Authorities said a group of university students visiting the exchange as part of a study tour were among those injured when the floor caved in.
At least 72 people were being treated for injuries from the incident in the complex’s Tower Two and that there had been no fatalities, Jakarta police said.
雅加达警方表示,至少有72人因为在双塔综合大楼的二号楼(Tower Two)发生的事故中受伤而接受治疗,无人死亡。
Witnesses reported seeing glass and concrete raining down on people below in the main lobby, sending others fleeing in panic.
The collapse occurred just before noon during the exchange’s lunch break. The area was evacuated and cordoned off by police.
Authorities dismissed suggestions that it may have been a terrorist attack.
“There is no bomb element in the incident,” said Setyo Wasisto, national police spokesman.
国家警察发言人塞蒂约•瓦斯托(Setyo Wasisto)表示:“这起事件中不存在炸弹元素。”
The building is part of a two tower complex in Jakarta’s financial district that also houses the World Bank’s local office, as well as banks, brokerages and oil companies.
这栋建筑是雅加达金融区一座双塔综合大楼的一部分,也是世界银行(World Bank)驻印尼办事处以及多家银行、券商和石油公司落户的地方。
In 2000, the building was targeted by Islamist militants in a car-bomb attack.
Anies Baswedan, Jakarta governor, has ordered an audit to assess the safety of the building.
雅加达特区首长阿尼斯•巴斯威丹(Anies Baswedan)已下令进行安全检查,以评估这座大楼的安全性。