After months of fierce debate, HKEX will allow companies deemed “innovative” — such as some technology businesses — to list with dual-class share structures from the second half of the year, according to people close to the process.
HKEX chief executive Charles Li said that Chinese technology giant Alibaba’s record-breaking $25bn flotation in 2014 on the New York Stock Exchange, where companies can list with structures in which some shares carry more voting rights than others, made HKEX “reckon with this issue”.
港交所行政总裁李小加(Charles Li)表示,中国科技巨擘阿里巴巴2014年在纽约证交所(NYSE)进行创纪录的250亿美元上市,使得香港交易所开始思索这个问题。在纽约,上市公司可采用一些特别的股权结构,让某些股票比其他股票拥有更大投票权。
“That transaction [Alibaba] gave us a huge opportunity to review our structure and allowed us to make a series of decisions that led us here today,” Mr Li told the Financial Times.
Dual-class share structures tend to appeal to technology companies and family-run businesses where the founders want to retain more control. They enable companies to issue shares with different voting rights, rather than the traditional “one share one vote” structure. It can give company founders greater power over the companies even if they hold only a small proportion of shares.
Market participants, including banks, fund managers and lawyers, are responding to the exchange’s plans. However, a number of global fund managers have already voiced concerns about investors’ diminished voting rights.
“We are concerned about the implications for good corporate governance in the Hong Kong market and other markets,” said Jenn-Hui Tan, director of corporate finance at Fidelity International.
“我们担心此举在香港乃至其他市场给优良公司治理带来的潜在影响,”富达国际(Fidelity International)企业融资总监Jenn-Hui Tan表示。
Resistance to companies with dual-class shares has also gained traction in the US. Last July, FTSE Russell decided to exclude Snap after the US social media and technology company sold shares with no voting rights.
与此同时,美国也出现了抵制双层股权公司的势头。去年7月,富时罗素(FTSE Russell)决定将Snap排除在外,因为这家美国社交媒体和科技公司发售无投票权的股票。
The plans by HKEX are designed to attract some of the new economy and technology firms planning for blockbuster listings. The Singapore stock exchange is also considering dual-class shares, and could provide an update to the market as early as this week, according to people close to the situation.
New economy companies include fintech and technology stocks, a number of which are fast-growing and are seeking to list in the coming months. Xiaomi, a Chinese smartphone maker, this week appointed Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to lead its flotation, which could value the group as high as $100bn.
新经济公司包括金融科技和科技公司,其中一些公司正在快速成长,并寻求在未来几个月上市。小米(Xiaomi)本周任命高盛(Goldman Sachs)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)牵头安排其上市,届时对这家中国智能手机制造商的估值可能高达1000亿美元。
“The urgency is China’s development today has finally come to a point of potential breakthrough,” Mr Li said. China is starting to leapfrog the US and Europe in terms of its digital services, because the country does not have long-established and adequate infrastructure in various sectors, he added.
Mr Li said that when Alibaba was preparing to list, HKEX was not ready as it needed to follow “due process” and consult the market before pushing ahead with allowing for dual share class structures.
“Obviously we will not allow our market to be marginalised on this most important transformative phenomenon that is likely going to define [the] Chinese economy in the next 20 years.”
He added: “If a lack of this system [dual class shares] in Hong Kong has the undesired, unintended, twisted consequence of forcing people to do an offering in a market that is not their natural choice — that actually does not serve them well, which means investors investing in these companies may not necessarily be getting the best result.”
Shares in HKEX rose 5.9 per cent on Tuesday and have gained 56 per cent over the past twelve months.