese industry, which has ramped up exports to India in part because of domestic oversupply.
The duty was called for by some of India’s biggest panel makers, led by Adani Group, which is controlled by the billionaire businessman Gautam Adani.
以亿万富翁商人高塔姆•阿达尼(Gautam Adani)控制的阿达尼集团(Adani Group)为首,一批印度最大的太阳能电池板制造商呼吁征收此税。
Their case was accepted by New Delhi’s directorate general of safeguards, which said it would propose an immediate 70 per cent tariff for 200 days until it can reach a more permanent conclusion.
But the report has sparked an angry response from developers who have reduced their prices in the past few years, putting the Indian solar power industry at the front of a global renewables revolution.
It has also attracted criticism from smaller manufacturers, which say that by including raw materials under the tariff, the regulator has made it much more expensive for them to make panels. Only a handful of Indian companies make the individual cells that are then knitted together to make the panels, one of which will soon be Adani.
Abhinav Mahajan, director of IB Solar, a manufacturer based near Delhi, said: “They will kill us if they impose this tariff.”
德里附近的太阳能电池制造商IB Solar的董事阿比纳夫•马哈詹(Abhinav Mahajan)表示:“征收这种关税就是杀了我们。”
The proposals from India’s DGS are particularly sensitive, given the ambitious plans set by the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to build 100 gigawatts of new solar power by 2022.
考虑到印度总理纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)的政府制定的、到2022年时建成100吉瓦新增太阳能发电能力的宏伟计划,印度保障措施总局的方案显得尤为敏感。
Over the past two years the falling price of Chinese solar panel imports have allowed developers to slash the projected costs of building new solar parks.
But some in the industry have recently begun to warn that the low bids are unsustainable, and vulnerable if the cost of panels unexpectedly rises again.
Indian manufacturers for their part have welcomed the plans, arguing that they would boost Mr Modi’s hopes to boost domestic manufacturing, under a scheme he calls “Make in India”.
Adani would not comment on the findings. But Dhruv Sharma, chief executive of Jupiter Capital, one of the co-petitioners, challenged the idea that it would harm power generators. “How are they going to sell cheap power if there is no manufacturing in this country?” he said. “We want cheap electricity, but beyond a certain balancing point we will have no manufacturing.”
阿达尼不愿对印度保障措施总局的初步结论置评。但另外一家参与请愿活动的公司Jupiter Capital的首席执行官杜鲁夫•夏尔马(Dhruv Sharma)对征税将损害印度太阳能发电产业的说法提出了异议。“如果这个国家没有制造业了,它们将如何卖出廉价的电力?”他说,“我们想要廉价的电力,但超过某个平衡点,我们就没有制造业了。”